GTM-Proxy is not a mandatory component of Postgres-XL cluster but it can be used to group messages between GTM and cluster nodes, reducing workload and the number of packages exchanged through network.
In 2010, NTT's Open Source Software Center approached EnterpriseDB to build off of NTT OSSC's experience with a project called RitaDB and EnterpriseDB's experience with a project called GridSQL, and the result was a new project, Postgres-XC.
In 2012, a company called StormDB was formed with some of the original key Postgres-XC developers. StormDB added enhancements, including MPP parallelism for performance and multi-tenant security.
In 2013, TransLattice acquired StormDB, and in 2014, open sourced it as Postgres-XL.
# vi /etc/hosts gtm node1 node2
# yum install -y flex bison readline-devel zlib-devel openjade docbook-style-dsssl # wget # tar -zxvf postgres-xl-v9.2-src.tar.gz # cd postgres-xl # ./configure --prefix=/opt/pgxl # make # make install
# useradd postgres
# su - postgres $ vi .bash_profile export PGHOME=/opt/pgxl export PGUSER=postgres export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PGHOME/lib export PATH=$PGHOME/bin:$PATH
[root@gtm ~]# mkdir /opt/pgxl/data_gtm [root@gtm ~]# chown postgres:postgres /opt/pgxl/data_gtm/ [root@gtm ~]# su - postgres [postgres@gtm ~]$ initgtm -D /opt/pgxl/data_gtm/ -Z gtm
[root@node1 ~]# mkdir -p /opt/pgxl/data/data_gtm_proxy [root@node1 ~]# mkdir -p /opt/pgxl/data/data_coord1 [root@node1 ~]# mkdir -p /opt/pgxl/data/data_datanode1 [root@node1 ~]# chown -R postgres:postgres /opt/pgxl/data/ [root@node1 ~]# su - postgres [postgres@node1 ~]$ initdb -D /opt/pgxl/data/data_coord1/ --nodename coord1 [postgres@node1 ~]$ initdb -D /opt/pgxl/data/data_datanode1/ --nodename datanode1 [postgres@node1 ~]$ initgtm -D /opt/pgxl/data/data_gtm_proxy/ -Z gtm_proxy
[root@node2 ~]# mkdir -p /opt/pgxl/data/data_gtm_proxy [root@node2 ~]# mkdir -p /opt/pgxl/data/data_coord2 [root@node2 ~]# mkdir -p /opt/pgxl/data/data_datanode2 [root@node2 ~]# chown -R postgres:postgres /opt/pgxl/data/ [root@node2 ~]# su - postgres [postgres@node2 ~]$ initdb -D /opt/pgxl/data/data_coord2/ --nodename coord2 [postgres@node2 ~]$ initdb -D /opt/pgxl/data/data_datanode2/ --nodename datanode2 [postgres@node2 ~]$ initgtm -D /opt/pgxl/data/data_gtm_proxy/ -Z gtm_proxy
[postgres@gtm ~]$ vi /opt/pgxl/data_gtm/gtm.conf nodename = 'gtm' listen_addresses = '*' port = 6666 startup = ACT keepalives_idle = 60 keepalives_interval = 10 keepalives_count = 10 log_file = 'gtm.log' log_min_messages = WARNING
[postgres@node1 ~]$ vi /opt/pgxl/data/data_gtm_proxy/gtm_proxy.conf nodename = 'gtm_proxy1' listen_addresses = '*' port = 6661 worker_threads = 1 gtm_host = 'gtm' gtm_port = 6666 gtm_connect_retry_interval = 5 keepalives_idle = 60 keepalives_interval = 10 keepalives_count = 10 log_file = 'gtm_proxy1.log' log_min_messages = WARNING
[postgres@node2 ~]$ vi /opt/pgxl/data/data_gtm_proxy/gtm_proxy.conf nodename = 'gtm_proxy2' listen_addresses = '*' port = 6662 worker_threads = 1 gtm_host = 'gtm' gtm_port = 6666 gtm_connect_retry_interval = 5 keepalives_idle = 60 keepalives_interval = 10 keepalives_count = 10 log_file = 'gtm_proxy2.log' log_min_messages = WARNING
[postgres@node1 ~]$ vi /opt/pgxl/data/data_coord1/postgresql.conf listen_addresses = '*' port = 5432 pooler_port = 6667 max_pool_size = 100 pool_conn_keepalive = 600 pool_maintenance_timeout = 30 max_coordinators = 16 max_datanodes = 16 gtm_host = 'localhost' gtm_port = 6661 pgxc_node_name = 'coord1' [postgres@node1 ~]$ vi /opt/pgxl/data/data_coord1/pg_hba.conf [添加] host all all trust
