




Void TEncRateCtrl::init( Int totalFrames, Int targetBitrate, Int frameRate, Int GOPSize, Int picWidth, Int picHeight, Int LCUWidth, Int LCUHeight, Int keepHierBits, Bool useLCUSeparateModel, GOPEntry  GOPList[MAX_GOP] )


Void TEncRateCtrl::init( Int totalFrames, Int targetBitrate, Int frameRate, Int GOPSize, Int picWidth, Int picHeight, Int LCUWidth, Int LCUHeight, Bool keepHierBits, Bool useLCUSeparateModel, GOPEntry  GOPList[MAX_GOP] )




  Bool isLowdelay = true;

  for ( Int i=0; i<GOPSize-1; i++ )


    if ( GOPList[i].m_POC > GOPList[i+1].m_POC ) //!< 判断是否为lowdelay配置


      isLowdelay = false;




  Int numberOfLevel = 1;


  Int adaptiveBit = 0;

  if ( keepHierBits > 0 )


  if ( keepHierBits )	//!< hierarchical structure



    numberOfLevel = Int( log((Double)GOPSize)/log(2.0) + 0.5 ) + 1;


  if ( !isLowdelay && GOPSize == 8 )


    numberOfLevel = Int( log((Double)GOPSize)/log(2.0) + 0.5 ) + 1;


  numberOfLevel++;    // intra picture

  numberOfLevel++;    // non-reference picture

  Int* bitsRatio;	//!< 每一幅picture的权值

  bitsRatio = new Int[ GOPSize ];

  for ( Int i=0; i<GOPSize; i++ )


    bitsRatio[i] = 10;

    if ( !GOPList[i].m_refPic )


      bitsRatio[i] = 2;




  if ( keepHierBits > 0 )


  if ( keepHierBits )



    Double bpp = (Double)( targetBitrate / (Double)( frameRate*picWidth*picHeight ) ); //!< K0103 式子(3)

    if ( GOPSize == 4 && isLowdelay ) //!< K0103 Table 1


      if ( bpp > 0.2 )


        bitsRatio[0] = 2;

        bitsRatio[1] = 3;

        bitsRatio[2] = 2;

        bitsRatio[3] = 6;


      else if( bpp > 0.1 )


        bitsRatio[0] = 2;

        bitsRatio[1] = 3;

        bitsRatio[2] = 2;

        bitsRatio[3] = 10;


      else if ( bpp > 0.05 )


        bitsRatio[0] = 2;

        bitsRatio[1] = 3;

        bitsRatio[2] = 2;

        bitsRatio[3] = 12;




        bitsRatio[0] = 2;

        bitsRatio[1] = 3;

        bitsRatio[2] = 2;

        bitsRatio[3] = 14;



      if ( keepHierBits == 2 )


        adaptiveBit = 1;




    else if ( GOPSize == 8 && !isLowdelay ) //!< K0103 Table 2


      if ( bpp > 0.2 )


        bitsRatio[0] = 15;

        bitsRatio[1] = 5;

        bitsRatio[2] = 4;

        bitsRatio[3] = 1;

        bitsRatio[4] = 1;

        bitsRatio[5] = 4;

        bitsRatio[6] = 1;

        bitsRatio[7] = 1;


      else if ( bpp > 0.1 )


        bitsRatio[0] = 20;

        bitsRatio[1] = 6;

        bitsRatio[2] = 4;

        bitsRatio[3] = 1;

        bitsRatio[4] = 1;

        bitsRatio[5] = 4;

        bitsRatio[6] = 1;

        bitsRatio[7] = 1;


      else if ( bpp > 0.05 )


        bitsRatio[0] = 25;

        bitsRatio[1] = 7;

        bitsRatio[2] = 4;

        bitsRatio[3] = 1;

        bitsRatio[4] = 1;

        bitsRatio[5] = 4;

        bitsRatio[6] = 1;

        bitsRatio[7] = 1;




        bitsRatio[0] = 30;

        bitsRatio[1] = 8;

        bitsRatio[2] = 4;

        bitsRatio[3] = 1;

        bitsRatio[4] = 1;

        bitsRatio[5] = 4;

        bitsRatio[6] = 1;

        bitsRatio[7] = 1;



      if ( keepHierBits == 2 )


        adaptiveBit = 2;







      printf( "\n hierarchical bit allocation is not support for the specified coding structure currently.\n" );


      printf( "\n hierarchical bit allocation is not support for the specified coding structure currently." );




