Information on Pit bulls

The American Pit Bull Terrier can be a precious family pet or a terrifying neighborhood nightmare. These dogs require responsible owners, who are dedicated to improving the name of the breed. Dogs like RCA Victrola Pit do a little to help the breed's reputation. However, it is up to owners to really control this misunderstood breed.

Pit bulls have been used for years in the pit as fighting dogs. They are referred to as game dogs. Game in this sense means ready to fight to the death. Gameness is actually a desired trait in any dog, it just must be handled properly. A game dog will protect its owner and family from any outside attacker. The downside to this is that a game dog can be taught to be vicious.

Pit Bulls have tremendous jaw strength. They are reputed to have up to 1500 pounds per square inch of jaw pressure. Their jaws do not actually lock. These dogs just refuse to let go at times. Roll bars may be necessary to break a stubborn pit bull's grip on an item. Roll bars are basically wooden dowels that are slipped into the mouth and pulled back upon to break a dog's grip.

Pit Bulls can be loving family pets. By nature, as most terriers do, they love people. They can be socialized to accept other animals. Pit Bulls definitely require obedience training. They are smart enough to be stubborn; if left untrained. These dogs must recognize an alpha and know their place within the family pack. Training ensures this.

Owning a Pit Bull Terrier may actually negate your home owner's insurance. Many insurance carriers today will not insurance home owners that own a dog of this breed. Be sure to check into this before you purchase your puppy and become attached to it. You may actually be required to purchase a separate insurance policy at a higher rate, if you own a Pit Bull Terrier.

People may not understand your love for this breed. Be prepared to protect your dog from Pit Bull haters and from bullies who want to put their dog up against your dog. Many uninformed dog owners will want to test their dog against your Pit Bull to prove that Pit Bulls are not such tough dogs. Avoid these people at all costs. Their dogs are not to blame for their stupidity.

If you have a secure place for your Pit Bull to run and play, a desire to own a loyal, game dog, and the responsibility to see to the dog's training, then you are ready to own a Pit Bull. If you are game enough to protect your game dog from bullies and anti-Pit Bull folks, then you are game enough to own a Pit Bull. Otherwise, you should look at other breeds.




