


        同步脉冲FRONT    后沿SYNC  显示脉冲ACT  前沿BACK  帧长TOTAL

行时序HSYNC    152        232      1440    80      1904

列时序VSYNC    3          28      900     1        932


## Generated SDC file " vga.sdc "

## Copyright (C)
1991 - 2008 Altera Corporation
## Your
use of Altera Corporation ' s design tools, logic functions
## and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
## functions,
and any output files from any of the foregoing
## (including device programming
or simulation files), and any
## associated documentation
or information are expressly subject
## to the terms
and conditions of the Altera Program License
## Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
## Agreement,
or other applicable license agreement, including,
## without limitation, that your
use is for the sole purpose of
## programming logic devices manufactured by Altera
and sold by
## Altera
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## applicable agreement
for further details.

" Altera "
" Quartus II "
" Version 8.1 Build 163 10/28/2008 SJ Full Version "

" Tue Jan 18 15:16:36 2011 "

" EP3C16F484C6 "

# Time Information

- unit ns - decimal_places 3

# Create Clock

- name {clk} - period 20.000 - waveform { 0.000 10.000 } [get_ports {CLOCK_50}]

# Create Generated Clock

# Set Clock Latency

# Set Clock Uncertainty

# Set Input Delay

# Set Output Delay

# Set Clock Groups

# Set False Path

# Set Multicycle Path

# Set Maximum Delay

# Set Minimum Delay

# Set Input Transition


module vga
input CLOCK_50,
input rst_n,
output VGA_HS,
output VGA_VS,
output reg [ 3 : 0 ] VGA_R,
output reg [ 3 : 0 ] VGA_G,
output reg [ 3 : 0 ] VGA_B
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /
// ===========================================================================
// PARAMETER declarations
// ===========================================================================
// Horizontal Parameter
parameter H_FRONT = 152 ;
parameter H_SYNC = 232 ;
parameter H_BACK = 80 ;
parameter H_ACT = 1440 ;
parameter H_VALID = H_FRONT + H_SYNC;
parameter H_TOTAL = H_FRONT + H_SYNC + H_BACK + H_ACT;

// Vertical Parameter
parameter V_FRONT = 3 ;
parameter V_SYNC = 28 ;
parameter V_BACK = 1 ;
parameter V_ACT = 900 ;
parameter V_VALID = V_FRONT + V_SYNC;
parameter V_TOTAL = V_FRONT + V_SYNC + V_BACK + V_ACT;
// ===============================================================================
wire CLK_106;

PLL PLL_inst (
.inclk0 ( CLOCK_50 ),
.c0 ( CLK_106 )

assign clk = CLK_106;
// --------------------------------------------------
reg [ 10 : 0 ] x_cnt; // 行坐标
reg [ 10 : 0 ] y_cnt; // 列坐标

always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
if ( ! rst_n) x_cnt <= 11 ' d0;
else if (x_cnt == H_TOTAL - 1 ) x_cnt <= 11 ' d0;
else x_cnt <= x_cnt + 1 ' b1;

always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
if ( ! rst_n) y_cnt <= 10 ' d0;
else if (y_cnt == V_TOTAL - 1 ) y_cnt <= 10 ' d0;
else if (x_cnt == H_TOTAL - 1 ) y_cnt <= y_cnt + 1 ' b1;

// --------------------------------------------------
wire valid; // 有效显示区标志

assign valid = (x_cnt >= H_VALID) && (x_cnt <= H_VALID + H_ACT)
&& (y_cnt >= V_VALID) && (y_cnt <= V_VALID + V_ACT);

wire [ 10 : 0 ] xpos,ypos; // 有效显示区坐标

assign xpos = x_cnt - H_VALID;
assign ypos = y_cnt - V_VALID;

// --------------------------------------------------
reg hsync_r,vsync_r; // 同步信号产生

always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
if ( ! rst_n) hsync_r <= 1 ' b1;
// else if(x_cnt == H_FRONT-1) hsync_r <= 1'b0; // 产生hsync信号
// else if(x_cnt == H_FRONT+H_SYNC-1) hsync_r <= 1'b1;
else if (x_cnt == 0 ) hsync_r <= 1 ' b0; //产生hsync信号
else if (x_cnt == H_FRONT - 1 ) hsync_r <= 1 ' b1;

always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
if ( ! rst_n) vsync_r <= 1 ' b1;
// else if(y_cnt == V_FRONT-1) vsync_r <= 1'b0; // 产生vsync信号
// else if(y_cnt == V_FRONT+V_SYNC-1) vsync_r <= 1'b1;
else if (y_cnt == 0 ) vsync_r <= 1 ' b0; //产生vsync信号
else if (y_cnt == V_FRONT - 1 ) vsync_r <= 1 ' b1;

assign VGA_HS = hsync_r;
assign VGA_VS = vsync_r;

// --------------------------------------------------
// 显示一个矩形框
wire a_dis,b_dis,c_dis,d_dis; // 矩形框显示区域定位

assign a_dis = ( (xpos >= 200 ) && (xpos <= 220 ) )
&& ( (ypos >= 140 ) && (ypos <= 460 ) );

assign b_dis = ( (xpos >= 580 ) && (xpos <= 600 ) )
&& ( (ypos >= 140 ) && (ypos <= 460 ) );

assign c_dis = ( (xpos >= 220 ) && (xpos <= 580 ) )
&& ( (ypos > 140 ) && (ypos <= 160 ) );

assign d_dis = ( (xpos >= 220 ) && (xpos <= 580 ) )
&& ( (ypos >= 440 ) && (ypos <= 460 ) );

// 显示一个小矩形
wire e_rdy; // 矩形的显示有效矩形区域

assign e_rdy = (xpos >= 385 ) && (xpos <= 415 ) && (ypos >= 285 ) && (ypos <= 315 );

// --------------------------------------------------
// r,g,b控制液晶屏颜色显示,背景显示蓝色,矩形框显示红蓝色

assign VGA_R = valid ? {3'b000,e_rdy} : 4'd0;
assign VGA_G = valid ? {3'b000,(a_dis | b_dis | c_dis | d_dis)} : 4'd0;
assign VGA_B = valid ? ~{3'b000,(a_dis | b_dis | c_dis | d_dis)} : 4'd0;

assign VGA_R = valid ? 4'b0000 : 4'd0;
assign VGA_G = valid ? 4'b0000 : 4'd0;
assign VGA_B = valid ? 4'b1111 : 4'd0;
always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
if ( ! rst_n)
3 : 0 ],VGA_G[ 3 : 0 ],VGA_B[ 3 : 0 ]} <= 12 ' d0;
else if (valid)
<= { 4 {e_rdy}};
<= { 4 {(a_dis | b_dis | c_dis | d_dis)}};
<= ~ { 4 {(a_dis | b_dis | c_dis | d_dis)}};

3 : 0 ],VGA_G[ 3 : 0 ],VGA_B[ 3 : 0 ]} <= 12 ' d0;

