
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import "FMDatabase.h"

#import "FMDatabaseAdditions.h"

#import "FMDatabasePool.h"

#import "FMDatabaseQueue.h"

#define FMDBQuickCheck(SomeBool) { if (!(SomeBool)) { NSLog(@"Failure on line %d", __LINE__); abort(); } }

void testPool(NSString *dbPath);

void FMDBReportABugFunction();

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {


    @autoreleasepool {




        NSString *dbPath = @"/tmp/tmp.db";


        // delete the old db.


        NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

        [fileManager removeItemAtPath:dbPath error:nil];


        FMDatabase *db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:dbPath];


        NSLog(@"Is SQLite compiled with it's thread safe options turned on? %@!", [FMDatabase isSQLiteThreadSafe] ? @"Yes" : @"No");



            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Un-opened database check.


            FMDBQuickCheck([db executeQuery:@"select * from table"] == nil);

            NSLog(@"%d: %@", [db lastErrorCode], [db lastErrorMessage]);




        if (![db open]) {

            NSLog(@"Could not open db.");


            return 0;



        // kind of experimentalish.


        [db setShouldCacheStatements:YES];


        // create a bad statement, just to test the error code.

        //执行一个不合法的语句,验证[db hadError]是否正确表示。

        [db executeUpdate:@"blah blah blah"];


        FMDBQuickCheck([db hadError]);


        if ([db hadError]) {

            NSLog(@"Err %d: %@", [db lastErrorCode], [db lastErrorMessage]);




        NSError *err = 0x00;

        FMDBQuickCheck(![db update:@"blah blah blah" withErrorAndBindings:&err]);

        FMDBQuickCheck(err != nil);

        FMDBQuickCheck([err code] == SQLITE_ERROR);

        NSLog(@"err: '%@'", err);


        // empty strings should still return a value.


        FMDBQuickCheck(([db boolForQuery:@"SELECT ? not null", @""]));


        // same with empty bits o' mutable data


        FMDBQuickCheck(([db boolForQuery:@"SELECT ? not null", [NSMutableData data]]));


        // same with empty bits o' data


        FMDBQuickCheck(([db boolForQuery:@"SELECT ? not null", [NSData data]]));


        // how do we do pragmas?  Like so:

        //预编译命令的执行,像 PRAGMA journal_mode=delete 该命令启用后,事务回滚日志不记录

        FMResultSet *ps = [db executeQuery:@"PRAGMA journal_mode=delete"];

        FMDBQuickCheck(![db hadError]);


        FMDBQuickCheck([ps next]);

        [ps close];


        // oh, but some pragmas require updates?

        [db executeUpdate:@"PRAGMA page_size=2048"];

        FMDBQuickCheck(![db hadError]);


        // what about a vacuum?


        [db executeUpdate:@"vacuum"];

        FMDBQuickCheck(![db hadError]);


        // but of course, I don't bother checking the error codes below.

        // Bad programmer, no cookie.


        [db executeUpdate:@"create table test (a text, b text, c integer, d double, e double)"];



        [db beginTransaction];

        int i = 0;

        while (i++ < 20) {

            [db executeUpdate:@"insert into test (a, b, c, d, e) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" ,

             @"hi'", // look!  I put in a ', and I'm not escaping it!

             [NSString stringWithFormat:@"number %d", i],

             [NSNumber numberWithInt:i],

             [NSDate date],

             [NSNumber numberWithFloat:2.2f]];


        [db commit];




        // do it again, just because

        [db beginTransaction];

        i = 0;

        while (i++ < 20) {

            [db executeUpdate:@"insert into test (a, b, c, d, e) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" ,

             @"hi again'", // look!  I put in a ', and I'm not escaping it!

             [NSString stringWithFormat:@"number %d", i],

             [NSNumber numberWithInt:i],

             [NSDate date],

             [NSNumber numberWithFloat:2.2f]];


        [db commit];






        FMResultSet *rs = [db executeQuery:@"select rowid,* from test where a = ?", @"hi'"];

        while ([rs next]) {

            // just print out what we've got in a number of formats.

            NSLog(@"%d %@ %@ %@ %@ %f %f",

                  [rs intForColumn:@"c"],

                  [rs stringForColumn:@"b"],

                  [rs stringForColumn:@"a"],

                  [rs stringForColumn:@"rowid"],

                  [rs dateForColumn:@"d"],

                  [rs doubleForColumn:@"d"],

                  [rs doubleForColumn:@"e"]);



            if (!([[rs columnNameForIndex:0] isEqualToString:@"rowid"] &&

                  [[rs columnNameForIndex:1] isEqualToString:@"a"])

                ) {

                NSLog(@"WHOA THERE BUDDY, columnNameForIndex ISN'T WORKING!");

                return 7;



        // close the result set.

        // it'll also close when it's dealloc'd, but we're closing the database before

        // the autorelease pool closes, so sqlite will complain about it.