[postgres@node2 ~]$ vi /opt/pgxl/data/data_coord1/postgresql.conf listen_addresses = '*' port = 5432 pooler_port = 6667 max_pool_size = 100 pool_conn_keepalive = 600 pool_maintenance_timeout = 30 max_coordinators = 16 max_datanodes = 16 gtm_host = 'localhost' gtm_port = 6662 pgxc_node_name = 'coord2' [postgres@node2 ~]$ vi /opt/pgxl/data/data_coord1/pg_hba.conf [添加] host all all trust
[postgres@node1 ~]$ vi /opt/pgxl/data/data_datanode1/postgresql.conf listen_addresses = '*' port = 15432 pooler_port = 6668 max_pool_size = 100 pool_conn_keepalive = 600 pool_maintenance_timeout = 30 max_coordinators = 16 max_datanodes = 16 gtm_host = 'localhost' gtm_port = 6661 pgxc_node_name = 'datanode1' [postgres@node1 ~]$ vi /opt/pgxl/data/data_coord1/pg_hba.conf [添加] host all all trust
[postgres@node1 ~]$ vi /opt/pgxl/data/data_datanode1/postgresql.conf listen_addresses = '*' port = 15432 pooler_port = 6668 max_pool_size = 100 pool_conn_keepalive = 600 pool_maintenance_timeout = 30 max_coordinators = 16 max_datanodes = 16 gtm_host = 'localhost' gtm_port = 6662 pgxc_node_name = 'datanode2' [postgres@node1 ~]$ vi /opt/pgxl/data/data_coord1/pg_hba.conf [添加] host all all trust
[postgres@gtm ~]$ gtm_ctl start -Z gtm -D /opt/pgxl/data_gtm/ server starting [postgres@gtm ~]$ tail /opt/pgxl/data_gtm/gtm.log 1:140169430058752:2014-06-12 07:51:17.652 CST -LOG: Starting GTM server at (*:6666) -- control file /opt/pgxl/data_gtm/gtm.control LOCATION: main, main.c:601 1:140169430058752:2014-06-12 07:51:17.652 CST -LOG: Restoring last GXID to 10000 LOCATION: GTM_RestoreTxnInfo, gtm_txn.c:2673 1:140169430058752:2014-06-12 07:51:17.652 CST -LOG: Started to run as GTM-Active. LOCATION: main, main.c:682
[postgres@node1 ~]$ gtm_ctl start -Z gtm_proxy -D /opt/pgxl/data/data_gtm_proxy/ server starting [postgres@node1 ~]$ tail /opt/pgxl/data/data_gtm_proxy/gtm_proxy1.log 1:139860198487808:2014-06-12 07:53:59.665 CST -LOG: Starting GTM proxy at (*:6661) LOCATION: main, proxy_main.c:805
[postgres@node2 ~]$ gtm_ctl start -Z gtm_proxy -D /opt/pgxl/data/data_gtm_proxy/ server starting [postgres@node2 ~]$ tail /opt/pgxl/data/data_gtm_proxy/gtm_proxy2.log 1:140266037184256:2014-06-12 07:54:16.440 CST -LOG: Starting GTM proxy at (*:6662) LOCATION: main, proxy_main.c:805
[postgres@node1 ~]$ pg_ctl start -Z datanode -D /opt/pgxl/data/data_datanode1/
[postgres@node2 ~]$ pg_ctl start -Z datanode -D /opt/pgxl/data/data_datanode2/
[postgres@node1 ~]$ pg_ctl start -Z coordinator -D /opt/pgxl/data/data_coord1/
[postgres@node2 ~]$ pg_ctl start -Z coordinator -D /opt/pgxl/data/data_coord2/
[postgres@node1 ~]$ psql -p 5432 -c "select * from pgxc_node" node_name | node_type | node_port | node_host | nodeis_primary | nodeis_preferred | node_id -----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+------------------+------------ coord1 | C | 5432 | localhost | f | f | 1885696643 (1 row) [postgres@node2 ~]$ psql -p 5432 -c "select * from pgxc_node" node_name | node_type | node_port | node_host | nodeis_primary | nodeis_preferred | node_id -----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+------------------+------------- coord2 | C | 5432 | localhost | f | f | -1197102633 (1 row)
