
 private void btn_GetCount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            int P_scalar = 0;//定义值类型变量并赋值为0

            Regex P_regex = //创建正则表达式对象,用于判断字符是否为汉字

                new Regex("^[\u4E00-\u9FA5]{0,}$");

            for (int i = 0; i < txt_str.Text.Length; i++)//遍历字符串中每一个字符


                P_scalar = //如果检查的字符是汉字则计数器加1


                    ToString()) ? ++P_scalar : P_scalar;


            txt_count.Text = P_scalar.ToString();//显示汉字数量




 internal class Program


         static void Main(string[] args)





         static void WriteMatches(string text, MatchCollection matches)


             Console.WriteLine("Original text was : \n\n"+text+"\n");

             Console.WriteLine("No. of matches:"+matches.Count);

             foreach (Match nextmatch in matches)


                 int index = nextmatch.Index;

                 string result = nextmatch.ToString();

                 int charsBefore = (index < 5) ? index : 5;

                 int fromEnd = text.Length - index - result.Length;

                 int charsAfter = (fromEnd < 5) ? fromEnd : 5;

                 int charsToDisplay = charsBefore + charsAfter + result.Length;

                 Console.WriteLine("Index:{0}, \tString:: {1}, \t{2}",




         static void Find1()


             const string text = @"XML has made a major impact in almost every aspect of 

            software development. Designed as an open, extensible, self-describing 

            language, it has become the standard for data and document delivery on 

            the web. The panoply of XML-related technologies continues to develop 

            at breakneck speed, to enable validation, navigation, transformation, 

            linking, querying, description, and messaging of data.";

             const string pattern = @"\bn\S*\b";

             MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(text, pattern,

                 RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);

             WriteMatches(text, matches);



         static void Find2()


             const string text = @"XML has made a major impact in almost every aspect of 

            software development. Designed as an open, extensible, self-describing 

            language, it has become the standard for data and document delivery on 

            the web. The panoply of XML-related technologies continues to develop 

            at breakneck speed, to enable validation, navigation, transformation, 

            linking, querying, description, and messaging of data.";

             const string pattern = @"\ba";

             MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(text, pattern,


             WriteMatches(text, matches);