        [rs close];


        FMDBQuickCheck(![db hasOpenResultSets]);




        rs = [db executeQuery:@"select rowid, a, b, c from test"];

        while ([rs next]) {


            FMDBQuickCheck([rs[0] isEqualTo:rs[@"rowid"]]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([rs[1] isEqualTo:rs[@"a"]]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([rs[2] isEqualTo:rs[@"b"]]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([rs[3] isEqualTo:rs[@"c"]]);


        [rs close];






        [db executeUpdate:@"create table ull (a integer)"];


        [db executeUpdate:@"insert into ull (a) values (?)" , [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:ULLONG_MAX]];

        //64位机器,最大整数是18446744073709551615 20 1800吉兆亿,此段发现这么大的数也能存哦,sqlite里面显示是-1

        NSLog(@"%@", [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:ULLONG_MAX]);

        rs = [db executeQuery:@"select  a from ull"];

        while ([rs next]) {

            unsigned long long a = [rs unsignedLongLongIntForColumnIndex:0];

            unsigned long long b = [rs unsignedLongLongIntForColumn:@"a"];


            FMDBQuickCheck(a == ULLONG_MAX);

            FMDBQuickCheck(b == ULLONG_MAX);




        // check case sensitive result dictionary.

        [db executeUpdate:@"create table cs (aRowName integer, bRowName text)"];

        FMDBQuickCheck(![db hadError]);

        [db executeUpdate:@"insert into cs (aRowName, bRowName) values (?, ?)" , [NSNumber numberWithBool:1], @"hello"];

        FMDBQuickCheck(![db hadError]);


        rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from cs"];

        while ([rs next]) {

            //把一个[rs resultDictionary]放到Dictionary里面的方法,好棒。

            NSDictionary *d = [rs resultDictionary];


            FMDBQuickCheck([d objectForKey:@"aRowName"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(![d objectForKey:@"arowname"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([d objectForKey:@"bRowName"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(![d objectForKey:@"browname"]);




        // check funky table names + getTableSchema


        [db executeUpdate:@"create table '234 fds' (foo text)"];

        FMDBQuickCheck(![db hadError]);

        rs = [db getTableSchema:@"234 fds"];

        FMDBQuickCheck([rs next]);

        [rs close];








            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Named parameters count test.

            FMDBQuickCheck([db executeUpdate:@"create table namedparamcounttest (a text, b text, c integer, d double)"]);

            NSMutableDictionary *dictionaryArgs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];

            [dictionaryArgs setObject:@"Text1" forKey:@"a"];

            [dictionaryArgs setObject:@"Text2" forKey:@"b"];

            [dictionaryArgs setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:@"c"];

            [dictionaryArgs setObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:2.0] forKey:@"d"];

            FMDBQuickCheck([db executeUpdate:@"insert into namedparamcounttest values (:a, :b, :c, :d)" withParameterDictionary:dictionaryArgs]);


            rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from namedparamcounttest"];


            FMDBQuickCheck((rs != nil));


            [rs next];


            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"a"] isEqualToString:@"Text1"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"b"] isEqualToString:@"Text2"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([rs intForColumn:@"c"] == 1);

            FMDBQuickCheck([rs doubleForColumn:@"d"] == 2.0);


            [rs close];


            // note that at this point, dictionaryArgs has way more values than we need, but the query should still work since

            // a is in there, and that's all we need.

            rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from namedparamcounttest where a = :a" withParameterDictionary:dictionaryArgs];


            FMDBQuickCheck((rs != nil));

            FMDBQuickCheck([rs next]);

            [rs close];




            // ***** Please note the following codes *****


            dictionaryArgs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];


            [dictionaryArgs setObject:@"NewText1" forKey:@"a"];

            [dictionaryArgs setObject:@"NewText2" forKey:@"b"];

            [dictionaryArgs setObject:@"OneMoreText" forKey:@"OneMore"];


            BOOL rc = [db executeUpdate:@"update namedparamcounttest set a = :a, b = :b where b = 'Text2'" withParameterDictionary:dictionaryArgs];




            if (!rc) {

                NSLog(@"ERROR: %d - %@", db.lastErrorCode, db.lastErrorMessage);















        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // blob support.

        [db executeUpdate:@"create table blobTable (a text, b blob)"];


        // let's read in an image from safari's app bundle.

        NSData *safariCompass = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/Applications/"];

        if (safariCompass) {

            [db executeUpdate:@"insert into blobTable (a, b) values (?,?)", @"safari's compass", safariCompass];


            rs = [db executeQuery:@"select b from blobTable where a = ?", @"safari's compass"];

            if ([rs next]) {

                safariCompass = [rs dataForColumn:@"b"];

                [safariCompass writeToFile:@"/tmp/compass.icns" atomically:NO];


                // let's look at our fancy image that we just wrote out..


