本文是用pdfbox读写pdf,但是因为pdfbox在写pdf的时候,对中文的支持不好,会有乱码,我尝试着修改COSString的源码,试了UTF-8、UTF-16BE几种编码 中文输出还是乱码 接着把pdfbox parent中的pom 的 <project.build.sourceEncoding>ISO-8859-1</project.build.sourceEncoding> 属性改为UTF-8 还是不行 好吧 能力有限 还是放弃了
所幸itext对中文的支持还不错 使用itext进行写pdf
pdfbox 官网 http://pdfbox.apache.org/cookbook/documentcreation.html
itext 官网 http://itextpdf.com/learn
下面 itext 中的代码 来源于 这位哥们写的 http://www.iteye.com/topic/1006313 本来是打算自己写的 但是这哥们写的不错 还有注释 就直接用了
itext的更多详细的操作 可参考 http://rensanning.iteye.com/blog/1538689 他写的很详细
产生pdf的 SavePdfDocument.java类 必要的地方都加了注释
package com.undergrowth.pdfbox; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSString; import org.apache.pdfbox.exceptions.COSVisitorException; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.edit.PDPageContentStream; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType1Font; /** * SavePdfDocument类用于产生pdf文档 * @author Administrator * @date 2014-8-31 * @version 1.0.0 */ public class SavePdfDocument { /** * 日志常量 */ public static final Log logger=LogFactory.getLog(SavePdfDocument.class); /** * 测试产生pdf文档 * @param sayWhat 要写入到pdf文档中的内容 * @param filePath 保存pdf的路径 * @throws IOException * @throws COSVisitorException * */ public boolean helloPdf(String sayWhat,String filePath) throws IOException, COSVisitorException{ boolean f=false; PDDocument document=getPdDocument(); PDPage page=getPdPage(); document.addPage(page); PDFont font=getFont(); PDPageContentStream contentStream=getPdPageContentStream(document, page); contentStream.beginText(); contentStream.setFont(font, 20); contentStream.moveTextPositionByAmount(200, 300); /* COSString cosString=new COSString(new String(sayWhat.getBytes(), "UTF-16BE")); contentStream.drawString("hello world"+"\t");*/ //contentStream.drawString("hello world"+cosString.getString()); contentStream.drawString(sayWhat); contentStream.endText(); //关闭页面内容流 contentStream.close(); document.save(filePath); document.close(); logger.info("成功创建pdf"); f=true; return f; } /** * 获取空的pdf文档对象 * @return PDDocument */ public PDDocument getPdDocument(){ PDDocument document=new PDDocument(); return document; } /** * 通过文件名加载文档 * @param fileName * @return PDDocument * @throws IOException */ public PDDocument getPdDocument(String fileName) throws IOException{ PDDocument document=PDDocument.load(fileName); return document; } /** * 获取空的pdf页面对象 * @return PDPage */ public PDPage getPdPage(){ PDPage page =new PDPage(); return page; } /** * 获取海维提卡体 * @return PDFont */ public PDFont getFont(){ PDFont font=PDType1Font.HELVETICA_BOLD; return font; } /** * 获取页面内容流 向页面添加内容 * @param document PDDocument * @param page PDPage * @return PDPageContentStream * @throws IOException */ public PDPageContentStream getPdPageContentStream(PDDocument document,PDPage page) throws IOException{ PDPageContentStream contentStream=new PDPageContentStream(document, page); return contentStream; } }
提取pdf的 PdfTextStripperTest.java
package com.undergrowth.pdfbox; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.Writer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument; import org.apache.pdfbox.util.PDFTextStripper; public class PdfTextStripperTest { public static Log log=LogFactory.getLog(PdfTextStripperTest.class); /** * 获取文本提取 * * @param document * @param writer * @throws IOException */ public void getTextStripper(PDDocument document, Writer writer) throws IOException { PDFTextStripper textStripper = new PDFTextStripper(); textStripper.writeText(document, writer); } /** * 提取文本内容 * @param String fileName 加载文档的路径 * @return String * @throws IOException */ public String getText(String fileName) throws IOException { String textString = ""; SavePdfDocument pdfDocument = new SavePdfDocument(); PDDocument document = pdfDocument.getPdDocument(fileName); //将提取出来的字节流转换为字符流进行显示 ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out); getTextStripper(document, writer); document.close(); out.close(); writer.close(); byte[] con = out.toByteArray(); textString = new String(con); log.info("提取的文本内容为:"+textString); return textString; } }
