DescribingDesign Patterns 描述设计模式

DescribingDesign Patterns


How do we describe design patterns?Graphical notations, while important and useful, aren't sufficient. They simply capture the end product of thedesign process as relationships between classesand objects. To reuse the design, we must also record the decisions,alternatives, and trade-offs that led to it. Concrete examples are important too,because they help you see the design in action.


We describe design patterns using aconsistent format. Each pattern is divided into sections according to the followingtemplate. The template lends a uniform structure to the information, making designpatterns easier to learn, compare,

and use.


Pattern Name and Classification

The pattern's name conveys the essence of the pattern succinctly. A good name is vital, because it will become part ofyour design vocabulary. The pattern's classification reflects thescheme we introducein Section




A short statement that answers thefollowing questions: What does the design pattern do? What is its rationaleand intent? What particular design issue or problem does it address?



Also Known As 其他的称谓

Other well-known names for the pattern, if any.


Motivation 动机

A scenario that illustrates a design problem and how the class and object structures in the pattern solve theproblem. The scenario will help you understand the more abstract description ofthe pattern that follows.



What are the situations in which the designpattern can be applied?What are examples of poor designs that thepattern can address? How can you recognize these situations?


Structure 结构

A graphical representation of the classesin the pattern using a notation based on the Object Modeling Technique(OMT) [RBP+91]. We also use interaction diagrams [JCJO92, Boo94] toillustrate sequences of requests and collaborations between objects.Appendix B describes these notations in detail.


Participants 参与者

The classes and/or objects participating inthe design pattern and their responsibilities.


Collaborations 合作

How the participants collaborate to carryout their responsibilities.


Consequences 结果

How does the pattern support itsobjectives? What are the trade-offs and results of using the pattern? Whataspect of system structure does it let you vary independently?


Implementation 实现

What pitfalls, hints, or techniques should you be aware of when implementing the pattern? Are therelanguage-specific issues?


Sample Code 代码示例

Code fragments   that illustrate how you might implement thepattern in  C++ or Smalltalk.


Known Uses 应用

Examples of the pattern found in realsystems. We include at least two examples from different domains.


Related Patterns相关的模式

What design patterns are closely related tothis one? What are the important differences? With which otherpatterns should this one be used?


The appendices provide backgroundinformation that will help you understand the patterns and the discussions surroundingthem. Appendix A is a glossary of terminology we use. We've already mentionedAppendix B, which presents the various notations. We'll also describe aspects ofthe notations as we introduce them in the upcoming discussions.  Finally, Appendix C contains source code forthe foundation classes we use in code samples.


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