                //system("/usr/bin/open /tmp/compass.icns");


                // ye shall read the header for this function, or suffer the consequences.

                safariCompass = [rs dataNoCopyForColumn:@"b"];

                [safariCompass writeToFile:@"/tmp/compass_data_no_copy.icns" atomically:NO];

                //system("/usr/bin/open /tmp/compass_data_no_copy.icns");


            else {

                NSLog(@"Could not select image.");



            [rs close];



        else {

            NSLog(@"Can't find compass image..");




        // test out the convenience methods in +Additions

        //验证下快捷的方法,比如[db changes];


        [db executeUpdate:@"create table t1 (a integer)"];

        [db executeUpdate:@"insert into t1 values (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:5]];


        NSLog(@"Count of changes (should be 1): %d", [db changes]);

        FMDBQuickCheck([db changes] == 1);


        int ia = [db intForQuery:@"select a from t1 where a = ?", [NSNumber numberWithInt:5]];

        if (ia != 5) {

            NSLog(@"intForQuery didn't work (a != 5)");



        // test the busy rety timeout schtuff.


        [db setBusyRetryTimeout:500];


        FMDatabase *newDb = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:dbPath];

        [newDb open];


        rs = [newDb executeQuery:@"select rowid,* from test where a = ?", @"hi'"];

        [rs next]; // just grab one... which will keep the db locked.


        NSLog(@"Testing the busy timeout");


        BOOL success = [db executeUpdate:@"insert into t1 values (5)"];


        if (success) {

            NSLog(@"Whoa- the database didn't stay locked!");

            return 7;


        else {

            NSLog(@"Hurray, our timeout worked");



        [rs close];

        [newDb close];


        success = [db executeUpdate:@"insert into t1 values (5)"];

        if (!success) {

            NSLog(@"Whoa- the database shouldn't be locked!");

            return 8;


        else {

            NSLog(@"Hurray, we can insert again!");





        // test some nullness.


        [db executeUpdate:@"create table t2 (a integer, b integer)"];


        if (![db executeUpdate:@"insert into t2 values (?, ?)", nil, [NSNumber numberWithInt:5]]) {

            NSLog(@"UH OH, can't insert a nil value for some reason...");






        rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from t2"];

        while ([rs next]) {

            NSString *aa = [rs stringForColumnIndex:0];

            NSString *b = [rs stringForColumnIndex:1];


            if (aa != nil) {

                NSLog(@"%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

                NSLog(@"OH OH, PROBLEMO!");

                return 10;


            else {

                NSLog(@"YAY, NULL VALUES");



            if (![b isEqualToString:@"5"]) {

                NSLog(@"%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

                NSLog(@"OH OH, PROBLEMO!");

                return 10;













        // test some inner loop funkness.

        [db executeUpdate:@"create table t3 (a somevalue)"];



        // do it again, just because

        [db beginTransaction];

        i = 0;

        while (i++ < 20) {

            [db executeUpdate:@"insert into t3 (a) values (?)" , [NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];


        [db commit];





        rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from t3"];

        while ([rs next]) {

            int foo = [rs intForColumnIndex:0];


            int newVal = foo + 100;


            [db executeUpdate:@"update t3 set a = ? where a = ?" , [NSNumber numberWithInt:newVal], [NSNumber numberWithInt:foo]];



            FMResultSet *rs2 = [db executeQuery:@"select a from t3 where a = ?", [NSNumber numberWithInt:newVal]];

            [rs2 next];


            if ([rs2 intForColumnIndex:0] != newVal) {

                NSLog(@"Oh crap, our update didn't work out!");

                return 9;



            [rs2 close];




        // NSNull tests

        [db executeUpdate:@"create table nulltest (a text, b text)"];


        [db executeUpdate:@"insert into nulltest (a, b) values (?, ?)" , [NSNull null], @"a"];

        [db executeUpdate:@"insert into nulltest (a, b) values (?, ?)" , nil, @"b"];


        rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from nulltest"];


        while ([rs next]) {


            NSString *a = [rs stringForColumnIndex:0];

            NSString *b = [rs stringForColumnIndex:1];


            if (!b) {

                NSLog(@"Oh crap, the nil / null inserts didn't work!");

                return 10;



            if (a) {

                NSLog(@"Oh crap, the nil / null inserts didn't work (son of error message)!");

                return 11;


            else {

                NSLog(@"HURRAH FOR NSNULL (and nil)!");





        FMDBQuickCheck([db columnExists:@"a" inTableWithName:@"nulltest"]);

        FMDBQuickCheck([db columnExists:@"b" inTableWithName:@"nulltest"]);

        FMDBQuickCheck(![db columnExists:@"c" inTableWithName:@"nulltest"]);



        // null dates


        NSDate *date = [NSDate date];

        [db executeUpdate:@"create table datetest (a double, b double, c double)"];

        [db executeUpdate:@"insert into datetest (a, b, c) values (?, ?, 0)" , [NSNull null], date];


        rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from datetest"];


        while ([rs next]) {


            NSDate *a = [rs dateForColumnIndex:0];