package com.undergrowth.pdfbox; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.pdfbox.exceptions.COSVisitorException; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; /** * Unit test for simple App. */ public class AppTest extends TestCase { /** * Create the test case * * @param testName name of the test case */ public AppTest( String testName ) { super( testName ); } /** * @return the suite of tests being tested */ public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite( AppTest.class ); } /** * Rigourous Test :-) * @throws IOException * @throws COSVisitorException */ public void testApp() throws COSVisitorException, IOException { SavePdfDocument pdfDocument=new SavePdfDocument(); String filePath="e:\\hello.pdf"; boolean f=pdfDocument.helloPdf(("hello world"), filePath); /* * boolean f=pdfDocument.helloPdf(new String("?我".getBytes("UTF-16BE"),"UTF-16BE"), filePath); * System.out.println("我".getBytes("UTF-8")); System.out.println(new String("我".getBytes("UTF-16BE"), "UTF-16BE")); */ assertTrue( f ); filePath="E:\\test11.pdf"; PdfTextStripperTest textStripperTest=new PdfTextStripperTest(); String stripperText = textStripperTest.getText(filePath); assertNotSame(stripperText, ""); } }
package com.undergrowth.pdfbox; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.PDFParser; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument; import org.apache.pdfbox.util.PDFTextStripper; import com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor; import com.itextpdf.text.Chapter; import com.itextpdf.text.Document; import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException; import com.itextpdf.text.Font; import com.itextpdf.text.FontFactory; import com.itextpdf.text.List; import com.itextpdf.text.ListItem; import com.itextpdf.text.PageSize; import com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph; import com.itextpdf.text.Phrase; import com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle; import com.itextpdf.text.Section; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BaseFont; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter; /** * 来源: http://www.iteye.com/topic/1006313 * @author Administrator * */ public class PdfUtils { // public static final String CHARACTOR_FONT_CH_FILE = "SIMFANG.TTF"; //仿宋常规 public static final String CHARACTOR_FONT_CH_FILE = "SIMHEI.TTF"; //黑体常规 public static final Rectangle PAGE_SIZE = PageSize.A4; public static final float MARGIN_LEFT = 50; public static final float MARGIN_RIGHT = 50; public static final float MARGIN_TOP = 50; public static final float MARGIN_BOTTOM = 50; public static final float SPACING = 20; private Document document = null; private FileOutputStream out=null; /** * 功能:创建导出数据的目标文档 * @param fileName 存储文件的临时路径 * @return */ public void createDocument(String fileName) { File file = new File(fileName); out = null; document = new Document(PAGE_SIZE, MARGIN_LEFT, MARGIN_RIGHT, MARGIN_TOP, MARGIN_BOTTOM); try { out = new FileOutputStream(file); // PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (DocumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // 打开文档准备写入内容 document.open(); } /** * 将章节写入到指定的PDF文档中 * @param chapter * @return */ public void writeChapterToDoc(Chapter chapter) { try { if(document != null) { if(!document.isOpen()) document.open(); document.add(chapter); } } catch (DocumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 功能 创建PDF文档中的章节 * @param title 章节标题 * @param chapterNum 章节序列号 * @param alignment 0表示align=left,1表示align=center * @param numberDepth 章节是否带序号 设值=1 表示带序号 1.章节一;1.1小节一...,设值=0表示不带序号 * @param font 字体格式 * @return Chapter章节 */ public static Chapter createChapter(String title, int chapterNum, int alignment, int numberDepth, Font font) { Paragraph chapterTitle = new Paragraph(title, font); chapterTitle.setAlignment(alignment); Chapter chapter = new Chapter(chapterTitle, chapterNum); chapter.setNumberDepth(numberDepth); return chapter; } /** * 功能:创建某指定章节下的小节 * @param chapter 指定章节 * @param title 小节标题 * @param font 字体格式 * @param numberDepth 小节是否带序号 设值=1 表示带序号 1.