这里不能使用Paragraph,List或者Image对象,因为我们处于文本模式(text mode),而且要注意的时:对齐选项和行高是通过PdfPCell类的属性来设置的。
listing 4.6 MovieTextMode.cs
List<Movie> movies = PojoFactory.GetMovies(conn); foreach (Movie movie in movies) { PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2); table.SetWidths(new int[] { 1, 4 }); PdfPCell cell; cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(movie.Title, FilmFonts.BOLD)); cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cell.Colspan = 2; table.AddCell(cell); if (movie.OriginalTitle != null) { cell = new PdfPCell(PojoToElementFactory.GetOriginalTitlePhrase(movie)); cell.Colspan = 2; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; table.AddCell(cell); } List<Director> directors = movie.Directors; cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Directors:")); cell.Rowspan = directors.Count; cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; table.AddCell(cell); int count = 0; foreach (Director pojo in directors) { cell = new PdfPCell(PojoToElementFactory.GetDirectorPhrase(pojo)); cell.Indent = 10 * count++; table.AddCell(cell); } table.DefaultCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; table.AddCell("Year:"); table.AddCell(movie.Year.ToString()); table.AddCell("Run Length :"); table.AddCell(movie.Duration.ToString()); List<Country> countries = movie.Countries; cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Countries:")); cell.Rowspan = countries.Count; cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; table.AddCell(cell); foreach (Country country in countries) { table.AddCell(country.C_Country); } document.Add(table); }
listing 4.7 Spacing.cs
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(p); //row 1 table.AddCell("default leading/ spacing"); table.AddCell(cell); //row 2 table.AddCell("absolute leading: 20"); cell.SetLeading(20f, 0f); table.AddCell(cell); //row 3 table.AddCell("absolute leading: 3; relative leading: 1.2"); cell.SetLeading(3f, 1.2f); table.AddCell(cell); //row 4 table.AddCell("absolute leading: 0; relative leading: 1.2"); cell.SetLeading(0f, 1.2f); table.AddCell(cell); //row 5 table.AddCell("no leading at all"); cell.SetLeading(0f, 0f); table.AddCell(cell);
listing 4.8 Spacing.cs (contiuned)
//row 6 cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Dr. iText or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love PDF")); table.AddCell("padding 10"); cell.Padding = 10; table.AddCell(cell); //row 6 table.AddCell("padding 0"); cell.Padding = 0; table.AddCell(cell); //row 7 table.AddCell("different padding for left,right, top and bottom"); cell.PaddingLeft = 20; cell.PaddingRight = 50; cell.PaddingTop = 0; cell.PaddingBottom = 5; table.AddCell(cell);
我们可以根据单元格第一行的ascender来调整padding值。bottom padding的值则适应单元格中的最后一行的descender值。以下的代码为12行的设置代码:
listing 4.9 Spacing.cs (contiuned)
table.DefaultCell.UseDescender = true; table.DefaultCell.UseAscender = true; table.AddCell("padding 2; ascender, descender"); cell.Padding = 2; cell.UseAscender = true; cell.UseDescender = true; table.AddCell(p);
listing 4.10 TableHeight.cs
PdfPTable table = CreateFirestTable(); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Table height before document.Add(): {0}", table.TotalHeight))); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Height of the first row : {0}", table.GetRowHeight(0)))); document.Add(table); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Table height after document.Add(): {0}", table.TotalHeight))); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Height of the firest row: {0}", table.GetRowHeight(0)))); table = CreateFirestTable(); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Table height before SetTotalWidth(): {0}", table.TotalHeight))); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Height of the first row: {0}", table.GetRowHeight(0)))); table.TotalWidth = 50; table.LockedWidth = true; document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Table height after SetTotalWidth(): {0}", table.TotalHeight))); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Height of the first row: {0}", table.GetRowHeight(0)))); document.Add(table);
liting 4.11 CellHeights.cs