            NSDate *b = [rs dateForColumnIndex:1];

            NSDate *c = [rs dateForColumnIndex:2];


            if (a) {

                NSLog(@"Oh crap, the null date insert didn't work!");

                return 12;



            if (!c) {

                NSLog(@"Oh crap, the 0 date insert didn't work!");

                return 12;



            NSTimeInterval dti = fabs([b timeIntervalSinceDate:date]);


            if (floor(dti) > 0.0) {

                NSLog(@"Date matches didn't really happen... time difference of %f", dti);

                return 13;




            dti = fabs([c timeIntervalSinceDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:0]]);


            if (floor(dti) > 0.0) {

                NSLog(@"Date matches didn't really happen... time difference of %f", dti);

                return 13;




        NSDate *foo = [db dateForQuery:@"select b from datetest where c = 0"];


        NSTimeInterval dti = fabs([foo timeIntervalSinceDate:date]);

        if (floor(dti) > 0.0) {

            NSLog(@"Date matches didn't really happen... time difference of %f", dti);

            return 14;



        [db executeUpdate:@"create table nulltest2 (s text, d data, i integer, f double, b integer)"];


        // grab the data for this again, since we overwrote it with some memory that has since disapeared.

        safariCompass = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/Applications/"];


        [db executeUpdate:@"insert into nulltest2 (s, d, i, f, b) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" , @"Hi", safariCompass, [NSNumber numberWithInt:12], [NSNumber numberWithFloat:4.4f], [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]];

        [db executeUpdate:@"insert into nulltest2 (s, d, i, f, b) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" , nil, nil, nil, nil, [NSNull null]];


        rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from nulltest2"];


        while ([rs next]) {


            i = [rs intForColumnIndex:2];


            if (i == 12) {

                // it's the first row we inserted.

                FMDBQuickCheck(![rs columnIndexIsNull:0]);

                FMDBQuickCheck(![rs columnIndexIsNull:1]);

                FMDBQuickCheck(![rs columnIndexIsNull:2]);

                FMDBQuickCheck(![rs columnIndexIsNull:3]);

                FMDBQuickCheck(![rs columnIndexIsNull:4]);

                FMDBQuickCheck( [rs columnIndexIsNull:5]);


                FMDBQuickCheck([[rs dataForColumn:@"d"] length] == [safariCompass length]);

                FMDBQuickCheck(![rs dataForColumn:@"notthere"]);

                FMDBQuickCheck(![rs stringForColumnIndex:-2]);

                FMDBQuickCheck([rs boolForColumnIndex:4]);

                FMDBQuickCheck([rs boolForColumn:@"b"]);


                FMDBQuickCheck(fabs(4.4 - [rs doubleForColumn:@"f"]) < 0.0000001);


                FMDBQuickCheck(12 == [rs intForColumn:@"i"]);

                FMDBQuickCheck(12 == [rs intForColumnIndex:2]);


                FMDBQuickCheck(0 == [rs intForColumnIndex:12]); // there is no 12

                FMDBQuickCheck(0 == [rs intForColumn:@"notthere"]);


                FMDBQuickCheck(12 == [rs longForColumn:@"i"]);

                FMDBQuickCheck(12 == [rs longLongIntForColumn:@"i"]);


            else {

                // let's test various null things.


                FMDBQuickCheck([rs columnIndexIsNull:0]);

                FMDBQuickCheck([rs columnIndexIsNull:1]);

                FMDBQuickCheck([rs columnIndexIsNull:2]);

                FMDBQuickCheck([rs columnIndexIsNull:3]);

                FMDBQuickCheck([rs columnIndexIsNull:4]);

                FMDBQuickCheck([rs columnIndexIsNull:5]);



                FMDBQuickCheck(![rs dataForColumn:@"d"]);









            [db executeUpdate:@"create table utest (a text)"];

            [db executeUpdate:@"insert into utest values (?)", @"/übertest"];


            rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from utest where a = ?", @"/übertest"];

            FMDBQuickCheck([rs next]);

            [rs close];





            [db executeUpdate:@"create table testOneHundredTwelvePointTwo (a text, b integer)"];

            [db executeUpdate:@"insert into testOneHundredTwelvePointTwo values (?, ?)" withArgumentsInArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"one", [NSNumber numberWithInteger:2], nil]];

            [db executeUpdate:@"insert into testOneHundredTwelvePointTwo values (?, ?)" withArgumentsInArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"one", [NSNumber numberWithInteger:3], nil]];



            rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from testOneHundredTwelvePointTwo where b > ?" withArgumentsInArray:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:1]]];


            FMDBQuickCheck([rs next]);


            FMDBQuickCheck([rs hasAnotherRow]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(![db hadError]);


            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumnIndex:0] isEqualToString:@"one"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([rs intForColumnIndex:1] == 2);


            FMDBQuickCheck([rs next]);


            FMDBQuickCheck([rs intForColumnIndex:1] == 3);