章节一;1.1小节一...,设值=0表示不带序号 * @return section在指定章节后追加小节 */ public static Section createSection(Chapter chapter, String title, Font font, int numberDepth) { Section section = null; if(chapter != null) { Paragraph sectionTitle = new Paragraph(title, font); sectionTitle.setSpacingBefore(SPACING); section = chapter.addSection(sectionTitle); section.setNumberDepth(numberDepth); } return section; } /** * 功能:向PDF文档中添加的内容 * @param text 内容 * @param font 内容对应的字体 * @return phrase 指定字体格式的内容 */ public static Phrase createPhrase(String text,Font font) { Phrase phrase = new Paragraph(text,font); return phrase; } /** * 功能:创建列表 * @param numbered 设置为 true 表明想创建一个进行编号的列表 * @param lettered 设置为true表示列表采用字母进行编号,为false则用数字进行编号 * @param symbolIndent * @return list */ public static List createList(boolean numbered, boolean lettered, float symbolIndent) { List list = new List(numbered, lettered, symbolIndent); return list; } /** * 功能:创建列表中的项 * @param content 列表项中的内容 * @param font 字体格式 * @return listItem */ public static ListItem createListItem(String content, Font font) { ListItem listItem = new ListItem(content, font); return listItem; } /** * 功能:创造字体格式 * @param fontname * @param size 字体大小 * @param style 字体风格 * @param color 字体颜色 * @return Font */ public static Font createFont(String fontname, float size, int style, BaseColor color) { Font font = FontFactory.getFont(fontname, size, style, color); return font; } /** * 功能: 返回支持中文的字体---仿宋 * @param size 字体大小 * @param style 字体风格 * @param color 字体 颜色 * @return 字体格式 */ public static Font createCHineseFont(float size, int style, BaseColor color) { BaseFont bfChinese = null; try { bfChinese = BaseFont.createFont(CHARACTOR_FONT_CH_FILE,BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); } catch (DocumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return new Font(bfChinese, size, style, color); } /** * 最后关闭PDF文档 */ public void closeDocument() { if(document != null) { document.close(); } } /** * 读PDF文件,使用了pdfbox开源项目 * @param fileName */ public static void readPDF(String fileName) { File file = new File(fileName); FileInputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(fileName); // 新建一个PDF解析器对象 PDFParser parser = new PDFParser(in); // 对PDF文件进行解析 parser.parse(); // 获取解析后得到的PDF文档对象 PDDocument pdfdocument = parser.getPDDocument(); // 新建一个PDF文本剥离器 PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper(); // 从PDF文档对象中剥离文本 String result = stripper.getText(pdfdocument); System.out.println("PDF文件的文本内容如下:"); System.out.println(result); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("读取PDF文件" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "生失败!" + e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { } } } } /** * 测试pdf文件的创建 * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { String fileName = "E:\\test11.pdf"; //这里先手动把绝对路径的文件夹给补上。 PdfUtils PdfUtils = new PdfUtils(); Font chapterFont = com.undergrowth.pdfbox.PdfUtils.createCHineseFont(20, Font.BOLD, new BaseColor(0, 0, 255));//文章标题字体 Font sectionFont = com.undergrowth.pdfbox.PdfUtils.createCHineseFont(16, Font.BOLD, new BaseColor(0, 0, 255));//文章小节字体 Font textFont = com.undergrowth.pdfbox.PdfUtils.createCHineseFont(10, Font.NORMAL, new BaseColor(0, 0, 0));//小节内容字体 PdfUtils.createDocument(fileName); Chapter chapter = com.undergrowth.pdfbox.PdfUtils.createChapter("糖尿病病例1", 1, 1, 0, chapterFont); Section section1 = com.undergrowth.pdfbox.PdfUtils.createSection(chapter, "病例联系人信息", sectionFont,0); Phrase text1 = com.undergrowth.pdfbox.PdfUtils.createPhrase("如您手中有同类现成病例,在填写完以上基础信息后,传病例附件",textFont); section1.add(text1); Section section2 = com.undergrowth.pdfbox.PdfUtils.createSection(chapter, "病例个人体会", sectionFont,0); Phrase text2 = com.undergrowth.pdfbox.PdfUtils.createPhrase("1.下载病例生成PDF文档",textFont); // text2.setFirstLineIndent(20); //第一行空格距离 section2.add(text1); section2.add(text2); List list = com.undergrowth.pdfbox.PdfUtils.createList(true, false, 20); String tmp = "还有什么能够文档。文档是 PDF 文档的所有元素的容器。 "; ListItem listItem1 = com.undergrowth.pdfbox.PdfUtils.createListItem(tmp,textFont); ListItem listItem2 = com.undergrowth.pdfbox.PdfUtils.createListItem("列表2",textFont); list.add(listItem1); list.add(listItem2); section2.add(list); PdfUtils.writeChapterToDoc(chapter); PdfUtils.closeDocument(); //读取 readPDF(fileName); } }
