
gnu coreutils  目录列表

文件权限被包括在coreutils包中。   这里面的翻译可以参照一下

The file mode bits have two parts: the file permission bits, which control ordinary access to the file, and special mode bits, which affect only some files.


限制删除标志(restricted deletion flag)也称为 sticky 标志

27 File permissions  2015/5/11,此节(27节)文档已阅读完毕

27.5 Directories and the Set-User-ID and Set-Group-ID Bits

On most systems, if a directory's set-group-ID bit is set, newly created subfiles inherit the same group as the directory, and newly created subdirectories inherit the set-group-ID bit of the parent directory.
On a few systems, a directory's set-user-ID bit has a similar effect on the ownership of new subfiles and the set-user-ID bits of new subdirectories.
These mechanisms let users share files more easily, by lessening the need to use chmod or chown to share new files.
These convenience mechanisms rely on the set-user-ID and set-group-ID bits of directories.
If commands like chmod and mkdir routinely cleared these bits on directories, the mechanisms would be less convenient and it would be harder to share files.
Therefore, a command like chmod does not affect the set-user-ID or set-group-ID bits of a directory unless the user specifically mentions them in a symbolic mode, or uses an operator numeric mode such as ‘=755’, or sets them in a numeric mode, or clears them in a numeric mode that has five or more octal digits.
For example, on systems that support set-group-ID inheritance:

This behavior is a GNU extension. Portable scripts should not rely on requests to set or clear these bits on directories, as POSIX allows implementations to ignore these requests.
The GNU behavior with numeric modes of four or fewer digits is intended for scripts portable to systems that preserve these bits;
the behavior with numeric modes of five or more digits is for scripts portable to systems that do not preserve the bits.


1 Introduction  2015/5/13,此节(1节)文档已阅读完毕

This manual is a work in progress: many sections make no attempt to explain basic concepts in a way suitable for novices.
Thus, if you are interested, please get involved in improving this manual. The entire GNU community will benefit.
The GNU utilities documented here are mostly compatible with the POSIX standard.
Please report bugs to [email protected]. Remember to include the version number, machine architecture, input files, and any other information needed to reproduce the bug: your input, what you expected, what you got, and why it is wrong. Diffs are welcome, but please include a description of the problem as well, since this is sometimes difficult to infer. See Bugs.
请报告bugs到[email protected]。记住包括版本号,机器架构,输入文件,和任何其它能重现bug所需要的信息:你的输入,期盼的结果,实际的结果,和为什么是错误的,diffs are welcome,但也请包括一个问题描述,因为有时难于推断。参见bugs。
This manual was originally derived from the Unix man pages in the distributions, which were written by David MacKenzie and updated by Jim Meyering.
这本手册原始的来源于发行版的 unix man 手册页,这些手册页由David MacKenzie书写并由Jim Meyering更新。
What you are reading now is the authoritative documentation for these utilities; the man pages are no longer being maintained.
你现在阅读的东西是这些工具的权限文档;man pages 不再维护。
The original fmt man page was written by Ross Paterson. Francois Pinard did the initial conversion to Texinfo format.
原始的fmt 手册页由ross paterson 编写。francois pinard 做了初始转换工作,到texinfo 格式。
Karl Berry did the indexing, some reorganization, and editing of the results. Brian Youmans of the Free Software Foundation office staff combined the manuals for textutils, fileutils, and sh-utils to produce the present omnibus manual.
karl berry 制作索引,一些重新组织,和结果的编辑。fsf办公室职员 brain youmans 组合了textutils,fileutils,和sh-utils手册,来产出目前综合性的手册。
Richard Stallman contributed his usual invaluable insights to the overall process.
richard stallman 在全过程贡献了他的宝贵的意见。

2 Common options

Certain options are available in all of these programs. Rather than writing identical descriptions for each of the programs, they are described here. (In fact, every GNU program accepts (or should accept) these options.)
Normally options and operands can appear in any order, and programs act as if all the options appear before any operands. For example, ‘sort -r passwd -t :’ acts like ‘sort -r -t : passwd’, since ‘:’ is an option-argument of -t. However, if the POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable is set, options must appear before operands, unless otherwise specified for a particular command.
正常的选项和操作对象可以以任意顺序出现,        例如,
A few programs can usefully have trailing operands with leading ‘-’. With such a program, options must precede operands even if POSIXLY_CORRECT is not set, and this fact is noted in the program description. For example, the env command's options must appear before its operands, since in some cases the operands specify a command that itself contains options.
Most programs that accept long options recognize unambiguous abbreviations of those options. For example, ‘rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty’ can be invoked as ‘rmdir --ignore-fail’ or even ‘rmdir --i’. Ambiguous options, such as ‘ls --h’, are identified as such.
Some of these programs recognize the --help and --version options only when one of them is the sole command line argument. For these programs, abbreviations of the long options are not always recognized.