            FMDBQuickCheck(![rs next]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(![rs hasAnotherRow]);






            FMDBQuickCheck([db executeUpdate:@"create table t4 (a text, b text)"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(([db executeUpdate:@"insert into t4 (a, b) values (?, ?)", @"one", @"two"]));


            rs = [db executeQuery:@"select t4.a as 't4.a', t4.b from t4;"];


            FMDBQuickCheck((rs != nil));


            [rs next];


            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"t4.a"] isEqualToString:@"one"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"b"] isEqualToString:@"two"]);


            FMDBQuickCheck(strcmp((const char*)[rs UTF8StringForColumnName:@"b"], "two") == 0);


            [rs close];


            // let's try these again, with the withArgumentsInArray: variation

            FMDBQuickCheck([db executeUpdate:@"drop table t4;" withArgumentsInArray:[NSArray array]]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([db executeUpdate:@"create table t4 (a text, b text)" withArgumentsInArray:[NSArray array]]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(([db executeUpdate:@"insert into t4 (a, b) values (?, ?)" withArgumentsInArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"one", @"two", nil]]));


            rs = [db executeQuery:@"select t4.a as 't4.a', t4.b from t4;" withArgumentsInArray:[NSArray array]];


            FMDBQuickCheck((rs != nil));


            [rs next];


            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"t4.a"] isEqualToString:@"one"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"b"] isEqualToString:@"two"]);


            FMDBQuickCheck(strcmp((const char*)[rs UTF8StringForColumnName:@"b"], "two") == 0);


            [rs close];







            FMDBQuickCheck([db tableExists:@"t4"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(![db tableExists:@"thisdoesntexist"]);


            rs = [db getSchema];

            while ([rs next]) {

                FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"type"] isEqualToString:@"table"]);






            FMDBQuickCheck([db executeUpdate:@"create table t5 (a text, b int, c blob, d text, e text)"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(([db executeUpdateWithFormat:@"insert into t5 values (%s, %d, %@, %c, %lld)", "text", 42, @"BLOB", 'd', 12345678901234]));


            rs = [db executeQueryWithFormat:@"select * from t5 where a = %s and a = %@ and b = %d", "text", @"text", 42];

            FMDBQuickCheck((rs != nil));


            [rs next];


            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"a"] isEqualToString:@"text"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(([rs intForColumn:@"b"] == 42));

            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"c"] isEqualToString:@"BLOB"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"d"] isEqualToString:@"d"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(([rs longLongIntForColumn:@"e"] == 12345678901234));


            [rs close];






            FMDBQuickCheck([db executeUpdate:@"create table t55 (a text, b int, c float)"]);

            short testShort = -4;

            float testFloat = 5.5;

            FMDBQuickCheck(([db executeUpdateWithFormat:@"insert into t55 values (%c, %hi, %g)", 'a', testShort, testFloat]));


            unsigned short testUShort = 6;

            FMDBQuickCheck(([db executeUpdateWithFormat:@"insert into t55 values (%c, %hu, %g)", 'a', testUShort, testFloat]));



            rs = [db executeQueryWithFormat:@"select * from t55 where a = %s order by 2", "a"];

            FMDBQuickCheck((rs != nil));


            [rs next];


            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"a"] isEqualToString:@"a"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(([rs intForColumn:@"b"] == -4));

            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"c"] isEqualToString:@"5.5"]);



            [rs next];


            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"a"] isEqualToString:@"a"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(([rs intForColumn:@"b"] == 6));

            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"c"] isEqualToString:@"5.5"]);


            [rs close];








            FMDBQuickCheck(([db update:@"insert into t5 values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" withErrorAndBindings:&err, @"text", [NSNumber numberWithInt:42], @"BLOB", @"d", [NSNumber numberWithInt:0]]));





        // test attach for the heck of it.



            //FMDatabase *dbA = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:dbPath];

            [fileManager removeItemAtPath:@"/tmp/attachme.db" error:nil];

            FMDatabase *dbB = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:@"/tmp/attachme.db"];

            FMDBQuickCheck([dbB open]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([dbB executeUpdate:@"create table attached (a text)"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(([dbB executeUpdate:@"insert into attached values (?)", @"test"]));

            FMDBQuickCheck([dbB close]);


            [db executeUpdate:@"attach database '/tmp/attachme.db' as attack"];


            rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from attack.attached"];

            FMDBQuickCheck([rs next]);

            [rs close];







            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Named parameters.

