
1. PHP开发工具、PHP IDE:

PHP集成开发环境:Zend Studio v8.0 (含注册机)

PHP集成开发环境 (NuSphere PhpED Professional ) v5.9.5985

VS.Php—在Visual Studio下的PHP集成开发工具最新完美版下载

PHP集成开发环境 phpDesigner v7.2.3多国语言版 (含注册机)

Embarcadero RadPHP XE 最新版下载(含注册机)


CodeLobster PHP Edition v3.5 (含注册机)

Komodo IDE 5 for Windows

Delphi for PHP v2.0 完美版下载

NuSphere PhpED 5.9.5 Build 5966

NuSphere PhpED 5.2 完美版下载

Blumentals Rapid PHP 2008 v9.2.0.100最新完美版下载

2. PHP学习资源 基础、进阶类:

PHP 5 权威编程(PHP 5 Power Programming) 中文高清PDF下载

PHP与MySQL程序设计 (第3版) 高清PDF中文版


PHP & MySQL范例精解——创建、修改、重用 (中文高清PDF版下载)

PHP Web 2.0 开发实战 (高清PDF中文版)

PHP高级程序设计:模式、框架与测试 (中文高清PDF版)

深入PHP:面向对象、模式与实践(第2 版) 高清PDF版下载

PHP 5 高级应用开发实践 (中文高清PDF版)

PHP实战 (PHP in Action) 中文版

搜索引擎优化高级编程(PHP版) 中文PDF

Web 2.0动态网站开发——PHP技术与应用 附光盘 (高清扫描版 PDF)

即用即查PHP函数参考手册 (高清扫描版 PDF)

Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites

Wiley PHP6 and MySQL Bible

Beginning PHP 6, Apache, MySQL 6 Web Development

PHP5 Power Programming (PHP5 权威编程)

PHP官方参考手册 中文+英文CHM版

PHP新手急速入门在线学习手册 PHP语言入门参考


PHP专业项目实例开发 中文PDF版

PHP高级开发技术与实例 中文PDF影版

Wrox Beginning PHP 5.3

Wrox Beginning PHP 5

Wrox Professional PHP

Sams PHP Developers Cookbook 第二版

PHP Developers Cookbook 第二版

O'Reilly PHP Cookbook 第二版

Core PHP Programming 第三版

O'Reilly Learning PHP 5

Sams PHP 5 Unleashed

PHP与MySQL Web开发 (原书第3版) 中文版

PHP and MySQL Web Development, 3rd Edition

Object-Oriented Programming with PHP5

Beginning PHP5, Apache, and MySQL Web Development

Wicked Cool PHP 附随书源码

Apress Beginning Ajax with PHP 从入门到精通

Apress Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL 5 从入门到精通

PHP by Example

How to Do Everything with PHP and MySQL

PHP & MySQL Web Development

PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects

AJAX and PHP: Building Modern Web Applications, 2nd Edition

Professional LAMP - Linux,Apache,MySQL and PHP 5 Web Development

Bdginning PHP,Apache,MySQL Web Developmnet

Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce从入门到精通 第二版

Beginning Ajax with PHP 从入门到精通

Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL 5 从入门到精通

Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL 8: From Novice to Professional

PHP and MySQL: Create - Modify - Reuse

Beginning PHP5, Apache, and MySQL Web Development

PHP 5 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

PHP for the World Wide Web, Third Edition (Visual QuickStart Guide)

PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide

PHP and MySQL Web Development 第四版

3. PHP学习资源 高级及应用类:


Zend Enterprise PHP Patterns

PHP Team Development

Pro PHP: Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

Learning PHP Data Objects

PHP Data Objects for MySQL

Agile Web Application Development with Yii1.1 and PHP5

Zend Framework 1.8 Web Application Development

PHP Programming with PEAR


Practical CakePHP Projects

Symfony 1.3 Web Application Development

CodeIgniter for Rapid PHP Application Development

Foundations of PEAR - Rapid PHP Development

PHP Programming with PEAR

Creating Interactive Web Sites with PHP and Web Services

PHP 5 CMS Framework Development

Building Online Communities with Drupal, phpBB, and WordPress

Learning Drupal 6 Module Development

Building Powerful and Robust Websites with Drupal 6

Building Tag Clouds in Perl and PHP

Manning ZEND Framework in Action

Pro PHP XML and Web Services

No Nonsense XML Web Development With PHP

Pro PHP XML and Web Services(PDF版)

O'Reilly Learning PHP & MySQL 第二版

Apress Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP

The PHP Anthology 第二版

Advanced PHP for Web Professionals

Object Oriented PHP Concepts Techniques and Code

Dreamweaver CS3 with CSS, Ajax, and PHP

Wiley Secure PHP Development

4. 经典PHP视频教程系列:

PHP视频教程 全35讲rmvb格式下载

LinuxCBT PHP Edition - PHP编程视频教程 LinuxCBT出品

一周学会PHP编程 台湾中原大学PHP教程 全五讲


