When architecuture conflict with special requirment

我抑制不住再次推荐<<Domain Driven Design>>,尤其是Part IV:Strategic Design,每每读着不经意间碰到段言语,就正好是自己近来的亲身体验。我确信系统做大了必然是无数的问题,感谢作者以自身丰富的经验为我们引路。

“An up-front imposition of a large-scale structure is likely to be costly. As development proceeds, you will almost certainly find a more suitable structure, and you may even find that the prescribed structure is prohibiting you from taking a design route that would greatly clarify or simplify the application. You may be able to use some of the structure, but you're forgoing opportunities. Your work slows down as you try workarounds or try to negotiate with the architects. But your managers think the architecture is done. It was supposed to make this application easy, so why aren't you working on the application instead of dealing with all these architecture problems? The managers and architecture teams may even be open to input, but if each change is a heroic battle, it is too exhausting.”