            FMDBQuickCheck([db executeUpdate:@"create table namedparamtest (a text, b text, c integer, d double)"]);

            NSMutableDictionary *dictionaryArgs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];

            [dictionaryArgs setObject:@"Text1" forKey:@"a"];

            [dictionaryArgs setObject:@"Text2" forKey:@"b"];

            [dictionaryArgs setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:@"c"];

            [dictionaryArgs setObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:2.0] forKey:@"d"];

            FMDBQuickCheck([db executeUpdate:@"insert into namedparamtest values (:a, :b, :c, :d)" withParameterDictionary:dictionaryArgs]);


            rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from namedparamtest"];


            FMDBQuickCheck((rs != nil));


            [rs next];


            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"a"] isEqualToString:@"Text1"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"b"] isEqualToString:@"Text2"]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([rs intForColumn:@"c"] == 1);

            FMDBQuickCheck([rs doubleForColumn:@"d"] == 2.0);


            [rs close];



            dictionaryArgs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];


            [dictionaryArgs setObject:@"Text2" forKey:@"blah"];


            rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from namedparamtest where b = :blah" withParameterDictionary:dictionaryArgs];


            FMDBQuickCheck((rs != nil));

            FMDBQuickCheck([rs next]);

            FMDBQuickCheck([[rs stringForColumn:@"b"] isEqualToString:@"Text2"]);


            [rs close];







        // just for fun.

        //PRAGMA database_list 查看数据库列表。

        rs = [db executeQuery:@"PRAGMA database_list"];

        while ([rs next]) {

            NSString *file = [rs stringForColumn:@"file"];

            NSLog(@"database_list: %@", file);




        // print out some stats if we are using cached statements.


        if ([db shouldCacheStatements]) {


            NSEnumerator *e = [[db cachedStatements] objectEnumerator];;

            FMStatement *statement;


            while ((statement = [e nextObject])) {

                NSLog(@"%@", statement);





        [db setShouldCacheStatements:true];


        [db executeUpdate:@"CREATE TABLE testCacheStatements(key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value INTEGER)"];

        [db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO testCacheStatements (key, value) VALUES (1, 2)"];

        [db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO testCacheStatements (key, value) VALUES (2, 4)"];


        FMDBQuickCheck([[db executeQuery:@"SELECT * FROM testCacheStatements WHERE key=1"] next]);

        FMDBQuickCheck([[db executeQuery:@"SELECT * FROM testCacheStatements WHERE key=1"] next]);


        [db close];


        //TODO testpool



        FMDatabaseQueue *queue = [FMDatabaseQueue databaseQueueWithPath:dbPath];




            [queue inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *adb) {

                [adb executeUpdate:@"create table qfoo (foo text)"];

                [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into qfoo values ('hi')"];

                [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into qfoo values ('hello')"];

                [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into qfoo values ('not')"];


                int count = 0;

                FMResultSet *rsl = [adb executeQuery:@"select * from qfoo where foo like 'h%'"];

                while ([rsl next]) {




                FMDBQuickCheck(count == 2);


                count = 0;

                rsl = [adb executeQuery:@"select * from qfoo where foo like ?", @"h%"];

                while ([rsl next]) {




                FMDBQuickCheck(count == 2);




            // You should see pairs of numbers show up in stdout for this stuff:


            size_t ops = 16;

            dispatch_queue_t dqueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);

            dispatch_apply(ops, dqueue, ^(size_t nby) {


                // just mix things up a bit for demonstration purposes.

                if (nby % 2 == 1) {

                    [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:.1];


                    [queue inTransaction:^(FMDatabase *adb, BOOL *rollback) {

                        NSLog(@"Starting query  %ld", nby);


                        FMResultSet *rsl = [adb executeQuery:@"select * from qfoo where foo like 'h%'"];

                        while ([rsl next]) {

                            ;// whatever.



                        NSLog(@"Ending query    %ld", nby);





                if (nby % 3 == 1) {

                    [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:.1];



                [queue inTransaction:^(FMDatabase *adb, BOOL *rollback) {

                    NSLog(@"Starting update %ld", nby);

                    [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into qfoo values ('1')"];

                    [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into qfoo values ('2')"];

                    [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into qfoo values ('3')"];

                    NSLog(@"Ending update   %ld", nby);




            [queue close];


            [queue inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *adb) {

                FMDBQuickCheck([adb executeUpdate:@"insert into qfoo values ('1')"]);







            [queue inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *adb) {

                [adb executeUpdate:@"create table colNameTest (a, b, c, d)"];

                FMDBQuickCheck([adb executeUpdate:@"insert into colNameTest values (1, 2, 3, 4)"]);


                FMResultSet *ars = [adb executeQuery:@"select * from colNameTest"];


                NSDictionary *d = [ars columnNameToIndexMap];

                FMDBQuickCheck([d count] == 4);


                FMDBQuickCheck([[d objectForKey:@"a"] intValue] == 0);

                FMDBQuickCheck([[d objectForKey:@"b"] intValue] == 1);

                FMDBQuickCheck([[d objectForKey:@"c"] intValue] == 2);

                FMDBQuickCheck([[d objectForKey:@"d"] intValue] == 3);


                [ars close];








            [queue inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *adb) {

                [adb executeUpdate:@"create table transtest (a integer)"];

                FMDBQuickCheck([adb executeUpdate:@"insert into transtest values (1)"]);

