OpenStack icehource for Ubuntu OS
2,Ntp apt-get install ntp
3,generate secure passwd
apt-get install pwgen or openssl rand -hex 10
4,deployment automation tools such as Ansible, Chef, and Puppet(自动化初始化各个OpenStack Services components 裸机)
5,database to store information for OpenStack Services core components(supporting service or options services);
install MySQL Python library on any additional nodes that access MySQL,
controller node, install the MySQL client and server packages, and the Python
enable InnoDB, UTF-8
character set, and UTF-8 collation,bind-address(Management Ip address enable other host access)
5,OpenStack apt-get repository
sudo add-apt-repository cloud-archive:folsom
sudo add-apt-repository cloud-archive:grizzly
sudo add-apt-repository cloud-archive:havana
sudo add-apt-repository cloud-archive:icehouse
Now run:
sudo apt-get update
to update your package listings and then proceed to install/upgrade your openstack packages.
To report bugs against packages from the Ubuntu Cloud Archive, please use the 'ubuntu-bug' tool, for example:
ubuntu-bug nova-compute
This will ensure that bugs are raised against the cloud-archive project on Launchpad.
Ubuntu 中 ssh 登录非常缓慢,输入用户名后要等好一阵先出现提示输入密码, 这是Ubuntu默认开启了 SSH 的 DNS反解析造成的原因,只要将此选项关闭, 重新启动sshd后反应非常快。
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
在最后添加下面一行,关闭 SSH 的 DNS 反解析:
UseDNS no
service ssh restart即可搞定;
7,修改rabbitmq Message broker 用户密码
Functions test Environment or production Environment;
8,OpenStack packages for Ubuntu 相关组件的配置信息存储在sqlite中