Displaying Data from Multiple Tables
Types of Joins
SQL:1999 Compliant Joins:
--Cross joins
--Natural joins
--Using clause
--Full or two sided outer joins
--Arbitrary join conditions for outer joins
Select tableA.column,tableB.column from tableA
[CROSS JOIN tableB] |
[JOIN tableB USING (column_name)] |
[JOIN tableB ON (tableA.column_name = tableB.column_name)] |
[LEFT | RIGHT | FULL OUTER JOIN tableB ON (tableA.column_name = tableB.column_name)];
Oracle Proprietary Joins
select a.columnA, b.columnB,c.columnC from tableA a,tableB b,tableC c where a.id=b.id and b.id=c.id;
select a.columnA,b.columnB from tableA a,tableB b where a.salary between b.lowestsalary and b.highestsalary;
--Outer join
select a.column,b.column from tableA a,tableB b where a.column(+) = b.column;
select a.column,b.column from tableA a,tableB b where a.column = b.column(+);
--Self join
select a.columnA, a.columnB from tableA a,tableA b where a.columnC=b.columnC;
Cartesian Products
select ColumnA,ColumnB,ColumnC from tableA tableB;
select columnA,columnB from tableA cross jion tableB;
Aggregating Data Using Group Functions
Types of group functions: avg,count,max,min,sum,stddev,variance
select count(distinct columnA) from dual;
select avg(nvl(columnA,0) from tale;
using the group by clause on multiple columns
select avg(salary) from tableA group by columnA,columnB;
SELECT column,group_function FROM table [WHERE condition]
[group by group_by_expression] [having group_condition] [order by column];
Note:you can’t use where clause to restrict groups but you can use the having clause to restrict groups.
Error: select department_id,avg(salary) from employee where avg(salary)>8000 group by department_id;
Right:select department_id,avg(salary) from employee group by department_id having avg(salary)>8000;
nesting group functions :
select max(avg(salary)) from employees group by department_id;
SELECT select_list FROM table WHERE expr operator
(SELECT select _list FROM table);
Operator : IN , ANY , ALL
IN: Equal to any member in the list
ANY:compare value to each value returned by the subquery
ALL:compare value to every value returned by the subquery
<ANY means less than the maximum
>ANY means more than the minimum
=ANY is equivalent to IN
<ALL means less than the minimum
>ALL means more than the maximum
The NOT operator can be used with IN,ANY and ALL operators.
If one of the values returned by the inner query is a null value, and hence the entire query returns no rows. The reason is that all conditions that compare a null value result is a null.So whenever null values are likely to be part of the results set of a subquery,do not use the NOT IN operator.The NOT IN operator is equivalent to <>ALL.
Manipulating Data
Data Manipulation Language
A DML statement is executed when you:
-Add new rows to a table
-Modify exsitng rows in a table
-Remove exsting rows from a table
A transaction consists of a collection of DML statements that form a logical unit of work.
INSERT INTO table [(column [,column …])] VALUES (value [,value…]);
INSERT INTO table( login_time) values ( TO_DATE(DATE(’FEB 3, 1999’, ’MON DD, YYYY’));
INSERT ITNO (SELECT columnA,columnB from tableA where id=50) VALUES(avariableA,avariableB);
INSERT INTO (columnA) values (default);
UPDATE table SET column=value[,column =value,…] [WHERE condition];
DELETE [FROM] table [WHERE condition];
The with check option keyword prohibits you from changing rows that are not in the subquery
The MERGE statement
Provides the ability to conditionally update or insert data into a database table
performs an update if the row exists,and an insert if it is a new row;
--avoids separate updates
--Increases performance and ease of use
--Is useful in data warehousing applications
MERGE INTO table_name table_alias
USING (table|view|sub_query) alias
ON (join condition)
col1 = col_vall,
col2 = col_val2
INSERT (column_list)
VALUES (column_values);