                FMDBQuickCheck([adb executeUpdate:@"insert into transtest values (2)"]);


                int rowCount = 0;

                FMResultSet *ars = [adb executeQuery:@"select * from transtest"];

                while ([ars next]) {




                FMDBQuickCheck(rowCount == 2);





            [queue inTransaction:^(FMDatabase *adb, BOOL *rollback) {

                FMDBQuickCheck([adb executeUpdate:@"insert into transtest values (3)"]);


                if (YES) {

                    // uh oh!, something went wrong (not really, this is just a test

                    *rollback = YES;




                FMDBQuickCheck([adb executeUpdate:@"insert into transtest values (4)"]);



            [queue inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *adb) {


                int rowCount = 0;

                FMResultSet *ars = [adb executeQuery:@"select * from transtest"];

                while ([ars next]) {




                FMDBQuickCheck(![adb hasOpenResultSets]);


                NSLog(@"after rollback, rowCount is %d (should be 2)", rowCount);


                FMDBQuickCheck(rowCount == 2);




        // hey, let's make a custom function!


        [queue inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *adb) {


            [adb executeUpdate:@"create table ftest (foo text)"];

            [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into ftest values ('hello')"];

            [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into ftest values ('hi')"];

            [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into ftest values ('not h!')"];

            [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into ftest values ('definitely not h!')"];


            [adb makeFunctionNamed:@"StringStartsWithH" maximumArguments:1 withBlock:^(sqlite3_context *context, int aargc, sqlite3_value **aargv) {

                if (sqlite3_value_type(aargv[0]) == SQLITE_TEXT) {


                    @autoreleasepool {


                        const char *c = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(aargv[0]);


                        NSString *s = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:c];


                        sqlite3_result_int(context, [s hasPrefix:@"h"]);



                else {

                    NSLog(@"Unknown formart for StringStartsWithH (%d) %s:%d", sqlite3_value_type(aargv[0]), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);





            int rowCount = 0;

            FMResultSet *ars = [adb executeQuery:@"select * from ftest where StringStartsWithH(foo)"];

            while ([ars next]) {



                NSLog(@"Does %@ start with 'h'?", [rs stringForColumnIndex:0]);



            FMDBQuickCheck(rowCount == 2);





        NSLog(@"That was version %@ of sqlite", [FMDatabase sqliteLibVersion]);



    }// this is the end of our @autorelease pool.



    return 0;



 Test the various FMDatabasePool things.


void testPool(NSString *dbPath) {


    FMDatabasePool *dbPool = [FMDatabasePool databasePoolWithPath:dbPath];


    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 0);


    __block FMDatabase *db1;


    [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {




        FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 1);


        FMDBQuickCheck([db tableExists:@"t4"]);


        db1 = db;




    [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {

        FMDBQuickCheck(db1 == db);


        [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db2) {

            FMDBQuickCheck(db2 != db);







    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 2);



    [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {

        [db executeUpdate:@"create table easy (a text)"];

        [db executeUpdate:@"create table easy2 (a text)"];





    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 2);


    [dbPool releaseAllDatabases];


    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 0);


    [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *aDb) {


        FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedInDatabases] == 0);

        FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedOutDatabases] == 1);


        FMDBQuickCheck([aDb tableExists:@"t4"]);


        FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedInDatabases] == 0);

        FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedOutDatabases] == 1);


        FMDBQuickCheck(([aDb executeUpdate:@"insert into easy (a) values (?)", @"hi"]));


        // just for fun.

        FMResultSet *rs2 = [aDb executeQuery:@"select * from easy"];

        FMDBQuickCheck([rs2 next]);

        while ([rs2 next]) { ; } // whatevers.


        FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 1);

        FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedInDatabases] == 0);

        FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedOutDatabases] == 1);




    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 1);





        [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {


            [db executeUpdate:@"insert into easy values (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1]];

            [db executeUpdate:@"insert into easy values (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:2]];

            [db executeUpdate:@"insert into easy values (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:3]];


            FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedInDatabases] == 0);

            FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedOutDatabases] == 1);





    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 1);


    [dbPool setMaximumNumberOfDatabasesToCreate:2];



    [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {

        [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db2) {

            [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db3) {

                FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 2);







    [dbPool setMaximumNumberOfDatabasesToCreate:0];


    [dbPool releaseAllDatabases];


    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 0);


    [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {

        [db executeUpdate:@"insert into easy values (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:3]];




    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 1);



    [dbPool inTransaction:^(FMDatabase *adb, BOOL *rollback) {

        [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into easy values (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1001]];

        [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into easy values (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1002]];

        [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into easy values (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1003]];


        FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 1);

        FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedInDatabases] == 0);

        FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedOutDatabases] == 1);




    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 1);

    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedInDatabases] == 1);

    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedOutDatabases] == 0);



    [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {

        FMResultSet *rs2 = [db executeQuery:@"select * from easy where a = ?", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1001]];

        FMDBQuickCheck([rs2 next]);

