在Eclipse上安装svn插件有两种选择,一种是Subclipse,一种是Eclipse Subversion。前者是svn的官网eclipse插件,后者是eclipse的官方svn插件,具体有什么不同我也不算很清楚,想知道的请自行百度。
安装Subeclipse很简单,只要上http://subclipse.tigris.org 找到Eclipse update site URL,然后在Eclipse里直接install就行了(现在最新 http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.8.x)
在eclipse中help--》install new software --》add
One or both of the following Subversion Client API providers must also be installed:
OSX comes with a SVN command line client, but unfortunately they do not include the JavaHL library.
The best thing to do is to install one of the OSX package managers for open-source software, such as MacPorts or HomeBrew. If you are doing software development on OSX, you are going to eventually want or need different open-source Unix applications. So it is worth the effort to set one of these up and they make it easy for you to get Subversion and always have the latest version. You will also have easy access to other open source applications via similar simple commands.
For MacPorts, the commands to run are:
sudo port install subversion-javahlbindings +no_bdb +universal
For HomeBrew the command is:
brew install --universal --java subversion
Pay attention to any post-install instructions related to creating a symlink in /Library/Java/Extensions. You need to follow these instructions so that the JavaHL library is available by default to the JVM.