The UPSERT command inserts rows that don’t exist and updates the rows that do exist. The Word UPSERT is a fusion of the words UPDATE and INSERT. UPSERT was officially introduced in the SQL:2003 standard.
In SQL Server 2008, Microsoft introduces the UPSERT functionality through the MERGE command.
Until now, this UPSERT functionality could only be made available in SQL Server through stored procedures and cursors, etc.
This article illustrates how to take advantage of the UPSERT functionality via the MERGE command.
Note: This article is written based on SQL Server 2008 CTP6.
Step 1
Let’s assume that we have a database [MyDatabase] as shown below. [Refer Fig 1.0]
USE [master] GO /****** Object: Database [MyDatabase] Script Date: 03/16/2008 10:55:35 ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = N'MyDatabase') DROP DATABASE [MyDatabase] GO create database [MyDatabase] go
Fig 1.0
Step 2
Let’s assume that we have the following three tables, as shown below. [Refer Fig 1.1]
USE [MyDatabase] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[MyTable] Script Date: 03/16/2008 11:07:24 ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[MyTable]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[MyTable] GO create table MyTable (id int primary key, name varchar(100),salary money) go insert into MyTable select 1,'Catherine Donnel',200000 insert into MyTable select 2,'Stacey Kost',150000 insert into MyTable select 3,'Jason Leanos',36000 insert into MyTable select 4,'Catherine O''Donnel',20000 insert into MyTable select 5,'Rainbow Dance',20000 go USE [MyDatabase] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[MyTable2] Script Date: 03/16/2008 11:07:36 ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[MyTable2]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[MyTable2] GO create table MyTable2 (id int primary key, name varchar(100),salary money) go insert into MyTable2 select 1,'Catherine O''Donnel',220000 insert into MyTable2 select 2,'Stacey Kostue',230000 insert into MyTable2 select 4,'Catherine Bonaparte',20000 insert into MyTable2 select 9,'Irina Zolotrova',40000 insert into MyTable2 select 5,'Eva Jane',40034 go
Fig 1.1
Step 3
Now let’s query both of the tables to see the difference between them.
USE [MyDatabase] GO Select * from MyTable Go
id, name, salary 1, Catherine Donnel, 200000.00 2, Stacey Kost, 150000.00 3, Jason Leanos, 36000.00 4, Catherine O'Donnel, 20000.00 5, Rainbow Dance, 20000.00 (5 row(s) affected)
USE [MyDatabase] GO Select * from MyTable2 GO
id, name, salary 1, Catherine O'Donnel, 220000.00 2, Stacey Kostue, 230000.00 4, Catherine Bonaparte, 20000.00 5, Eva Jane, 40034.00 9, Irina Zolotrova, 40000.00 (5 row(s) affected)
From the results, we can easily understand that if we want to merge all of the rows from Mytable2 to Mytable, then the following updates and following inserts are supposed to be executed. [Refer Fig 1.2]
Fig 1.2
Step 4
Now let’s UPSERT the table by using the following merge command to merge the content of the table Mytable2 to the table Mytable. [Refer Fig 1.3]
USE [MyDatabase] GO merge into mytable as Target using mytable2 as Source on when matched then update set, Target.Salary = Source.Salary when not matched then insert (id,name,salary) values (,,Source.Salary);
Fig 1.3
Step 5
Now let’s query the target table, MyTable, as shown below. [Refer Fig 1.4]
USE [MyDatabase] GO Select * from MyTable GO
id, name, salary 1, Catherine O'Donnel, 220000.00 2, Stacey Kostue, 230000.00 3, Jason Leanos, 36000.00 4, Catherine Bonaparte, 20000.00 5, Eva Jane, 40034.00 9, Irina Zolotrova, 40000.00 (6 row(s) affected)
Fig 1.4
From the results, we see that all of the existing rows in the table, Mytable, have been updated with the data from the table, Mytable2. In addition, we see that any new rows that were present in the Mytable2 table have been inserted to the table, MyTable.
Basically, the merge command executed the following algorithm.
Note: The below syntax is not a transact SQL command. It is just an algorithm.
If target.ID = 1 is found in = 1 {found} then update target set {Catherine Donnel} = {Catherine O''Donnel} Target.salary {200000}=Source.salary {220000} end if If target.ID = 2 is found in = 2 {found} then update target set {Stacey Kost} = {Stacey Kostue} Target.salary {150000.00} = Source.salary {230000.00} end if If target.ID=3 is found in Source.Id = NULL {not found} then end if If target.ID=4 is found in = 4 {found} then update target set {Catherine O''Donnel} = {Catherine Bonaparte} Target.salary {20000.00} = Source.salary {20000.00} end if If target.ID=5 is found in = 5 {found} then update target set {Rainbow Dance} = {Eva Jane} Target.salary {20000.00} = Source.salary {40034.00} end if If target.ID not found in = 9 {found} then insert into target (id,name,salary) select source (9, Irina Zolotrova, 40000.00) end if
This article has illustrated the functionality of UPSERT via the MERGE command in SQL Server 2008.