We are going to move the home of this project to GoogleCode because the SVN checkin always failed (409 conflicts) and svn updates doesn't work in codeplex.
It looks there is no plan from the codeplex team to fix this issue though there are hundreds of votes against this issue. The issue caused serious
problem because code cannot be checkin as wanted.
The new address will be
http://code.google.com/p/npoi/. The site will be available since NPOI 1.2.4 release (June, 2011). In other words, it's impossible for you
to get the NPOI 1.2.4 release from codeplex but from googlecode. Please help inform your friends about this changes.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
This project is the .NET version of POI Java project at http://poi.apache.org/. POI is an open source project which can help you read/write xls, doc, ppt files. It has a wide application. For example, you can use it to generate a Excel report without Microsoft Office suite installed on your server and more efficient than call Microsoft Excel ActiveX at background; you can also use it to extract text from Office documents to help you implement full-text indexing feature (most of time this feature is used to create search engines).
Someone may find that there is already a project called POI.NET by Johannes Roith, which is located at http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/Poi.Net. However, this project is out of date. Some of the code are based on old version of POI, which may contain some bugs. Moreover, there is no source code available though you can use Reflector to view the source code.
NOTE: NPOI supports Word 2003 format(.doc) now. You can find the namespace called HWPF in NPOI.ScratchPad project. However, HWPF will not included in the NPOI 1.2.4 release because it's not stable so far.
Professional Service
NPOI team provides commercial consulting service(non-free) for you. We can provide customized development, urgent bug fix, 1:1 consulting (online), Q&A for anything related to NPOI. For detail price, please contact Tony Qu via tonyqus (at) gmail.com.
New Icon of NPOI
Great thanks to my friend Jan Shi from Shanghai,China!
QQ群: 78142590, 124527967, 116053476
System Requirement
VS2005 or VS2008 with .NET 2.0 Runtime (SP1)
vs2003 with .NET 1.1
medium trust environment in ASP.NET