假定有两组Radio-button, 第一组有两个button Tab-Order分别为 6 和 7 (6号的Group 属性打勾)。另一组的两个button Tab-Order分别为 10和 11(10号的Group 属性打勾)。 Tab-Order号为12的控件是一个EditBox, 将此EditBox的Group属性打勾。就可消除skipping non-radio button in group错误。
Does anybody know what this warning message means? "Warning: skipping
>non-radio button in group" and how can I correct the problem?
MFC assumes that a group of radio buttons are in consecutive tab order. In
certain circumstances you might not want this, for instance if an edit field
next to a radio button gives extra info about just that one choice. If you are
happy with how your group of radio buttons responds to the tab key, then this
is not really a problem.
===== Digest Separator =====
Mesg: 0F7BD4AE
[log in to unmask]>
Subj: Re: Warning: skipping non-radio button in group.
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 13:36:57 +0100
Probably you have incorrectly assigned tab orders in your dialog. Check out
the "Layout/Tab Order" command in VC dialog editor.
===== Digest Separator =====
Mesg: E743A87A
From: Dennis Werry <
[log in to unmask]>
Subj: Re: Warning: skipping non-radio button in group.
Date: Fri, 01 Jan 1999 08:59:00 -0600
A Radio button group is created by setting the first radio button in the
group with the "group" attribute. Then the group is supposed to consist of
all subsequent items in the tab order until the next item that has the group
attribute set. Evidently, you have not set the group attribute for the control
immediately following the last radio button in the tab order.
===== Digest Separator =====
Mesg: C229AD39
From: Paul Gerhart <
[log in to unmask]>
Subj: Re: Warning: skipping non-radio button in group.
Date: Fri, 01 Jan 1999 10:44:58 -0500
Use the editor to look at the Tab Order of the controls. Make sure the first
radio has the Group setting and go in order until the next thing that has
Group (lot of folks use a group box around the related radio buttons and set
it to Group and give it tab order after the last radio in the grouping). Make
sure all the controls between the two Group marks are all radios (and not some
other kind of control).
===== Digest Separator =====
Mesg: AC6F0B66
From: Seethaprasad Mandikel <
[log in to unmask]>
Subj: RE: Warning: skipping non-radio button in group.
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 13:48:23 +0530
This warning comes becos of WS_GROUP style not set properly for Dialogs which
has radio buttons and other buttons in a SAME GROUP. Solution: Just set the
WS_GROUP style for all controls other than Radio buttons(Which you want to
group). Here is snippet of code which causes this warning.
File : ...\VC\mfc\src\DLGDATA.CPP
void AFXAPI DDX_Radio(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, int& value)
// must be first in a group of auto radio buttons
// walk all children in GROUP to check the states
int iButton = 0;
//Check whether the button in the group box is radio button
if not it gives the warning
if (::SendMessage(hWndCtrl, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0L) &
// control in group is a radio button
Check the state of the radio button
TRACE0("Warning: skipping non-radio button in group.\n");
hWndCtrl = ::GetWindow(hWndCtrl, GW_HWNDNEXT);
} while (hWndCtrl != NULL &&
!(GetWindowLong(hWndCtrl, GWL_STYLE) & WS_GROUP));
===== Digest Separator =====
Mesg: A7024836
[log in to unmask]>
Subj: Re: Warning: skipping non-radio button in group.
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 09:21:42 -0500
The problem is that the next control in the tab order following the last radio
button of your group must have the WS_GROUP flag set.
Control Group Flag On
Static Text Yes
Radio Button1 Yes
Radio Button2 No
Radio Button3 No
Button Yes
In the previous list, if the last button did not have the group flag set you
would get the TRACE warning while running.
===== Digest Separator =====
Mesg: 8B613945
[log in to unmask]>
Subj: RE: Warning: skipping non-radio button in group.
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 23:13:44 -0800
In the Resource Editor, you need to set the tab order for the Radio buttons -
they must be sequential. The first button must have the Group property set,
and the first item following the last button must also have the Group property