// a long phrase with newlines p = new Phrase("Dr. iText or:\nHow I Learned to Stop Worrying\nand Love PDF."); cell = new PdfPCell(p); // the phrase fits the fixed height table.AddCell("fixed height(more than sufficient)"); cell.FixedHeight = 72f; table.AddCell(cell); // the phrase doesn't fit the fixed height table.AddCell("fixed height(not sufficient)"); cell.FixedHeight = 36f; table.AddCell(cell); // The minimum height is exceeded table.AddCell("minimum height"); cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Dr. iText")); cell.MinimumHeight = 36f; table.AddCell(cell); // The last row is extended table.ExtendLastRow = true; table.AddCell("extend last row"); table.AddCell(cell); document.Add(table);
通过以上的代码和图大家可以看到如果设置NoWrap为True的话文本就有可能溢出单元格,所以一般情况下还是不要设置。以上的行高都是计算出来的,但我们也可以通过FixedHeight 属性来设置行高,以上代码中我们设置了两个行高:72和36,然后将文本:Dr.iText or : How I learned to stop worrying and love PDF添加进单元格,从图中可以看到36pt的行高不够因此and Love PDF就没有显示出来。这就可以回答了在学习ColumnText时提到的问题:如果文本不能完全填充时有什么结果。所以我们调用ColumnText的方法时要确认文本能够完全填充或者你希望通过这个方法减少一些文本。设置FixedHeight的值太少会导致文本减少,但我们还可以设置MinimumHeight属性:如果文本可以填充的话行高就不变,如果不能填充行高就会相应的变大。最后一行的单元格延伸到了页面的下边距,但这不是PdfPCell的属性,是通过PdfPTable的ExtendLastRow来实现的。
目前为止我们都是在文本模式的情况下讨论PdfPCell的属性,但除了leading, horizontal alignment和indentation属性之外,其它的属性如cell height,padding等在组合模式时也是有效的。有效的属性也包括从Rectangle类继承的属性。
listing 4.12 RotationAndColors.cs
// row 1, cell 1 cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("COLOR")); cell.Rotation = 90; cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_TOP; table.AddCell(cell); // row 1, cell 2 cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("red/ no borders")); cell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; cell.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.RED; table.AddCell(cell); // row 1, cell 3 cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("green/ black bottom border")); cell.Border = Rectangle.BOTTOM_BORDER; cell.BorderColor = BaseColor.BLACK; cell.BorderWidthBottom = 10f; cell.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.GREEN; table.AddCell(cell); // row 1, cell 4 cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("cyan / blue top border + padding")); cell.Border = Rectangle.TOP_BORDER; cell.UseBorderPadding = true; cell.BorderWidthTop = 5f; cell.BorderColorTop = BaseColor.BLUE; cell.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.CYAN; table.AddCell(cell); // row 2, cell 1 cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("GRAY")); cell.Rotation = 90; cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; table.AddCell(cell); // row 2, cell 2 cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("0.6")); cell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; cell.GrayFill = 0.6f; table.AddCell(cell);
通过单元格的Rotation属性我们设置其内容的旋转,和Image对象一样默认是逆时针旋转。如第二行的第一个单元格是通过Rotaion和VerticalAlignment来实现的。从图上大家会发现这个表格比较花哨,其中包含了很多的颜色。第一行的第二个单元格就是通过BackgroundColor 来设置背景色,而第二行的背景色是通过GrayFill来设置。边框的设置是通过Border属性设置,其中Rectangle.NO_BORDER就是没有边框,上下左右的边框对应的就是TOP_BORDER,BOTTOM_BORDER,LEFT_BORDER,RIGHT_BORDER。大家记得在学习Image的时候Rectangle.BOX会同时设置上下左右边框,这个值也是单元格的默认选项。
listing 4.13 RotationAndColors.cs (continued)
// row 3, cell 3 cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("with correct padding")); cell.UseBorderPadding = true; cell.BorderWidthLeft = 16f; cell.BorderWidthBottom = 12f; cell.BorderWidthRight = 8f; cell.BorderWidthTop = 4f; cell.BorderColorLeft = BaseColor.RED; cell.BorderColorBottom = BaseColor.ORANGE; cell.BorderColorRight = BaseColor.YELLOW; cell.BorderColorTop = BaseColor.GREEN; table.AddCell(cell); // row 3, cell 4 cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("red border")); cell.BorderWidth = 8f; cell.BorderColor = BaseColor.RED; table.AddCell(cell);
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("some text"));
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.AddElement(new Paragraph("some text"));
以上的两份代码是有很大的区别 在第一个代码中,Paragraph对象的一些属性如leading,alignment是不起作用的,相反要设置对应PdfPCell对象的属性。在第二个代码中,我们通过AddElement方法转换为组合模式,这里PdfPCell对象的leading,alignment,indentation属性就不起作用了。这种架构和我们学到的ColumnText对象一样。
listing 4.14 MovieCompositeMode.cs
