在ContentResolver中使用Group By

使用ContentProvider查询短信,希望可以在ContentResolver.query中使用Group By ,发现系统并没有提供接口或者可用字段。



public final Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection,

        String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) {

    return query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder, null);


最有可能可以处理的地方就是selection,我们首先尝试设置 selection = "gourp by thread_id" 执行程序,从错误日志中发现,sql语句经过编译处理加上了括号,像下面这样:

SELECT _id, thread_id, address, person, body, date FROM sms WHERE (type=1) AND (group by thread_id) ORDER BY date DESC

看来要最终得到正确的sql语句,selection的设置需要有技巧性一些。再尝试selection = "0=0) group by (thread_id",这次成功了!主要是注意括号的处理,以及AND后面必须有一个查询条件,这里我们使用了0=0(此处验证0==0亦可)这个永真查询只是为了保证sql语句的正确性。


Uri SMS_PROVIDER = Uri.parse("content://sms/inbox");

String[] projection = new String[] {

  "_id", "thread_id", "address",

  "person", "body", "date"};

Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(SMS_PROVIDER,

  projection, "0=0) group by (thread_id", null, "date desc");


SELECT _id, thread_id, address, person, body, date FROM sms WHERE (type=1) AND (0=0)group by (thread_id) ORDER BY date DESC


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