nGrinder 3.3 is released

nGrinder3.3 已经正式发布!您可以升级 agentcontroller 3.3版本来体验新特性。 特别要感谢 Colin Main.

  • 更多内容请看发行说明,请查看

1. Release Info

  • Version : 3.3

  • Release Date : 2014.02.14

2. Changes


  • 单独jar包独立运行

    • 用户只需要运行如下命令启动 nGrinder controller
      java -XX:MaxPermGen:200m -jar ngrinder-controller-X.X.war

    • nGrinder controller war包同时兼容Tomcat启动和独立启动两种方式。管理员可以从controller下载 agents monitors,普通用户则可以下载自己私有的agentsmonitors。下载的agentsmonitors是已经配置好的,无需用户配置。

    • See new Installation Guide. 

  • 更加稳定的controller-agent 连接

    • 以前nGrinder controller在拥有内部和外部多个IP的服务器上运行会出现问题。例如 EC2 等。

    • 现在controller会绑定全部IP,处理所有来自agent以及集群配置下与其他controller的网络通信。.

    • 兼容IP6

  • 简便的命令行操作

    • 现在controlleragents有完备的命令行功能。可以添加 -h 查看提供功能。使用命令行可以使在同一主机上运行多个agentcontroller变得更加简单。

    • See Controller command line options and Agent command line Options.

  •  Agent 自动更新功能

    • 现在agent可以简单地通过点击更新按钮进行更新。
      See Agent auto update

  • 大大缩小monitor包.(<5MB)

  • 线程级别Ramp-Up

    • The Grinder里只支持进程级别的Ramp-Up,我们此次增强ngrinder功能,使其支持线程级别Ramp-Up.

    • See How to Ramp Up by Thread

  • 提供全REST APIs支持

    • 管理员和用户可以使用 REST APIs 来管理脚本和测试。

    • See REST APIs

  • 通过自定义 DNS rotation 来模拟 L4

    • 用户可以将多个IP映射到一个主机的DNS上。

    • Check out L4 simulation

  • 支持 SVN 1.8 和用户切换

    • 内部SVN已经升级到  1.8.3,同时解决用户切换问题。

  • 更多详细的配置选项.

    • 在兼容以前的配置同时,我们建议使用新的配置项。

    • Controller configuration keys / agent configuration keys

  • 用户自注册

    • 新用户可以自己注册而无需管理员处理。

    • See User Sign Up

  • 更简单的默认配置

    • Controller会默认允许来自agent连接.

    • Script console会默认关闭.

    • 用户注册中的邮件和电话会默认为可选项.

  • 更统一的插件接口

    • Go and download new plugins 

  • Groovy 成为首选项

    • Groovy 版本升级到2.2.1.

  • 支持自定义测试报告插件

    • See JVMMonitor.

  • 改善 UI.


  • [NGRINDER-679] - Support intellij

  • [NGRINDER-680] - Make test parameter removable

  • [NGRINDER-681] - Fix NullPointerException while getting monitor data

  • [NGRINDER-684] - Fix typo errors

  • [NGRINDER-694] - Make unit tests work again

  • [NGRINDER-695] - Make the Initial process recognized in ramp up settings

  • [NGRINDER-700] - ; in URL should be changed to _ when creating an script

  • [NGRINDER-705] - Fix user deletion failure

  • [NGRINDER-706] - Fix the agent resolution bug with regions having same prefix

  • [NGRINDER-707] - Provide the attached agent list in healthcheck messages

  • [NGRINDER-714] - Clean up intellij warning

  • [NGRINDER-715] - Fix the incorrect svn author property bug when editing files in controller

  • [NGRINDER-716] - Make Asian languages correctly shown in the agent log

  • [NGRINDER-719] - Fix unrecognized user svn path error when creating a user with not trimmed user id

  • [NGRINDER-723] - Cache expiration is necessary when the user's followers are changed

  • [NGRINDER-724] - SVN access from followers is denied


  • [NGRINDER-289] - Test Compare feature should be provided

  • [NGRINDER-486] - Support agent auto update

  • [NGRINDER-675] - Add statistics data chart at perftest list

  • [NGRINDER-676] - Provide more consistent plugin interfaces

  • [NGRINDER-677] - Fix checkstyle errors

  • [NGRINDER-682] - Adjust logger level to see only necessary logs

  • [NGRINDER-685] - Provide custom report plugin structure

  • [NGRINDER-686] - Delete all jnlp related codes from ngrinder

  • [NGRINDER-687] - Make OnTestSamplingRunnable initiated whenever the test is executed.

  • [NGRINDER-689] - Clearfy index page logic

  • [NGRINDER-691] - Refactor ngrinder to be readable

  • [NGRINDER-692] - Support IPv6 and bind to all IPs

  • [NGRINDER-693] - Add agent version info agent list page

  • [NGRINDER-696] - Provide dynamic agent status view in the agent list

  • [NGRINDER-697] - Use freemarker macro to make ftl more concise

  • [NGRINDER-698] - Switch from Jython to Groovy in ScriptConsole

  • [NGRINDER-699] - Make APIs and maven project name consistent

  • [NGRINDER-701] - Make monitoring service clean

  • [NGRINDER-702] - Review all java methods doc

  • [NGRINDER-703] - Make the configuration keys more consistent

  • [NGRINDER-704] - Make the script syntax check optional during script validation

  • [NGRINDER-708] - Remove unnecessary replicated cache

  • [NGRINDER-710] - Add the easy cluster mode using local file system and h2 tcpserver

  • [NGRINDER-711] - Make the default configuration easily manageable

  • [NGRINDER-712] - Make ngrinder war executable from command line

  • [NGRINDER-713] - Reduce unnecessary db and access to speed up

  • [NGRINDER-717] - Make the unused region's agent info deletable.

  • [NGRINDER-720] - Make not frequently used configurations collapsable

  • [NGRINDER-721] - Provide easy user switch for admin

  • [NGRINDER-722] - Support SVN 1.8

New Feature

  • [NGRINDER-561] - Add generic JNLP download feature for recorder

  • [NGRINDER-678] - Allow user sign up

  • [NGRINDER-688] - Allow multiple DNS entries to simulate the L4.

  • [NGRINDER-690] - Provide full REST APIs

  • [NGRINDER-709] - Make admin password be able to reset

  • [NGRINDER-718] - Enable ramp up by thread


  • [NGRINDER-592] - Fix JUnit Test Failure 

3. OS, DBMS supports

  • Linux, Windows, Mac OSX is supported.

  • Supports CUBRID, H2 as DB. The default DBMS is H2.

4. Requirements

  • Oracle JDK 1.6 version or above / OpenJDK 1.7.

  • Tomcat 6.X later



6. References

  • Release Note:

  • Manuals:

    • Installation Guide :

    • Administration Guide :

    • User's Guide :

  • Project:

  • Issue tracker:,

  • Source repository:

  • Tag :

  • Mailing List :