cell = new PdfPCell(); // a cell with paragraphs and lists Paragraph p = new Paragraph(movie.Title, FilmFonts.BOLD); p.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; p.SpacingAfter = p.SpacingBefore = 5; cell.AddElement(p); cell.Border = PdfPCell.NO_BORDER; if (movie.OriginalTitle != null) { p = new Paragraph(movie.OriginalTitle, FilmFonts.ITALIC); p.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cell.AddElement(p); } list = PojoToElementFactory.GetDirectorList(movie); list.IndentationLeft = 30; cell.AddElement(list); p = new Paragraph(string.Format("Year: {0}", movie.Year), FilmFonts.NORMAL); p.IndentationLeft = 15; p.Leading = 24; cell.AddElement(p); p = new Paragraph(string.Format("Run length: {0}", movie.Duration), FilmFonts.NORMAL); p.Leading = 14; p.IndentationLeft = 30; cell.AddElement(p); list = PojoToElementFactory.GetCountryList(movie); list.IndentationLeft = 40; cell.AddElement(list); table.AddCell(cell);
listing 4.15 XMen.cs
// first movie table.DefaultCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; table.DefaultCell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_TOP; table.AddCell("X-Men"); // we wrap he image in a PdfPCell PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(img[0]); table.AddCell(cell); // second movie table.DefaultCell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; table.AddCell("X2"); // we wrap the image in a PdfPCell and let iText scale it cell = new PdfPCell(img[1], true); table.AddCell(cell); // third movie table.DefaultCell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; table.AddCell("X-Men:The Last Stand"); // we add the image with addCell() table.AddCell(img[2]); // fourth movie table.AddCell("Superman Returns"); cell = new PdfPCell(); // we add it with addElement(); it can only take 50% of the width. img[3].WidthPercentage = 50; cell.AddElement(img[3]); table.AddCell(cell); // we complete the table (otherwise the last row won't be rendered) table.CompleteRow(); document.Add(table);
listing 4.16 NestedTable.cs
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(4); PdfPTable nested1 = new PdfPTable(2); nested1.AddCell("1.1"); nested1.AddCell("1.2"); PdfPTable nested2 = new PdfPTable(1); nested2.AddCell("12.1"); nested2.AddCell("12.2"); for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) { if (k == 1) { table.AddCell(nested1); } else if (k == 12) { table.AddCell(new PdfPCell(nested2)); } else { table.AddCell("cell" + k); } } document.Add(table);
listing 4.17 NestedTables.cs
public override void CreateFile(string fileName) { // step 1 Document document = new Document(); using (document) { // step 2 PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create)); // step 3 document.Open(); string connStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SQLiteConnStr"]; SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(connStr); using (conn) { conn.Open(); List<DateTime> days = PojoFactory.GetDays(conn); foreach (DateTime day in days) { document.Add(GetTable(conn, day)); document.NewPage(); } } } } public PdfPTable GetTable(IDbConnection conn, DateTime day) { // Create a table with only one column PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1); table.WidthPercentage = 100; // add the cell with the date … List<Screening> screeings = PojoFactory.GetScreenings(conn, day); foreach (Screening screening in screeings) { table.AddCell(GetTable(conn, screening)); } return table; } private PdfPTable GetTable(IDbConnection conn, Screening screening) { // Create a table with 4 columns PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(4); table.SetWidths(new int[] { 1, 5, 10, 10 }); // Get the movie Movie movie = screening.Movie; // A cell with the title as a nested table spanning the complete row PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); // nesting is done with addElement() in this example cell.AddElement(FullTitle(screening)); cell.UseAscender = cell.UseDescender = true; … // cell with the list of countries … return table; } private PdfPTable FullTitle(Screening screening) { PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3); … return table; }
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