        FMDBQuickCheck(![rs2 next]);





    [dbPool inDeferredTransaction:^(FMDatabase *adb, BOOL *rollback) {

        [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into easy values (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1004]];

        [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into easy values (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1005]];


        *rollback = YES;



    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfOpenDatabases] == 1);

    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedInDatabases] == 1);

    FMDBQuickCheck([dbPool countOfCheckedOutDatabases] == 0);


    NSError *err = [dbPool inSavePoint:^(FMDatabase *db, BOOL *rollback) {

        [db executeUpdate:@"insert into easy values (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1006]];







        err = [dbPool inSavePoint:^(FMDatabase *adb, BOOL *rollback) {

            FMDBQuickCheck(![adb hadError]);

            [adb executeUpdate:@"insert into easy values (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1009]];


            [adb inSavePoint:^(BOOL *arollback) {

                FMDBQuickCheck(([adb executeUpdate:@"insert into easy values (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1010]]));

                *arollback = YES;







        [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {



            FMResultSet *rs2 = [db executeQuery:@"select * from easy where a = ?", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1009]];

            FMDBQuickCheck([rs2 next]);

            FMDBQuickCheck(![rs2 next]); // close it out.


            rs2 = [db executeQuery:@"select * from easy where a = ?", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1010]];

            FMDBQuickCheck(![rs2 next]);








        [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {

            [db executeUpdate:@"create table likefoo (foo text)"];

            [db executeUpdate:@"insert into likefoo values ('hi')"];

            [db executeUpdate:@"insert into likefoo values ('hello')"];

            [db executeUpdate:@"insert into likefoo values ('not')"];


            int count = 0;

            FMResultSet *rsl = [db executeQuery:@"select * from likefoo where foo like 'h%'"];

            while ([rsl next]) {




            FMDBQuickCheck(count == 2);


            count = 0;

            rsl = [db executeQuery:@"select * from likefoo where foo like ?", @"h%"];

            while ([rsl next]) {




            FMDBQuickCheck(count == 2);








        size_t ops = 128;


        dispatch_queue_t dqueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);


        dispatch_apply(ops, dqueue, ^(size_t nby) {


            // just mix things up a bit for demonstration purposes.

            if (nby % 2 == 1) {


                [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:.1];



            [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {

                NSLog(@"Starting query  %ld", nby);


                FMResultSet *rsl = [db executeQuery:@"select * from likefoo where foo like 'h%'"];

                while ([rsl next]) {

                    if (nby % 3 == 1) {

                        [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:.05];




                NSLog(@"Ending query    %ld", nby);




        NSLog(@"Number of open databases after crazy gcd stuff: %ld", [dbPool countOfOpenDatabases]);




    // if you want to see a deadlock, just uncomment this line and run:





        int ops = 16;


        dispatch_queue_t dqueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);


        dispatch_apply(ops, dqueue, ^(size_t nby) {


            // just mix things up a bit for demonstration purposes.

            if (nby % 2 == 1) {

                [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:.1];


                [dbPool inTransaction:^(FMDatabase *db, BOOL *rollback) {

                    NSLog(@"Starting query  %ld", nby);


                    FMResultSet *rsl = [db executeQuery:@"select * from likefoo where foo like 'h%'"];

                    while ([rsl next]) {

                        ;// whatever.



                    NSLog(@"Ending query    %ld", nby);





            if (nby % 3 == 1) {

                [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:.1];



            [dbPool inTransaction:^(FMDatabase *db, BOOL *rollback) {

                NSLog(@"Starting update %ld", nby);

                [db executeUpdate:@"insert into likefoo values ('1')"];

                [db executeUpdate:@"insert into likefoo values ('2')"];

                [db executeUpdate:@"insert into likefoo values ('3')"];

                NSLog(@"Ending update   %ld", nby);




        [dbPool releaseAllDatabases];


        [dbPool inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {

            FMDBQuickCheck([db executeUpdate:@"insert into likefoo values ('1')"]);







 What is this function for?  Think of it as a template which a developer can use

 to report bugs.


 If you have a bug, make it reproduce in this function and then let the

 developer(s) know either via the github bug reporter or the mailing list.



void FMDBReportABugFunction() {


    NSString *dbPath = @"/tmp/bugreportsample.db";


    // delete the old db if it exists

    NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

    [fileManager removeItemAtPath:dbPath error:nil];


    FMDatabaseQueue *queue = [FMDatabaseQueue databaseQueueWithPath:dbPath];


    [queue inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {



         Change the contents of this block to suit your needs.



        BOOL worked = [db executeUpdate:@"create table test (a text, b text, c integer, d double, e double)"];




        worked = [db executeUpdate:@"insert into test values ('a', 'b', 1, 2.2, 2.3)"];



        FMResultSet *rs = [db executeQuery:@"select * from test"];

        FMDBQuickCheck([rs next]);

        [rs close];





    [queue close];



    // uncomment the following line if you don't want to run through all the other tests.





