--游标的属性:found、not found、rowcount、isopen
--2、cursor for游标:无需显示声明,打开等操作
begin for te in (select * from test1 where tage>20 and tage<30) loop dbms_output.put_line('编号:'||te.tid||',名称:'||te.tname||',年龄:'||te.tage ||'备注:'||te.remark); end loop; end;
declare cursor cu_test1 is select tid,tname,tage,remark from test1; tid test1.tid%type; tname test1.tname%type; tage test1.tage%type; remark test1.remark%type; begin open cu_test1; fetch cu_test1 into tid,tname,tage,remark; while cu_test1%found loop dbms_output.put_line('编号:'||tid||',名称:'||tname||',年龄:'||tage ||'备注:'||remark); fetch cu_test1 into tid,tname,tage,remark; end loop; close cu_test1; end; declare cursor cu_test2 is select tid,tname,tage from test1; tid test1.tid%type; tname test1.tname%type; tage test1.tage%type; begin open cu_test2; loop fetch cu_test2 into tid,tname,tage; exit when cu_test2%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('编号:'||tid||',名称:'||tname||',年龄:'||tage); end loop; close cu_test2; end;
declare cursor cu_test3 is select * from test1; te test1%rowtype; begin open cu_test3; loop fetch cu_test3 into te; exit when cu_test3%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('编号:'||te.tid||',名称:'||te.tname||',年龄:'||te.tage); end loop; close cu_test3; end;
declare cursor cu_test4(minAge number,maxAge number) is select * from test1 where tage>minAge and tage<maxAge; te test1%rowtype; begin open cu_test4(20,30); fetch cu_test4 into te; while cu_test4%found loop dbms_output.put_line('编号:'||te.tid||',名称:'||te.tname||',年龄:'||te.tage); fetch cu_test4 into te; end loop; close cu_test4; end;
begin declare type test1_type is ref cursor return test1%rowtype; t_count number; te test1%rowtype; cu_test1 test1_type; begin select count(*) into t_count from test1 where tage>30; if t_count=0 then open cu_test1 for select * from test1; else open cu_test1 for select * from test1 where tage>30; end if; fetch cu_test1 into te; while cu_test1%found loop dbms_output.put_line('编号:'||te.tid||',名称:'||te.tname||',年龄:'||te.tage); fetch cu_test1 into te; end loop; end; end;
begin declare type comm_type is ref cursor; c_count number; te test1%rowtype; ma T_manager%rowtype; cu_comm comm_type; begin select count(*) into c_count from test1 where tage>40; if c_count=0 then open cu_comm for select * from T_manager; fetch cu_comm into ma; while cu_comm%found loop dbms_output.put_line('编号:'||ma.mid||',职位:'||ma.mname); fetch cu_comm into ma; end loop; else open cu_comm for select * from test1; fetch cu_comm into te; while cu_comm%found loop dbms_output.put_line('编号:'||te.tid||',名称:'||te.tname||',年龄:'||te.tage); fetch cu_comm into te; end loop; end if; end; end;