1 DB2JAVIT:RC=9505
The reason for this error is because the user who start the DB2 does not have the privilege to access the files in the installation directory duo to the system security feature.
Add the user id to the db2admins or db2users group.
1.open the administrative tools
2.enter the computer managerment
3.click the local users and groups in the left column
4.choose the gruops in the middle region
5.double click off the DB2ADMINS or DB2USERS on the last
6.add the user id to the group you chose
2 DB2 ERROR 1935
The error occurs when the window module installer ervice is closed.
Solution and Step:
1.open the administrative tools
2.choose the services
3.sort the column of name and look fo the part of prefix w
4.start the window module installer service
5.make sure the status of the window module installer is started