
/*通用表表达式 CTE的递归*/




create table test(

id varchar(30),

parentID varchar(30),

name varchar(30)


insert into test values('001','','1');

insert into test values('001001','001','11');

insert into test values('001002','001','12');

insert into test values('001001001','001001','111');

insert into test values('001001002','001002','112');

insert into test values('001001001001','001001001','1111');


with c11 as


select * from test where id='001001'--定位点成员,作为Ti输入,查询它的下级就是 c11.id=test.ParentID

union all--必须以union all 来连接递归成员

select b.* from c11 a join test b on a.id=b.ParentID--必须是b.*,a.*报错了,无限循环了


select * from c11 order by id;


001001	001	11

001001001	001001	111

001001001001	001001001	1111


with c1111 as


select * from test where id='001001001001'--定位点成员,座位图T0输入,查询它的上级就是 c1111.ParentID=test.ID

union all

select b.* from c1111 a join test b on a.parentid=b.id


select * from c1111 order by id;


001		1

001001	001	11

001001001	001001	111

001001001001	001001001	1111