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd"> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>com.undergrowth</groupId> <artifactId>pdfbox</artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> <packaging>jar</packaging> <name>pdfbox</name> <url>http://maven.apache.org</url> <properties> <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junit</artifactId> <version>3.8.1</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.pdfbox</groupId> <artifactId>pdfbox</artifactId> <version>1.8.6</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.ibm.icu</groupId> <artifactId>icu4j</artifactId> <version>3.8</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.itextpdf</groupId> <artifactId>itextpdf</artifactId> <version>5.5.1</version> <type>jar</type> </dependency> </dependencies> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.9.1</version> <configuration> <tags> <tag> <name>date</name> <placement>a</placement> <head>日期:</head> </tag> </tags> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build> </project>
<dependency> <groupId>com.levigo.jbig2</groupId> <artifactId>levigo-jbig2-imageio</artifactId> <version>1.6.2</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>net.java.dev.jai-imageio</groupId> <artifactId>jai-imageio-core-standalone</artifactId> <version>1.2-pre-dr-b04-2011-07-04</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
<repository> <id>jbig2.googlecode</id> <name>JBIG2 ImageIO-Plugin repository at googlecode.com</name> <url>http://jbig2-imageio.googlecode.com/svn/maven-repository/</url> </repository>
哈哈 编译成功
好吧 还是来看看 pdfbox中用到的访问者模式吧 也正是由于这个模式中的访问者的操作 才将最终的document内容输出到输出流中去
访问者模式是什么啊 好吧
看看这里有两篇文章 有个大致印象吧
访问者模式 http://blog.csdn.net/hfmbook/article/details/7684175
访问者模式 http://www.2cto.com/kf/201402/278957.html
还是从头看起 先看 PDdocument的构造器
/** * Constructor, creates a new PDF Document with no pages. You need to add * at least one page for the document to be valid. */ public PDDocument() { document = new COSDocument(); //First we need a trailer COSDictionary trailer = new COSDictionary(); document.setTrailer( trailer ); //Next we need the root dictionary. COSDictionary rootDictionary = new COSDictionary(); trailer.setItem( COSName.ROOT, rootDictionary ); rootDictionary.setItem( COSName.TYPE, COSName.CATALOG ); rootDictionary.setItem( COSName.VERSION, COSName.getPDFName( "1.4" ) ); //next we need the pages tree structure COSDictionary pages = new COSDictionary(); rootDictionary.setItem( COSName.PAGES, pages ); pages.setItem( COSName.TYPE, COSName.PAGES ); COSArray kidsArray = new COSArray(); pages.setItem( COSName.KIDS, kidsArray ); pages.setItem( COSName.COUNT, COSInteger.ZERO ); }
大致示意图 画得太丑了 完全没有艺术细胞 哎
其实上面 如果有兴趣 你追踪看一下 发现 new COSDocument();
/** * Constructor. Uses memory to store stream. */ public COSDocument() { this(new RandomAccessBuffer(), false); }
/** * Default constructor. */ public RandomAccessBuffer() { // starting with one chunk bufferList = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); currentBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; bufferList.add(currentBuffer); pointer = 0; currentBufferPointer = 0; size = 0; bufferListIndex = 0; bufferListMaxIndex = 0; }
接着看 创建了一个PDPage的构造函数
/** * Creates a new instance of PDPage with a size of 8.5x11. */ public PDPage() { page = new COSDictionary(); page.setItem( COSName.TYPE, COSName.PAGE ); setMediaBox( PAGE_SIZE_LETTER ); }
/** * A page size of LETTER or 8.5x11. */ public static final PDRectangle PAGE_SIZE_LETTER = new PDRectangle( 8.5f*DEFAULT_USER_SPACE_UNIT_DPI, 11f*DEFAULT_USER_SPACE_UNIT_DPI );
page.setItem( COSName.MEDIA_BOX, mediaBoxValue.getCOSArray() );