  Int* GOPID2Level = new int[ GOPSize ]; //!< 根据在GOP中的id确定所属的分层

  for ( int i=0; i<GOPSize; i++ )


    GOPID2Level[i] = 1;

    if ( !GOPList[i].m_refPic )


      GOPID2Level[i] = 2;




  if ( keepHierBits > 0 )


  if ( keepHierBits )



    if ( GOPSize == 4 && isLowdelay )


      GOPID2Level[0] = 3;

      GOPID2Level[1] = 2;

      GOPID2Level[2] = 3;

      GOPID2Level[3] = 1;


    else if ( GOPSize == 8 && !isLowdelay )


      GOPID2Level[0] = 1;

      GOPID2Level[1] = 2;

      GOPID2Level[2] = 3;

      GOPID2Level[3] = 4;

      GOPID2Level[4] = 4;

      GOPID2Level[5] = 3;

      GOPID2Level[6] = 4;

      GOPID2Level[7] = 4;



  if ( !isLowdelay && GOPSize == 8 )


    GOPID2Level[0] = 1;

    GOPID2Level[1] = 2;

    GOPID2Level[2] = 3;

    GOPID2Level[3] = 4;

    GOPID2Level[4] = 4;

    GOPID2Level[5] = 3;

    GOPID2Level[6] = 4;

    GOPID2Level[7] = 4;


  m_encRCSeq = new TEncRCSeq;


  m_encRCSeq->create( totalFrames, targetBitrate, frameRate, GOPSize, picWidth, picHeight, LCUWidth, LCUHeight, numberOfLevel, useLCUSeparateModel, adaptiveBit );

#else //!< 序列级RC参数的初始化

  m_encRCSeq->create( totalFrames, targetBitrate, frameRate, GOPSize, picWidth, picHeight, LCUWidth, LCUHeight, numberOfLevel, useLCUSeparateModel );


  m_encRCSeq->initBitsRatio( bitsRatio ); //!< 每幅picture的权值

  m_encRCSeq->initGOPID2Level( GOPID2Level ); 

  m_encRCSeq->initPicPara(/*TRCParameter* picPara  = NULL*/); //!< alpha, beta

  if ( useLCUSeparateModel )


    m_encRCSeq->initLCUPara(); //!< alpha,beta初始化


  delete[] bitsRatio;

  delete[] GOPID2Level;





Void TEncRCSeq::create( Int totalFrames, Int targetBitrate, Int frameRate, Int GOPSize, Int picWidth, Int picHeight, Int LCUWidth, Int LCUHeight, Int numberOfLevel, Bool useLCUSeparateModel, Int adaptiveBit )


Void TEncRCSeq::create( Int totalFrames, Int targetBitrate, Int frameRate, Int GOPSize, Int picWidth, Int picHeight, Int LCUWidth, Int LCUHeight, Int numberOfLevel, Bool useLCUSeparateModel )




  m_totalFrames         = totalFrames;

  m_targetRate          = targetBitrate;

  m_frameRate           = frameRate;

  m_GOPSize             = GOPSize;

  m_picWidth            = picWidth;

  m_picHeight           = picHeight;

  m_LCUWidth            = LCUWidth;

  m_LCUHeight           = LCUHeight;

  m_numberOfLevel       = numberOfLevel;

  m_useLCUSeparateModel = useLCUSeparateModel;

  m_numberOfPixel   = m_picWidth * m_picHeight;

  m_targetBits      = (Int64)m_totalFrames * (Int64)m_targetRate / (Int64)m_frameRate; //!< 序列总码率(输出码流总大小)

  m_seqTargetBpp = (Double)m_targetRate / (Double)m_frameRate / (Double)m_numberOfPixel; //!< m_targetRate--bps


