ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 2 已经发行

ASP.NET MVC 2 is a framework for developing highly testable and maintainable Web applications by leveraging the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. The framework encourages developers to maintain a clear separation of concerns among the responsibilities of the application – the UI logic using the view, user-input handling using the controller, and the domain logic using the model. ASP.NET MVC applications are easily testable using techniques such as test-driven development (TDD).

ASP.NET MVC 2 是一个开发高可测试和高可维护网站应用程序的框架,运用模型-视图-控制器Model-View-Controller(MVC)模式。该框架鼓励开发者在应用程序的职责之间维护一个清晰的职责分离(clear separation of concerns) - UI 逻辑使用视图 view,用户输入处理采用控制器 Controller,域逻辑(domain logic)使用模型model。ASP.NET MVC 应用程序使用像测试策动开发test-driven development(TDD)的技术, 有着很好的可测试性(easily testable)。

The installation package includes templates and tools for Visual Studio 2008 SP 1 to increase productivity when writing ASP.NET MVC applications. For example, the Add View dialog box takes advantage of customizable code generation (T4) templates to generate a view based on a model object. The default project template allows the developer to automatically hook up a unit-test project that is associated with the ASP.NET MVC application.

该安装包包含 Visual Studio 2008 SP1 的模版和工具,为编写 ASP.NET 应用程序时提高生产力。例如,添加视图(Add View)对话框利用可自定义的代码生成(customizable code generation)(T4)模版来生成基于模型对象的视图。默认的项目模版允许开发者自动关联(hook up)ASP.NET MVC 程序与单元测试工程。

Because the ASP.NET MVC framework is built on ASP.NET 3.5 SP 1, developers can take advantage of existing ASP.NET features like authentication and authorization, profile settings, localization, and so on.

因为ASP.NET MVC 基于 ASP。NET3.5 SP 1,开发者可以利用已有的 ASP.NET 功能,如验证(authentication)和授权(authorization),配置设置(profile settings),本地化(localization)等。

