S3(Simple Storage Service)http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/Welcome.html 是AWS上线的第一个服务,从此开启了AWS得云计算生态。作为公有云的领跑者,S3的API接口也默默的自然成了对象存储行业内的“标准接口”。一些的公司或者厂商(如Dropbox)后端直接采用S3存储系统来存放文件。很多的云存储服务虽然有自己的存储API接口,同时也会提供一套S3 API兼容接口。其实不难理解,如果某一天你的产品具有一定的市场竞争力,后端存储服务的切换就可以做到无缝连接。
项目组功能开发框架采用ruby编码。然后把AWS S3 ruby SDK集成进现有的测试框架。对项目中提供的兼容性S3 API进行自动化测试用例开发。开发过程中,发现当时拿到的版本(最后修改:2013-11-27)AWS S3 ruby SDK没有提供直接的post object API接口。
Service:只有一个Get API,用来获取用户所有bucket列表
关于S3的API,需要有些Restful和HTTP基本概念的了解,想深入直接看文档(http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/APIRest.html)。S3里给我印象比较深的几个API操作是,multipart uploads(文件分块,多线程上传,提高效率), object copy(对象的复制,减少不必要上传), post object(通过浏览器上传资源到Amazon S3)。
Post object应该算得上S3 API里高级点的接口,主要优点有:
用户可以通过浏览器上传对象到Amazon S3
与Put上传相比,可以绕过web服务器,文件直接上传到Amazon S3
利用SDK里已经提供了一个生成form的类PresignedPost,结合curb类库里的post方法,写了一个post_object API接口。接口参数和S3的其他API保持一致:
def extend_s3(obj) if obj.instance_of?(AWS::S3::Client::V20060301) # Reopen the class AWS::S3::Client::V20060301 obj.class.class_eval do # Post object for multipart form-data # @overload post_object(options = {}) # @param [Hash] options # @option options [required,Bucket] :bucket # @option options [String] :key Upload object name. # @option options [String] :file Upload local file path or text. # @option options [Boolean] :verbose Flag for debugging output. # @option options [Boolean] :raised Flag for raising the network error. # @option options [Boolean] :secure By setting this to false, you can cause # {#url} to return an HTTP URL. By default it returns an HTTPS URL. # @option options [Srting] :cache_control Sets the Cache-Control header stored with the object. # @option options [String] :content_type Sets the Content-Type header stored with the object. # @option options [String] :content_disposition Sets the Content-Disposition header stored with the object. # @option options [String] :expires_header Sets the Expires header stored with the object. # @option options [Symbol] :acl A canned access control policy. Valid values are: # * `:private` # * `:public_read` # * `:public_read_write` # * `:authenticated_read` # * `:bucket_owner_read` # * `:bucket_owner_full_control` # @option options [Symbol] :server_side_encryption (nil) If this # option is set, the object will be stored using server side # encryption. The only valid value is `:aes256`, which # specifies that the object should be stored using the AES # encryption algorithm with 256 bit keys. By default, this # option uses the value of the `:s3_server_side_encryption` # option in the current configuration. # @option options [String] :success_action_redirect The URL to # which the client is redirected upon successful upload. # @option options [Integer] :success_action_status The status # code returned to the client upon successful upload if # `:success_action_redirect` is not specified. Accepts the # values 200, 201, or 204 (default). # If the value is set to 200 or 204, Amazon S3 returns an # empty document with a 200 or 204 status code. # If the value is set to 201, Amazon S3 returns an XML # document with a 201 status code. For information on the # content of the XML document, see # [POST Object](http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/2006-03-01/API/index.html?RESTObjectPOST.html). # @option options [Time, DateTime, Integer, String] :expires The time # at which the signature will expire. By default the signature will # expire one hour after it is generated # @option options [Hash] :metadata A hash of the metadata fields included in the # signed fields. Additional metadata fields may be provided with the upload # as long as they satisfy the conditions specified for the upload. # @option options [Range] :content_length The range of acceptable object sizes # for the upload. By default any size object may be uploaded. # @option options [Array<String>] :ignore Additional fields which may be sent # with the upload. These will be included in the policy so # that they can be sent with any value. S3 will ignore them. # @option options [Hash] :conditions upload condition. Valid example: # key starts with "image/" # * :conditions => {:key => [["starts-with", "$key", "image/"]]} # @return [Core::Response] def post_object options bucket = options.delete(:bucket) raise TypeError, "Bucket instance required for :bucket!" if not bucket.instance_of?(AWS::S3::Bucket) verbose = config.http_wire_trace file = options.delete(:file) raised = options.delete(:raised) || true form = bucket.presigned_post(options) fields = form.fields # Multipart form data post by curb url = form.url.to_s curl = Curl::Easy.new(url) curl.ssl_verify_peer = false curl.multipart_form_post = true curl.verbose = verbose # Provide the ability outside to do something on curl and fields, #-eg: modify policy to a wrong policy, add content_length field, etc. yield(curl, fields) if block_given? post_data = fields.map {|k, v| Curl::PostField.content(k, v.to_s)} if file.instance_of? Array file.each do |f| post_data << Curl::PostField.file('file', f) end else post_data << Curl::PostField.file('file', file) if file end # New Core::Response resp = AWS::Core::Response.new(AWS::Core::Http::Request.new, AWS::Core::Http::Response.new) resp.api_version = self.class::API_VERSION resp.request_type = 'POST' # Callback to process header curl.on_header do |header_data| if header_data =~ /:\s+/ name, value = header_data.strip.split(/:\s+/, 2) resp.http_response.headers[name] = value end header_data.length end # Callback to process body curl.on_complete do resp.http_response.status = curl.response_code resp.http_response.body = curl.body_str resp.data = AWS::Core::XML::Parser.parse(curl.body_str) if curl.body_str # Save conditions and post data resp.data.update({'conditions' => form.send("generate_conditions"), 'fields' => fields, 'post_data' => post_data, 'file' => file}) # Debug the useful outputs p resp.data if verbose end # Call http_post for mutipart form data uploaded begin curl.http_post(post_data) rescue => e raise e if raised resp.http_response.network_error = e end curl.close resp end end end end
下面我们把post object API加入到S3的对象里去。
AWS.config(...) s3 = AWS::S3::new client = s3.client #把post_object加入到client对象里 extend_s3(client) #通过client对象来访问S3 API client.put_object(...) client.post_object(:bucket => bucket_name, :key => object_name, :file => local_file_path)