  //!< m_alphaUpdata和m_betaUpdate这两个变量用于在接下来更新lamda的参数值

  if ( m_seqTargetBpp < 0.03 )	//!< (..., 0.03)


    m_alphaUpdate = 0.01;

    m_betaUpdate  = 0.005;


  else if ( m_seqTargetBpp < 0.08 ) //!< [0.03, 0.08)


    m_alphaUpdate = 0.05;

    m_betaUpdate  = 0.025;



  else if ( m_seqTargetBpp < 0.2 )


    m_alphaUpdate = 0.1;

    m_betaUpdate  = 0.05;


  else if ( m_seqTargetBpp < 0.5 )


    m_alphaUpdate = 0.2;

    m_betaUpdate  = 0.1;




    m_alphaUpdate = 0.4;

    m_betaUpdate  = 0.2;



  else //!< [0.08, ...]


    m_alphaUpdate = 0.1;

    m_betaUpdate  = 0.05;



  m_averageBits     = (Int)(m_targetBits / totalFrames); //!< 平均每帧占用的比特数

  Int picWidthInBU  = ( m_picWidth  % m_LCUWidth  ) == 0 ? m_picWidth  / m_LCUWidth  : m_picWidth  / m_LCUWidth  + 1;

  Int picHeightInBU = ( m_picHeight % m_LCUHeight ) == 0 ? m_picHeight / m_LCUHeight : m_picHeight / m_LCUHeight + 1;

  m_numberOfLCU     = picWidthInBU * picHeightInBU; //!< 一帧picture中包含的LCU数目

  m_bitsRatio   = new Int[m_GOPSize];

  for ( Int i=0; i<m_GOPSize; i++ )


    m_bitsRatio[i] = 1;


  m_GOPID2Level = new Int[m_GOPSize];

  for ( Int i=0; i<m_GOPSize; i++ )


    m_GOPID2Level[i] = 1;


  m_picPara = new TRCParameter[m_numberOfLevel];

  for ( Int i=0; i<m_numberOfLevel; i++ )


    m_picPara[i].m_alpha = 0.0;

    m_picPara[i].m_beta  = 0.0;


  if ( m_useLCUSeparateModel ) //!< 每个LCU的alpha和beta都有各自的值


    m_LCUPara = new TRCParameter*[m_numberOfLevel];

    for ( Int i=0; i<m_numberOfLevel; i++ )


      m_LCUPara[i] = new TRCParameter[m_numberOfLCU];

      for ( Int j=0; j<m_numberOfLCU; j++)


        m_LCUPara[i][j].m_alpha = 0.0;

        m_LCUPara[i][j].m_beta  = 0.0;




  m_framesLeft = m_totalFrames; //!< 剩余的待编码帧数

  m_bitsLeft   = m_targetBits;	//!< 剩余可用的比特数


  m_adaptiveBit = adaptiveBit;

  m_lastLambda = 0.0;




Void TEncRCSeq::initPicPara( TRCParameter* picPara )


  assert( m_picPara != NULL );

  if ( picPara == NULL ) //!< K0103 式子(10)


    for ( Int i=0; i<m_numberOfLevel; i++ )



      if (i>0)


        m_picPara[i].m_alpha = 3.2003;

        m_picPara[i].m_beta  = -1.367;




        m_picPara[i].m_alpha = ALPHA;   

        m_picPara[i].m_beta  = BETA2;


#else	//!< 第一帧图像的参数初始化

      m_picPara[i].m_alpha = 3.2003;

      m_picPara[i].m_beta  = -1.367;






    for ( Int i=0; i<m_numberOfLevel; i++ )


      m_picPara[i] = picPara[i];





Void TEncRateCtrl::initRCGOP( Int numberOfPictures )


  m_encRCGOP = new TEncRCGOP;

  m_encRCGOP->create( m_encRCSeq, numberOfPictures );

Void TEncRCGOP::create( TEncRCSeq* encRCSeq, Int numPic )



  Int targetBits = xEstGOPTargetBits( encRCSeq, numPic ); //!< GOP level bit allocation


  if ( encRCSeq->getAdaptiveBits() > 0 && encRCSeq->getLastLambda() > 0.1 )


    Double targetBpp = (Double)targetBits / encRCSeq->getNumPixel();

    Double basicLambda = 0.0;

    Double* lambdaRatio = new Double[encRCSeq->getGOPSize()];

    Double* equaCoeffA = new Double[encRCSeq->getGOPSize()];