接着看 document.addPage(page); 将创建的页面添加到文档中 估计就是和上面画的那张不太好看的图挂上钩 额
/** * This will add a page to the document. This is a convenience method, that * will add the page to the root of the hierarchy and set the parent of the * page to the root. * * @param page The page to add to the document. */ public void addPage( PDPage page ) { PDPageNode rootPages = getDocumentCatalog().getPages(); rootPages.getKids().add( page ); page.setParent( rootPages ); rootPages.updateCount(); }
/** * This will get the root node for the pages. * * @return The parent page node. */ public PDPageNode getPages() { return new PDPageNode( (COSDictionary)root.getDictionaryObject( COSName.PAGES ) ); }
接着 第三行 page.setParent( rootPages ); 将page指向root的page页
/** * Create a new PDPage content stream. * * @param document The document the page is part of. * @param sourcePage The page to write the contents to. * @throws IOException If there is an error writing to the page contents. */ public PDPageContentStream(PDDocument document, PDPage sourcePage) throws IOException { this(document, sourcePage, false, true); }
/** * Create a new PDPage content stream. * * @param document The document the page is part of. * @param sourcePage The page to write the contents to. * @param appendContent Indicates whether content will be overwritten. If false all previous content is deleted. * @param compress Tell if the content stream should compress the page contents. * @throws IOException If there is an error writing to the page contents. */ public PDPageContentStream(PDDocument document, PDPage sourcePage, boolean appendContent, boolean compress) throws IOException { this(document, sourcePage, appendContent, compress, false); }
/** * Create a new PDPage content stream. * * @param document The document the page is part of. * @param sourcePage The page to write the contents to. * @param appendContent Indicates whether content will be overwritten. If false all previous content is deleted. * @param compress Tell if the content stream should compress the page contents. * @param resetContext Tell if the graphic context should be reseted. * @throws IOException If there is an error writing to the page contents. */ public PDPageContentStream(PDDocument document, PDPage sourcePage, boolean appendContent, boolean compress, boolean resetContext) throws IOException { // Get the pdstream from the source page instead of creating a new one PDStream contents = sourcePage.getContents(); boolean hasContent = contents != null; // If request specifies the need to append to the document if (appendContent && hasContent) { // Create a pdstream to append new content PDStream contentsToAppend = new PDStream(document); // This will be the resulting COSStreamArray after existing and new streams are merged COSStreamArray compoundStream = null; // If contents is already an array, a new stream is simply appended to it if (contents.getStream() instanceof COSStreamArray) { compoundStream = (COSStreamArray) contents.getStream(); compoundStream.appendStream(contentsToAppend.getStream()); } else { // Creates the COSStreamArray and adds the current stream plus a new one to it COSArray newArray = new COSArray(); newArray.add(contents.getCOSObject()); newArray.add(contentsToAppend.getCOSObject()); compoundStream = new COSStreamArray(newArray); } if (compress) { List<COSName> filters = new ArrayList<COSName>(); filters.add(COSName.FLATE_DECODE); contentsToAppend.setFilters(filters); } if (resetContext) { // create a new stream to encapsulate the existing stream PDStream saveGraphics = new PDStream(document); output = saveGraphics.createOutputStream(); // save the initial/unmodified graphics context saveGraphicsState(); close(); if (compress) { List<COSName> filters = new ArrayList<COSName>(); filters.add(COSName.FLATE_DECODE); saveGraphics.setFilters(filters); } // insert the new stream at the beginning compoundStream.insertCOSStream(saveGraphics); } // Sets the compoundStream as page contents sourcePage.setContents(new