A set is a kind of associative container that supports unique keys (contains at most oneof each key value) and provides for fast retrieval of the keys themselves. Set supportsbidirectional iterators
红黑树并非提供logN级别的搜索的唯一数据结构。很容易想到的就是在有序数集中进行binary_search,该算也提供的logN级别的时间复杂度,而且最数据结构的要求仅仅是“一个有序顺序集(该集支持某些必要操作)”,而且, 常数因子比set更小。使用set会占用更多的空间,不利于cache机制的使用,且可能造成更多的page faults。
事实胜于雄辩,下面是用一段代码来对比set提供的搜索和二分查找提供的搜索的性能,编译环境为WOW64 Release
注意: 检测元素是否搜索到是必须的,此处忽略之,对于push_back等的调用其实可以使用“范围函数”来完成,可能性能更好!
#include <iostream>#include <set>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>#include <windows.h>int main()
{using namespace std;const int MAX_ELEMENT = 1000000;const int MAX_SIZE = MAX_ELEMENT+1;const int MAX_TIMES = 10000000;set<int> intSet;
vector<int> intVect;
intVect.reserve(MAX_SIZE);for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; ++i){intSet.insert(i);intVect.push_back(i); //这里由于插入的特殊性,intVect元素状态是“有序”的
}DWORD st1, st2;st1 = GetTickCount();for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TIMES; ++i){intSet.find(MAX_ELEMENT);intSet.find(MAX_ELEMENT/2);intSet.find(MAX_ELEMENT/15);}st2 = GetTickCount();cout << "intSet.find(...):\t" << (st2 - st1) << "ms" << endl;st1 = GetTickCount();for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TIMES; ++i){binary_search(intVect.begin(), intVect.end(), MAX_ELEMENT);binary_search(intVect.begin(), intVect.end(), MAX_ELEMENT/2);binary_search(intVect.begin(), intVect.end(), MAX_ELEMENT/15);}st2 = GetTickCount();cout << "binary_search(...):\t" << (st2 - st1) << "ms" << endl;return 0;
2.使用sorted_vector:需要快速的搜索和遍历,但是对插入的性能要求很低,或者元素是预先一次性插入的,然后排序好, 在此基础上进行二分搜索。亦或者对内存限制较大。或者确信搜索操作和插入、删除操作几乎不交错在一起。或者元素的插入是“几乎有序”的,这样的插入的额外负担较小。
#pragma once#include <vector>#include <algorithm>#include <functional>template <typename T, typename Pred = std::less<T> > class sorted_vector{public:
typedef typename std::vector<T>::iterator iterator;typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator const_iterator;typedef typename std::vector<T>::size_type size_type;iterator begin() { return sort_vect.begin(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return sort_vect.cbegin(); }iterator end() { return sort_vect.end(); }
const_iterator end() const { return sort_vect.cend(); }void reserve(size_type sz) { sort_vect.reserve(sz); }
//Other wrapper help methods
//Well, use res_size to avoid reallocation possibly
sorted_vector(int res_size, const Pred& p = Pred()) : sort_vect(), pred(p){sort_vect.reserve(res_size);}template <typename InputIterator>sorted_vector(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const Pred& p = Pred())
: sort_vect(first, last), pred(p){std::sort(begin(), end(), pred);}//This container is always sorted
iterator insert(const T& elem)
{iterator it = std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), elem, pred);if (it == end() || pred(elem, *it))
sort_vect.insert(it, elem);return it;
}//The element is the container should not be modified!!
const_iterator find(const T& elem) const{const_iterator it = lower_bound(begin(), end(), elem, pred);return it == end() || pred(elem, *it) ? end() : it;
std::vector<T> sort_vect;Pred pred;};
sorted_vector<int> sortVect(MAX_SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; ++i){intSet.insert(i);intVect.push_back(i); //这里由于插入的特殊性,intVect元素状态是“有序”的
sortVect.insert(i);}cout << *(sortVect.find(MAX_ELEMENT/2)) << endl;DWORD st1, st2;st1 = GetTickCount();for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TIMES; ++i){sortVect.find(MAX_ELEMENT);sortVect.find(MAX_ELEMENT/2);sortVect.find(MAX_ELEMENT/15);}cout << "sortVect.find(...):\t" << (st2 - st1) << "ms" << endl;
参考:《Effective STL》、《Why you shouldn't use set》