    Double* equaCoeffB = new Double[encRCSeq->getGOPSize()];

    if ( encRCSeq->getAdaptiveBits() == 1 )   // for GOP size =4, low delay case


      if ( encRCSeq->getLastLambda() < 120.0 )


        lambdaRatio[1] = 0.725 * log( encRCSeq->getLastLambda() ) + 0.5793;

        lambdaRatio[0] = 1.3 * lambdaRatio[1];

        lambdaRatio[2] = 1.3 * lambdaRatio[1];

        lambdaRatio[3] = 1.0;




        lambdaRatio[0] = 5.0;

        lambdaRatio[1] = 4.0;

        lambdaRatio[2] = 5.0;

        lambdaRatio[3] = 1.0;



    else if ( encRCSeq->getAdaptiveBits() == 2 )  // for GOP size = 8, random access case


      if ( encRCSeq->getLastLambda() < 90.0 )


        lambdaRatio[0] = 1.0;

        lambdaRatio[1] = 0.725 * log( encRCSeq->getLastLambda() ) + 0.7963;

        lambdaRatio[2] = 1.3 * lambdaRatio[1];

        lambdaRatio[3] = 3.25 * lambdaRatio[1];

        lambdaRatio[4] = 3.25 * lambdaRatio[1];

        lambdaRatio[5] = 1.3  * lambdaRatio[1];

        lambdaRatio[6] = 3.25 * lambdaRatio[1];

        lambdaRatio[7] = 3.25 * lambdaRatio[1];




        lambdaRatio[0] = 1.0;

        lambdaRatio[1] = 4.0;

        lambdaRatio[2] = 5.0;

        lambdaRatio[3] = 12.3;

        lambdaRatio[4] = 12.3;

        lambdaRatio[5] = 5.0;

        lambdaRatio[6] = 12.3;

        lambdaRatio[7] = 12.3;



    xCalEquaCoeff( encRCSeq, lambdaRatio, equaCoeffA, equaCoeffB, encRCSeq->getGOPSize() );

    basicLambda = xSolveEqua( targetBpp, equaCoeffA, equaCoeffB, encRCSeq->getGOPSize() );

    encRCSeq->setAllBitRatio( basicLambda, equaCoeffA, equaCoeffB );

    delete []lambdaRatio;

    delete []equaCoeffA;

    delete []equaCoeffB;



  m_picTargetBitInGOP = new Int[numPic]; //!< 用于保存当前GOP中每幅picture对应的目标码率

  Int i;

  Int totalPicRatio = 0;

  Int currPicRatio = 0;

  for ( i=0; i<numPic; i++ )


    totalPicRatio += encRCSeq->getBitRatio( i ); //!< 总权值


  for ( i=0; i<numPic; i++ )


    currPicRatio = encRCSeq->getBitRatio( i ); //!< 当前picture的权值


    m_picTargetBitInGOP[i] = (Int)( ((Double)targetBits) * currPicRatio / totalPicRatio );


    m_picTargetBitInGOP[i] = targetBits * currPicRatio / totalPicRatio; //!< K0103 式子(9),注意:由于是初始化,式子中的CodedGOP等于0



  m_encRCSeq    = encRCSeq;

  m_numPic       = numPic;

  m_targetBits   = targetBits;

  m_picLeft      = m_numPic;

  m_bitsLeft     = m_targetBits;

Int TEncRCGOP::xEstGOPTargetBits( TEncRCSeq* encRCSeq, Int GOPSize )


  Int realInfluencePicture = min( g_RCSmoothWindowSize, encRCSeq->getFramesLeft() ); //!< 获得实际的平滑窗口大小

  Int averageTargetBitsPerPic = (Int)( encRCSeq->getTargetBits() / encRCSeq->getTotalFrames() ); //!< RPicArg

  Int currentTargetBitsPerPic = (Int)( ( encRCSeq->getBitsLeft() - averageTargetBitsPerPic * (encRCSeq->getFramesLeft() - realInfluencePicture) ) / realInfluencePicture ); //!< TAvgPic,计算方法跟K0103不同,这里利用left的思路计算,而K0103利用coded的思路计算,但结果是一样的

  Int targetBits = currentTargetBitsPerPic * GOPSize; //!< TGOP

  if ( targetBits < 200 )


    targetBits = 200;   // at least allocate 200 bits for one GOP


  return targetBits;