PDStream(compoundStream)); output = contentsToAppend.createOutputStream(); if (resetContext) { // restore the initial/unmodified graphics context restoreGraphicsState(); } } else { if (hasContent) { LOG.warn("You are overwriting an existing content, you should use the append mode"); } contents = new PDStream(document); if (compress) { List<COSName> filters = new ArrayList<COSName>(); filters.add(COSName.FLATE_DECODE); contents.setFilters(filters); } sourcePage.setContents(contents); output = contents.createOutputStream(); } formatDecimal.setMaximumFractionDigits(10); formatDecimal.setGroupingUsed(false); // this has to be done here, as the resources will be set to null when reseting the content stream resources = sourcePage.getResources(); if (resources == null) { resources = new PDResources(); sourcePage.setResources(resources); } }
contents = new PDStream(document);用document的记录文件创建 PDStream
output = contents.createOutputStream();
至于 contentStream.beginText();
contentStream.setFont(font, 20);
contentStream.moveTextPositionByAmount(200, 300); 这几个方法 都比较简单 就是写一些命令 移动上面所见的page的位置
/** * This will draw a string at the current location on the screen. * * @param text The text to draw. * @throws IOException If an io exception occurs. */ public void drawString(String text) throws IOException { if (!inTextMode) { throw new IOException("Error: must call beginText() before drawString"); } COSString string = new COSString(text); ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); string.writePDF(buffer); appendRawCommands(buffer.toByteArray()); appendRawCommands(SPACE); appendRawCommands(SHOW_TEXT); }
这里有一个COSString类 我估计就是这个类导致与中文的乱码 还是看看它的构造器吧
/** * Explicit constructor for ease of manual PDF construction. * * @param value * The string value of the object. */ public COSString(String value) { try { boolean unicode16 = false; char[] chars = value.toCharArray(); int length = chars.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (chars[i] > 255) { unicode16 = true; break; } } if (unicode16) { byte[] data = value.getBytes("UTF-16BE"); out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(data.length + 2); out.write(0xFE); out.write(0xFF); out.write(data); } else { byte[] data = value.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(data.length); out.write(data); } } catch (IOException ignore) { LOG.error(ignore,ignore); // should never happen } }
很明显的看到 当单个字符的编码小于255的时候 使用ISO-8859-1获取到字节码 ISO-8859-1不支持中文啊 不乱码才怪 恩 其实还有很多地方都是用的是ISO-8859-1 所以目前还不清楚 到底需要改哪些地方 才能正确输出中文 貌似对中文的支持确实不太好
好吧 接着看 其实上面就是向PDPageContentStream的output输出流中写入字节 其实就是向document的记录文件中写入字节
接着 contentStream.close(); 一定要 close() 因为
public class PDPageContentStream implements Closeable
接下来的这部操作 就是执行输出操作的地方了 也是用到了访问者模式的地方
/** * Save the document to a file. * * @param fileName The file to save as. * * @throws IOException If there is an error saving the document. * @throws COSVisitorException If an error occurs while generating the data. */ public void save( String fileName ) throws IOException, COSVisitorException { save( new File( fileName ) ); }
/** * Save the document to a file. * * @param file The file to save as. * * @throws IOException If there is an error saving the document. * @throws COSVisitorException If an error occurs while generating the data. */ public void save( File file ) throws IOException, COSVisitorException { save( new FileOutputStream( file ) ); }
/** * This will save the document to an output stream. * * @param output The stream to write to. * * @throws IOException If there is an error writing the document. * @throws COSVisitorException If an error occurs while generating the data. */ public void save( OutputStream output ) throws IOException, COSVisitorException { //update the count in case any pages have been added behind the scenes. getDocumentCatalog().getPages().updateCount(); COSWriter writer = null; try { writer = new COSWriter( output ); writer.write( this ); writer.close(); } finally { if( writer != null ) { writer.close(); } } }
writer.write( this );