16 Conditions

This section describes commands that are primarily useful for their exit status, rather than their output.
Thus, they are often used as the condition of shell if statements, or as the last command in a pipeline.
因此,它们经常被用作shell if 语句的条件,或者作为在管道线上的最后一个命令。

16.4expr: Evaluate expressions


However, regardless of whether it is quoted, a string operand should not be a parenthesis or any of `expr''s operators like

`+', so you cannot safely pass an arbitrary string `$str' to expr merely by quoting it to the shell.
像+,因此你不能安全的传递一个任意字符串 `$str`给expr仅仅引用它到shell。

One way to work around this is to use the GNU extension `+', (e.g., `+ "$str" = foo');
变通这个的一种方法是使用GNU 扩展'+', '+ "$str" = foo'
a more portable way is to use `" $str"' and to adjust the rest of the expression to take the leading space into account (e.g., `" $str" = " foo"').
更方便的方法是使用 " $str" 并且调节表达式的其余部分来使前导空格到,'" $str" = " foo"'

'+ "$str" = foo'
'" $str" = " foo"'

Options must precede operands.

`expr' supports the usual logical connectives and relations.
expr 支持平常的逻辑连接符和关系符
These are higher precedence than either the string or numeric operators (previous sections).
Here is the list, lowest-precedence operator first.


15.2printf: Format and print data

The format argument is reused as necessary to convert all the given arguments. For example, the command ‘printf %s a b’ outputs ‘ab’.
格式化参数根据需要重用来转换给定的参数。例如,命令‘printf %s a b’输出'ab'。

Missing arguments are treated as null strings or as zeros, depending on whether the context expects a string or a number. For example, the command ‘printf %sx%d’ prints ‘x0’.

An additional escape, ‘\c’, causes printf to produce no further output. For example, the command ‘printf 'A%sC\cD%sF' B E’ prints ‘ABC’.
一个额外的转义 '\c',引发printf不产生更进一步的输出。例如,命令‘printf 'A%sC\cD%sF' B E’打印'ABC'。
The hexadecimal escape sequence ‘\xhh’ has at most two digits, as opposed to C where it can have an unlimited number of digits.
For example, the command ‘printf '\x07e'’ prints two bytes, whereas the C statement ‘printf ("\x07e")’ prints just one.
例如,命令‘printf '\x07e'’打印两个字节,然而C语句‘printf ("\x07e")’只打印一个字节。
printf has an additional directive, ‘%b’, which prints its argument string with ‘\’ escapes interpreted in the same way as in the format string,
except that octal escapes are of the form ‘\0ooo’ where ooo is 0 to 3 octal digits. If ‘\ooo’ is nine-bit value, ignore the ninth bit. If a precision is also given, it limits the number of bytes printed from the converted string.

Numeric arguments must be single C constants, possibly with leading ‘+’ or ‘-’. For example, ‘printf %.4d -3’ outputs ‘-0003’.

If the leading character of a numeric argument is ‘"’ or ‘'’ then its value is the numeric value of the immediately following character.
Any remaining characters are silently ignored if the POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable is set; otherwise, a warning is printed.
For example, ‘printf "%d" "'a"’ outputs ‘97’ on hosts that use the ASCII character set, since ‘a’ has the numeric value 97 in ASCII.
例如,‘printf "%d" "'a"’在使用ascii字符集的主机上输出'97',因为a有一个ascii的数字97值。 


gnu grub  已经有人将grub手册进行翻译,这是地址 

12 GRUB’s user interface

GRUB has both a simple menu interface for choosing preset entries from a configuration file,
and a highly flexible command-line for performing any desired combination of boot commands.
GRUB looks for its configuration file as soon as it is loaded. If one is found, then the full menu interface is activated using whatever entries were found in the file.
If you choose the command-line menu option, or if the configuration file was not found, then GRUB drops to the command-line interface.

• Command-line interface:          The flexible command-line interface
• Menu interface:          The simple menu interface
• Menu entry editor:          Editing a menu entry

The Multiboot Specification is an open standard describing how a boot loader can load an x86 operating system kernel. The specification allows any compliant boot loader implementation to boot any compliant operating system kernel. Thus, it allows different operating systems and boot loaders to work together and interoperate, without the need for operating system–specific boot loaders. As a result, it also allows easier coexistence of different operating systems on a single computer, which is also known as multi-booting.
The specification was originally created in 1995 and developed by the Free Software Foundation. GNU Hurd, VMware ESXi, Xen, and L4 microkernels all need to be booted using this method. GNU GRUB is the reference implementation used in the GNU operating system and other operating systems. As of January 2015, the latest version of Multiboot Specification is 0.6.96, defined in 2009.

interoperate  互操作

coexistence  共存