[postgres@node1 ~]$ psql -p 5432 -c "CREATE NODE coord2 WITH (TYPE='coordinator',HOST='node2',PORT=5432)" CREATE NODE [postgres@node1 ~]$ psql -p 5432 -c "CREATE NODE datanode1 WITH (TYPE='datanode',HOST='node1',PORT=15432)" CREATE NODE [postgres@node1 ~]$ psql -p 5432 -c "CREATE NODE datanode2 WITH (TYPE='datanode',HOST='node2',PORT=15432)" CREATE NODE
[postgres@node1 ~]$ psql -p 5432 -c "select * from pgxc_node" node_name | node_type | node_port | node_host | nodeis_primary | nodeis_preferred | node_id -----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+------------------+------------- coord1 | C | 5432 | localhost | f | f | 1885696643 coord2 | C | 5432 | node2 | f | f | -1197102633 datanode1 | D | 15432 | node1 | f | f | 888802358 datanode2 | D | 15432 | node2 | f | f | -905831925 (4 rows)
[postgres@node1 ~]$ psql -p 5432 -c "select pgxc_pool_reload()" pgxc_pool_reload ------------------ t (1 row)
[postgres@node2 ~]$ psql -p 5432 -c "CREATE NODE coord1 WITH (TYPE='coordinator',HOST='node1',PORT=5432)" CREATE NODE [postgres@node2 ~]$ psql -p 5432 -c "CREATE NODE datanode1 WITH (TYPE='datanode',HOST='node1',PORT=15432)" CREATE NODE [postgres@node2 ~]$ psql -p 5432 -c "CREATE NODE datanode2 WITH (TYPE='datanode',HOST='node2',PORT=15432)" CREATE NODE
[postgres@node2 ~]$ psql -p 5432 -c "select * from pgxc_node" node_name | node_type | node_port | node_host | nodeis_primary | nodeis_preferred | node_id -----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+------------------+------------- coord2 | C | 5432 | localhost | f | f | -1197102633 coord1 | C | 5432 | node1 | f | f | 1885696643 datanode1 | D | 15432 | node1 | f | f | 888802358 datanode2 | D | 15432 | node2 | f | f | -905831925 (4 rows)
[postgres@node2 ~]$ psql -p 5432 -c "select pgxc_pool_reload()" pgxc_pool_reload ------------------ t (1 row)
create table t1(id int,name text) distribute by hash(id) to group group1; create table t2(id int primary key,name text) distribute by hash(id) to group group1; test=# create database pgxc; LOG: Will fall back to local snapshot for XID = 19764, source = 0, gxmin = 0, autovac launch = 0, autovac = 0, normProcMode = 0, postEnv = 1 ERROR: node "coord1_19791" does not exist STATEMENT: SET global_session TO coord1_19791; ERROR: node "coord1_19791" does not exist STATEMENT: SET global_session TO coord1_19791; CREATE DATABASE test=# create table t1(id int,name text) distribute by hash(id) to group group1; ERROR: node "coord1_19791" does not exist STATEMENT: SET global_session TO coord1_19791; ERROR: node "coord1_19791" does not exist STATEMENT: SET global_session TO coord1_19791; CREATE TABLE test=# insert into t1 values (1,'a'); LOG: Will fall back to local snapshot for XID = 19544, source = 0, gxmin = 0, autovac launch = 0, autovac = 0, normProcMode = 0, postEnv = 1 ERROR: node "coord1_19791" does not exist STATEMENT: SET global_session TO coord1_19791; INSERT 0 0
'/usr/bin/perl' /bin/ -f -g -i 'bookindex' -o bookindex.sgml HTML.index Can't open perl script "/bin/": No such file or directory make[4]: *** [bookindex.sgml] Error 2 make[4]: Leaving directory `/root/postgres-xl/doc-xc/src/sgml' make[3]: *** [sql_help.h] Error 2 make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/postgres-xl/src/bin/psql' make[2]: *** [all-psql-recurse] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/postgres-xl/src/bin' make[1]: *** [all-bin-recurse] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/postgres-xl/src' make: *** [all-src-recurse] Error 2
# yum install docbook-style-dsssl # find / -name /usr/bin/