/** * This will write the pdf document. * * @param doc The document to write. * * @throws COSVisitorException If an error occurs while generating the data. */ public void write(PDDocument doc) throws COSVisitorException { Long idTime = doc.getDocumentId() == null ? System.currentTimeMillis() : doc.getDocumentId(); document = doc; if(incrementalUpdate) { prepareIncrement(doc); } // if the document says we should remove encryption, then we shouldn't encrypt if(doc.isAllSecurityToBeRemoved()) { this.willEncrypt = false; // also need to get rid of the "Encrypt" in the trailer so readers // don't try to decrypt a document which is not encrypted COSDocument cosDoc = doc.getDocument(); COSDictionary trailer = cosDoc.getTrailer(); trailer.removeItem(COSName.ENCRYPT); } else { SecurityHandler securityHandler = document.getSecurityHandler(); if(securityHandler != null) { try { securityHandler.prepareDocumentForEncryption(document); this.willEncrypt = true; } catch(IOException e) { throw new COSVisitorException( e ); } catch(CryptographyException e) { throw new COSVisitorException( e ); } } else { this.willEncrypt = false; } } COSDocument cosDoc = document.getDocument(); COSDictionary trailer = cosDoc.getTrailer(); COSArray idArray = (COSArray)trailer.getDictionaryObject( COSName.ID ); if( idArray == null || incrementalUpdate) { try { //algorithm says to use time/path/size/values in doc to generate //the id. We don't have path or size, so do the best we can MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance( "MD5" ); md.update( Long.toString(idTime).getBytes("ISO-8859-1") ); COSDictionary info = (COSDictionary)trailer.getDictionaryObject( COSName.INFO ); if( info != null ) { Iterator<COSBase> values = info.getValues().iterator(); while( values.hasNext() ) { md.update( values.next().toString().getBytes("ISO-8859-1") ); } } idArray = new COSArray(); COSString id = new COSString( md.digest() ); idArray.add( id ); idArray.add( id ); trailer.setItem( COSName.ID, idArray ); } catch( NoSuchAlgorithmException e ) { throw new COSVisitorException( e ); } catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) { throw new COSVisitorException( e ); } } cosDoc.accept(this); }
上面那个方法 重点在 cosDoc.accept(this); 方法上 即COSDocument接受COSWriter对象的访问
访问者接口即是 ICOSVisitor
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pdfbox.cos; import org.apache.pdfbox.exceptions.COSVisitorException; /** * An interface for visiting a PDF document at the type (COS) level. * * @author Michael Traut * @version $Revision: 1.6 $ */ public interface ICOSVisitor { /** * Notification of visit to Array object. * * @param obj The Object that is being visited. * @return any Object depending on the visitor implementation, or null * @throws COSVisitorException If there is an error while visiting this object. */ public Object visitFromArray( COSArray obj ) throws COSVisitorException; /** * Notification of visit to boolean object. * * @param obj The Object that is being visited. * @return any Object depending on the visitor implementation, or null * @throws COSVisitorException If there is an error while visiting this object. */ public Object visitFromBoolean( COSBoolean obj ) throws COSVisitorException; /** * Notification of visit to dictionary object. * * @param obj The Object that is being visited. * @return any Object depending on the visitor implementation, or null * @throws COSVisitorException If there is an error while visiting this object. */ public Object visitFromDictionary( COSDictionary obj ) throws COSVisitorException; /** * Notification of visit to document object. * * @param obj The Object that is being visited. * @return any Object depending on the visitor implementation, or null * @throws COSVisitorException If there is an error while visiting this object. */ public Object visitFromDocument( COSDocument obj ) throws COSVisitorException; /** * Notification of visit to float object. * * @param obj The Object that is being visited. * @return any Object depending on the