template <typename Type> struct ListNode{ Type data; ListNode *next; };
/** * Create a list, without head node */ template <typename Type> ListNode<Type> *CreatList(Type *data, int len) { if(data == NULL || len <= 0) return NULL; ListNode<Type> *head, *last; head = new ListNode<Type>; last = head; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { last->next = new ListNode<Type>; last->next->data = data[i]; last = last->next; } last->next = NULL; last = head; head = head->next; delete last; return head; }
/** * reversely print the list * method 1: use the stack */ template <typename Type> void ReversePrintList_1(const ListNode<Type> *head) { if(head == NULL) return; stack<Type> nodeStack; while (head) { nodeStack.push(head->data); head = head->next; } while(!nodeStack.empty()) { cout<<nodeStack.top()<<" "; nodeStack.pop(); } cout<<endl; }
/** * reversely print the list * method 2: recursively */ template <typename Type> void ReversePrintList_2(const ListNode<Type> *head) { if(head == NULL) return; ReversePrintList_2(head->next); cout<<head->data<<" "; }
/** * reverse the list * method 1:sequential scanning */ template <typename Type> ListNode<Type> * ReverseList_1(ListNode<Type> *head) { if(head == NULL) return NULL; ListNode<Type> *pre = NULL; while (head) { ListNode<Type> *nextNode= head->next; head->next = pre; pre = head; head = nextNode; } return pre; }
/** * reverse the list * method 2: recursion */ template <typename Type> ListNode<Type> * ReverseList_2(ListNode<Type> *head) { if(head == NULL) return NULL; ListNode<Type> *newHead; SubReverseList_2(head, newHead); return newHead; } template <typename Type> ListNode<Type> * SubReverseList_2(ListNode<Type> *head, ListNode<Type> *&newHead) { if (head->next == NULL) { newHead = head; return head; } ListNode<Type> *post = SubReverseList_2(head->next, newHead); post->next = head; head->next = NULL; return head; }
/** * delete a node from list */ template <typename Type> ListNode<Type> * DeleteNode(ListNode<Type> *head, ListNode<Type> *node) { if(head == NULL || node == NULL) return head; //only have one node if (node == head && node->next == NULL) { delete head; return NULL; } //node counts > 1, and delete the tail node if (node->next == NULL) { ListNode<Type> *pre = head; while (pre->next != node) pre = pre->next; delete node; pre->next = NULL; return head; } //other node ListNode<Type> *delNode = node->next; node->data = delNode->data; node->next = delNode->next; delete delNode; return head; }
/** * return the last k node from list, 1 =< k <= list length */ template <typename Type> const ListNode<Type> * LastKNode(const ListNode<Type> *head, int k) { if(head == NULL || k < 1) return NULL; const ListNode<Type> *ahead, *after; after = ahead = head; for (int i = 0; i < k - 1; ++i) { //the list length less than k if(ahead->next == NULL) return NULL; ahead = ahead->next; } while (ahead->next != NULL) { ahead = ahead->next; after = after->next; } return after; }
/** * merge two sorted list */ template <typename Type> ListNode<Type> * MergeTwoSortedList(ListNode<Type> *H1, ListNode<Type> *H2) { if (H1 == NULL) return H2; if (H2 == NULL) return H1; ListNode<Type> *head, *last; head = new ListNode<Type>; last = head; while (H1 != NULL && H2 != NULL) { if (H1->data <= H2->data) { last->next = H1; last = H1; H1 = H1->next; } else { last->next = H2; last = H2; H2 = H2->next; } } if (H1 != NULL) last->next = H1; else if (H2 != NULL) last->next = H2; H1 = head->next; delete head; return H1; }
/** * Find the first common node */ template <typename Type> ListNode<Type> * Find1stCommonNode(ListNode<Type> *h1, ListNode<Type> *h2) { if(h1 == NULL || h2 == NULL) return NULL; int len1, len2; len1 = GetListLength(h1); len2 = GetListLength(h2); if (len1 > len2) { for (int i = 0;i < len1 - len2; ++i) h1 = h1->next; } else { for (int i = 0;i < len2 - len1; ++i) h2 = h2->next; } while (h1 && h1 != h2) { h1 = h1->next; h2 = h2->next; } return h1; } template <typename Type> int GetListLength(const ListNode<Type> *head) { int num = 0; while (head) { ++num; head = head->next; } return num; }
/** * judge two list crossing or not */ template <typename Type> bool IsCrossing(ListNode<Type> *h1, ListNode<Type> *h2) { if(h1 == NULL || h2 == NULL) return false; while(h1->next != NULL) h1 = h1->next; while(h2->next != NULL) h2 = h2->next; if(h1 == h2) return true; return false; }
/** * judge the list has circle or not */ template <typename Type> bool HasCircle(ListNode<Type> *head) { if(head == NULL) return false; ListNode<Type> *fast, *slow; fast = slow = head; while (fast && fast->next != NULL) { fast = fast->next->next; slow = slow->next; if(fast == slow) return true; } return false; }
/** * get the middle node of list */ template <typename Type> const ListNode<Type> * ListMidNode(const ListNode<Type> *head) { if(head == NULL) return NULL; const ListNode<Type> *fast, *slow; fast = slow = head; while(fast && fast->next != NULL) { fast = fast->next->next; slow = slow->next; } return slow; }
while(fast && fast->next != NULL && fast->next->next != NULL)
先写这么多,以后慢慢在加吧, 有新的问题大家可以提出来,一起讨论,共同进步...<^_^>。。。
Date: Sept 4rd, 2013 @lab