Better, Faster, Easier SSL testing for ASP.NET MVC & WebForms

ScottHa has a great blog Working with SSL at Development Time is easier with IISExpress, but I’ve got what I think is a better approach. Please weigh in.

In this blog entry I’ll show you how to test SSL on your ASP.NET MVC & WebForms  applications using IIS 7. You should make sure you have IIS 7 set up on your Windows 7 computer before proceeding. See my blog Test your ASP.NET MVC or WebForms Application on IIS 7 in 30 seconds for instructions.

Create a new ASP.NET MVC 3 Application called MvcSSL in the C:\Webs folder. Accept all the defaults.

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WARNING: IIS cannot run an ASP.NET project that has been created in the default Visual Studio project folder (C:\users\<user>\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects). Select a folder where IIS can access the files, such as C:\Webs.

Build and run the application.

Right click the solution and select Properties.

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  1. Select Web in the left pane.
  2. Under Servers, select the Use Local IIS Web server radio button.
  3. Select the Create Virtual Directory button.

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Should you get the message:

Unable to create the virtual directory. To access Web sites on the local IIS Web server, you must run Visual Studio under an Administrator account.

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Read it and follow the directions and you’ll be rewarded with a friendlier message.

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Now go back to IIS manager, refresh and drill down in the Default Web Site. Select Browse *:80(http) in the right pane.

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Adding a SSL Cert the Super Ninja way.

  1. Download and unzip Thomas Demels awesome SelfSSL7 tool. Read about SelfSSL7 here.
  2. Open a administrative command prompt in the SelfSSL7 directory.
  3. Substitute your machine name for Q3 (which was my machine) and run the following command:
    SelfSSL7.exe /Q /T /I "Default Web Site" /N cn=Q3;cn=localhost /V 1000

That’s it. You now have a self signed certificate for testing.

Open Global.asax and add RequireHttps to all controllers and action methods.

public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters) {            filters.Add(new RequireHttpsAttribute());             filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());        }

Build the application and refresh the browser. Note IIS Manager now includes the SSL port.

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Click on the lock icon to examine the certificate.

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Next Steps

Change the URL to use the machine name instead of localhost.

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To access this site from a remote computer, you’ll probably have to open up port 443.

To configure the firewall for HTTPS (port 443)

  1. From the Start menu, enter wf.msc

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  2. In the console tree, click Inbound Rules, and then click New Rule.

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  3. In the Rule Type page, click Port, and then click Next.

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  4. On the Protocols and Ports page, select TCP, and then click Specific local ports.  Enter port 443. Then click Next.

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    5. On the Action page, click Allow the connection, and then click Next.

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    6. On the Profile page, make sure that the Domain, Private, and Public check boxes are selected, and then click Next to accept the default profile.

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    7. On the Name page, under Name,  type something like World Wide Web Services (Rick’s HTTPS Traffic-In).

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  5. You can now test the the site from a remote computer, but it won’t be trusted.

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  6. Export the certificate and import on a remote computer. Run the following command (change the computer name from Q1 to your computer).

C:\Users\ricka\Downloads\SelfSSL7>SelfSSL7.exe /Q /T /I "Default Web Site" /N cn=Q1;cn=localhost /
V 1000 /K 2048 /X /F q1.pfx /W 5$ecURE!

  • Navigate to the PFX file from a remote computer. Double click on the PFX file to start the import wizard.

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  • Select Next.

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  • Select Next and enter the password. (I used 5$ecURE! in the example).

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  • Select Place all certificates in the following store, then select Browse.

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  • Click OK.

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  • Click Finish.

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  • You should now be able to browse from the remote computer without warning.

Testing with FireFox

  1. Using FireFox,, browse to the MvcSSL site. FireFox will issue a warning and not display the page.

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  2. Select Add Exception.

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  3. You can now browse to the site without a warning.

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