visitor implementation, or null * @throws COSVisitorException If there is an error while visiting this object. */ public Object visitFromFloat( COSFloat obj ) throws COSVisitorException; /** * Notification of visit to integer object. * * @param obj The Object that is being visited. * @return any Object depending on the visitor implementation, or null * @throws COSVisitorException If there is an error while visiting this object. */ public Object visitFromInt( COSInteger obj ) throws COSVisitorException; /** * Notification of visit to name object. * * @param obj The Object that is being visited. * @return any Object depending on the visitor implementation, or null * @throws COSVisitorException If there is an error while visiting this object. */ public Object visitFromName( COSName obj ) throws COSVisitorException; /** * Notification of visit to null object. * * @param obj The Object that is being visited. * @return any Object depending on the visitor implementation, or null * @throws COSVisitorException If there is an error while visiting this object. */ public Object visitFromNull( COSNull obj ) throws COSVisitorException; /** * Notification of visit to stream object. * * @param obj The Object that is being visited. * @return any Object depending on the visitor implementation, or null * @throws COSVisitorException If there is an error while visiting this object. */ public Object visitFromStream( COSStream obj ) throws COSVisitorException; /** * Notification of visit to string object. * * @param obj The Object that is being visited. * @return any Object depending on the visitor implementation, or null * @throws COSVisitorException If there is an error while visiting this object. */ public Object visitFromString( COSString obj ) throws COSVisitorException; }
访问者实现类 又很多 这里只列举 COSWriter 的一个实现方法
/** * The visit from document method. * * @param doc The object that is being visited. * * @throws COSVisitorException If there is an exception while visiting this object. * * @return null */ public Object visitFromDocument(COSDocument doc) throws COSVisitorException { try { if(!incrementalUpdate) { doWriteHeader(doc); } doWriteBody(doc); // get the previous trailer COSDictionary trailer = doc.getTrailer(); long hybridPrev = -1; if (trailer != null) { hybridPrev = trailer.getLong(COSName.XREF_STM); } if(incrementalUpdate) { doWriteXRefInc(doc, hybridPrev); } else { doWriteXRef(doc); } // the trailer section should only be used for xref tables not for xref streams if (!incrementalUpdate || !doc.isXRefStream() || hybridPrev != -1) { doWriteTrailer(doc); } // write endof getStandardOutput().write(STARTXREF); getStandardOutput().writeEOL(); getStandardOutput().write(String.valueOf(getStartxref()).getBytes("ISO-8859-1")); getStandardOutput().writeEOL(); getStandardOutput().write(EOF); getStandardOutput().writeEOL(); if(incrementalUpdate) { doWriteSignature(doc); } return null; } catch (IOException e) { throw new COSVisitorException(e); } catch (SignatureException e) { throw new COSVisitorException(e); } }
目标对象接口 COSBase 有一个抽象的 可接受访问的方法
/** * visitor pattern double dispatch method. * * @param visitor The object to notify when visiting this object. * @return any object, depending on the visitor implementation, or null * @throws COSVisitorException If an error occurs while visiting this object. */ public abstract Object accept(ICOSVisitor visitor) throws COSVisitorException;
目标对象实现类 也很多 只列举 COSDocument 的
/** * visitor pattern double dispatch method. * * @param visitor The object to notify when visiting this object. * @return any object, depending on the visitor implementation, or null * @throws COSVisitorException If an error occurs while visiting this object. */ @Override public Object accept(ICOSVisitor visitor) throws COSVisitorException { return visitor.visitFromDocument( this ); }
实际上 调用了上面的accept方法 接着调用了 COSWriter的visitFromDocument方法 实现最终的文档内容的输出
对于访问者模式 额 感觉就是对同一类对象 不同的访问者实现类 可以做不同的事情 额 好像 哎 还是不太明白 其实 主要是没有真正的用过 只是学过 看过 还是理解不深啊 记录学习的脚步 接着努力学习 。。。