第3篇:构建一套简单的和较为复杂的标准的CRUD API。
package cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql; /** * SQL关键字常量“and,like,where”,比较符常量">,<,="等常量。 * * @author [email protected] */ public class ConstantBase { /** * SQL关键字or */ public static final String OR = "or"; /** * SQL关键字and */ public static final String AND = "and"; /** * SQL关键字from */ public static final String FROM = "from"; /** * SQL关键字as */ public static final String AS = "as"; /** * SQL关键字where */ public static final String WHERE = "where"; /** * SQL关键字asc */ public static final String ASC = "asc"; /** * SQL关键字desc */ public static final String DESC = "desc"; /** * SQL关键字in */ public static final String IN = "in"; /** * not in */ public static final String NOT_IN = "not in"; /** * SQL关键字like */ public static final String LIKE = "like"; /** * not like */ public static final String NOT_LIKE = "not like"; /** * order by */ public static final String ORDER_BY = "order by"; /** * group by */ public static final String GROUP_BY = "group by"; /** * SQL关键字limit */ public static final String LIMIT = "limit"; /** * 冒号 */ public static final String COLON = ":"; /** * 逗号 */ public static final String COMMA = ","; /** * 一个空格 */ public static final String BLANK = " "; /** * 一个空字符串 */ public static final String EMPTY = ""; /** * */ public static final boolean AUTO_ADD = true; /** * 右括号 */ public static final String RIGHT_BRACKET = ")"; /** * 左括号 */ public static final String LEFT_BRACKET = "("; /** * 百分号 */ public static final String PERCENT = "%"; /** * 单引号 */ public static final String SINGLE_QUOTATION_MARK = "'"; /** * 等号 */ public static final String EQUALS = "="; /** * 不等 */ public static final String NOT_EQUALS = "!="; /** * 大于号 */ public static final String GREAT_THAN = ">"; /** * 小于号 */ public static final String LESS_THAN = "<"; /** * 大于等于 */ public static final String GREAT_THAN_EQUALS = ">="; /** * 小于等于 */ public static final String LESS_THAN_EQUALS = "<="; // ************************************* // **********左右分别加1个空格的常量***************** // ************************************* public static final String EQUALS_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(EQUALS); public static final String NOT_EQUALS_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(NOT_EQUALS); public static final String GREAT_THAN_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(GREAT_THAN); public static final String LESS_THAN_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(LESS_THAN); public static final String GREAT_THAN_EQUALS_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(GREAT_THAN_EQUALS); public static final String LESS_THAN_EQUALS_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(LESS_THAN_EQUALS); public static final String IN_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(IN); public static final String NOT_IN_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(NOT_IN); public static final String LIKE_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(LIKE); public static final String NOT_LIKE_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(NOT_LIKE); public static final String ORDER_BY_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(ORDER_BY); public static final String GROUP_BY_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(GROUP_BY); public static final String LIMIT_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(LIMIT); public static final String WHERE_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(WHERE); public static final String AS_WITH_BLANK = buildBlank(AS); /** * 返回变量对应的字符串值 * * @param or * @return true返回“or”,false返回"and" */ public static String isOr(Boolean or) { String str = AND; if (or) { str = OR; } return str; } /** * 在字符串的左边加上百分号"%",在字符串的右边加上百分号"%" * * @param str * 字符串 * @return 被"%%"包围起来的新的字符串 */ public static String buildLike(Object str) { String newStr = PERCENT + str + PERCENT; return newStr; } /** * 在一个字符串的左边和右边都加上一个空格 * * @param str * @return 新的字符串 */ public static String buildBlank(Object str) { String newStr = BLANK + str + BLANK; return newStr; } /** * 在字符串的左边和右边加上单引号"'" * * @param str * 字符串 * @return 被"''"包围起来的新的字符串 */ public static String buildQuota(Object str) { String newStr = SINGLE_QUOTATION_MARK + str + SINGLE_QUOTATION_MARK; return newStr; } /** * 在字符串的左边加上左括号"(",在字符串的右边加上右括号")" * * @param str * 字符串 * @return 被"()"包围起来的新的字符串 */ public static String buildBracket(Object str) { String newStr = LEFT_BRACKET + str + RIGHT_BRACKET; return newStr; } public static void println(Object object) { System.out.println(object); } public static void print(Object object) { System.out.print(object); } }
package cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql; /** * 操作符的类型,如"= != > >= < <="。 * * @author [email protected] */ public enum Operator { EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, GREAT_THAN, GREAT_THAN_EQUALS, LESS_THAN, LESS_THAN_EQUALS, LIKE, NOT_LIKE, IN, NOT_IN; /** * 转化为字符串(TODO 放在一个单独的工具类里比较合适) */ public static String toString(Operator operator) { String str = ""; switch (operator) { case EQUALS: str = ConstantBase.EQUALS; break; case NOT_EQUALS: str = ConstantBase.NOT_EQUALS; break; case GREAT_THAN: str = ConstantBase.GREAT_THAN; break; case GREAT_THAN_EQUALS: str = ConstantBase.GREAT_THAN_EQUALS; break; case LESS_THAN: str = ConstantBase.LESS_THAN; break; case LESS_THAN_EQUALS: str = ConstantBase.LESS_THAN_EQUALS; break; case LIKE: str = ConstantBase.LIKE; break; case NOT_LIKE: str = ConstantBase.NOT_LIKE; break; case IN: str = ConstantBase.IN; break; case NOT_IN: str = ConstantBase.NOT_IN; break; default: break; } return str; } }
public enum AndOr { AND, OR }
package cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.entity; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrBuilder; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.ConstantBase; /** * From语句,如"from User user"。 * * @author [email protected] */ public class From extends ConstantBase { /** * 实体类的class,如User.class */ private Class<?> modelClazz; /** * 实体类Class的字符串表示,如User */ private String model; /** * 别名,如user */ private String alias; public From() { super(); } public From(Class<?> modelClazz) { super(); this.modelClazz = modelClazz; } public From(Class<?> modelClazz, String alias) { super(); this.modelClazz = modelClazz; this.alias = alias; } public From(String model) { super(); this.model = model; } public From(String model, String alias) { super(); this.model = model; this.alias = alias; } // public String getModel() { return model; } public void setModel(String model) { this.model = model; } public Class<?> getModelClazz() { return modelClazz; } public void setModelClazz(Class<?> modelClazz) { this.modelClazz = modelClazz; } public String getAlias() { return alias; } public void setAlias(String alias) { this.alias = alias; } /** * 转化为字符串 */ public String toString() { if (modelClazz != null) { this.model = modelClazz.getSimpleName(); } StrBuilder builder = new StrBuilder(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(model)) { builder.append(FROM).append(BLANK) .append(modelClazz.getSimpleName()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(alias)) { builder.append(AS_WITH_BLANK).append(alias); } } return builder.toString(); } }
package cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.entity; import java.util.Date; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.ConstantBase; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.Operator; /** * 1个查询条件。由3部分构成,键-操作-值,如 "age > 12 ","email ='[email protected]'"等。 * * @author [email protected] */ public class Condition extends ConstantBase { /** * 条件的键 */ private String key; /** * 条件的操作符 */ private Operator operator; /** * 条件的值 */ private Object value; public Condition() { } public Condition(String key, Operator operator) { super(); this.key = key; this.operator = operator; } public Condition(String key, Object value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } public Condition(String key, Operator operator, Object value) { this.key = key; this.operator = operator; this.value = value; } public String getKey() { return key; } public void setKey(String key) { this.key = key; } public Operator getOperator() { return operator; } public void setOperator(Operator operator) { this.operator = operator; } public Object getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(Object value) { this.value = value; } /** * 转化为字符串 */ public String toString() { String str = ""; String newValue = ""; // 构造完整的语句 if (value != null) { // 是否需要自动增加"%%","()" if (AUTO_ADD) { switch (operator) { case LIKE: case NOT_LIKE: newValue = buildLike(value); break; case IN: case NOT_IN: newValue = buildBracket(value); break; default: break; } // 需要添加引号的类型 boolean isString = value instanceof String; boolean isDate = value instanceof Date; boolean isSqlDate = value instanceof java.sql.Date; if (isString || isDate || isSqlDate) { newValue = buildQuota(value); } else { newValue = value.toString(); } } } // 构造带有占位符的语句 else { newValue = COLON + key; } // "name=a","name like a",统一都加个空格 str += key + BLANK + Operator.toString(operator) + BLANK + newValue; return str; } }
package cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.entity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrBuilder; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.AndOr; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.ConstantBase; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.util.EmptyUtils; /** * 逻辑上属于1个组的条件。 * * @author [email protected] */ public class GroupCondition extends ConstantBase { /** * 多个条件构成的集合 */ private List<Condition> conditionList; /** * 组内各个条件之间的关系:且|或,默认为且 */ private List<Boolean> relationList; public static final Boolean AND = true; public static final Boolean OR = false; public GroupCondition() { conditionList = new ArrayList<Condition>(); relationList = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); } public void addCondition(Condition condition) { addCondition(condition, true); } public void addCondition(Condition condition, boolean or) { conditionList.add(condition); if (EmptyUtils.notEmpty(conditionList)) { relationList.add(or); } } public void addCondition(Condition condition, AndOr ao) { conditionList.add(condition); if (EmptyUtils.notEmpty(conditionList)) { if (ao == AndOr.AND) { relationList.add(AND); } else { relationList.add(OR); } } } public void addOr(int index, boolean or) { relationList.set(index, or); } /** * 转化为字符串 */ public String toString() { if (EmptyUtils.isEmpty(conditionList)) { return EMPTY; } StrBuilder builder = new StrBuilder(); int size = conditionList.size(); for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { if (index == 0) { builder.append(conditionList.get(index)); } else { builder.append(BLANK).append(isOr(relationList.get(index))) .append(BLANK).append(conditionList.get(index)); } } return builder.toString(); } }
package cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.entity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrBuilder; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.ConstantBase; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.util.EmptyUtils; /** * 搜索条件(2个组之间,且|或。) * * @author [email protected] */ public class SearchCondition extends ConstantBase { /** * 多个组条件构成的集合 */ private List<GroupCondition> groupConditionList; /** * 多个组条件之间的关系:且|或,默认为且 */ private List<Boolean> and; public SearchCondition() { groupConditionList = new ArrayList<GroupCondition>(); and = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); } public void addGroupCondition(GroupCondition groupCondition) { addGroupCondition(groupCondition, false); } public void addGroupCondition(GroupCondition groupCondition, boolean or) { groupConditionList.add(groupCondition); if (EmptyUtils.notEmpty(groupConditionList)) { and.add(or); } } public void addOr(int index, boolean or) { and.set(index, or); } public List<GroupCondition> getGroupConditionList() { return groupConditionList; } public void setGroupConditionList(List<GroupCondition> groupConditionList) { this.groupConditionList = groupConditionList; } public List<Boolean> getAnd() { return and; } public void setAnd(List<Boolean> and) { this.and = and; } /** * 转化为字符串 */ public String toString() { if (EmptyUtils.isEmpty(groupConditionList)) { return EMPTY; } StrBuilder builder = new StrBuilder(); int size = groupConditionList.size(); for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { // 1个组的条件用()包起来 if (index == 0) { builder.append(WHERE_WITH_BLANK).append( buildBracket(groupConditionList.get(index))); } else { builder.append(BLANK).append(isOr(and.get(index))) .append(BLANK) .append(buildBracket(groupConditionList.get(index))); } } return builder.toString(); } }
package cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.entity; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrBuilder; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.ConstantBase; /** * * 排序语句,如“order by id desc”。 * * @author [email protected] */ public class Order extends ConstantBase { /** * 排序语句的键 */ private String key; /** * 排序语句的升序或降序(字符串形式) */ private String asc; /** * 排序语句的升序或降序(布尔形式) */ private Boolean isAsc; public Order() { } public Order(String key, String asc) { this.key = key; this.asc = asc; } public Order(String key, Boolean isAsc) { super(); this.key = key; this.isAsc = isAsc; } /** * 转化为字符串 */ public String toString() { String finalSort = DESC; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(asc)) { finalSort = asc; } else { if (isAsc) { finalSort = ASC; } } StrBuilder builder = new StrBuilder(); builder.append(key).append(BLANK).append(finalSort); return builder.toString(); } }
package cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.entity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrBuilder; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.ConstantBase; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.util.ListUtils; /** * 排序组,如"order by id desc,name asc"。 * * @author [email protected] */ public class OrderGroup extends ConstantBase { /** * 多个排序构成的集合 */ private List<Order> orderList; public OrderGroup() { orderList = new ArrayList<Order>(); } public OrderGroup(Order order) { this(); orderList.add(order); } public OrderGroup(Order order1, Order order2) { this(); orderList.add(order1); orderList.add(order2); } public void addOrder(Order order) { orderList.add(order); } /** * 转化为字符串 */ public String toString() { StrBuilder builder = new StrBuilder(); if (ListUtils.notEmpty(orderList)) { String orders = ListUtils.list2String(orderList); builder.append(ORDER_BY_WITH_BLANK).append(orders); } return builder.toString(); } }
package cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.entity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.sql.ConstantBase; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.util.EmptyUtils; import cn.fansunion.hibernate.util.ListUtils; /** * 分组语句,如"group by id,name"。 * * @author [email protected] */ public class GroupBy extends ConstantBase { /** * 分组的字段名称构成的集合,暂时不支持having子句 */ private List<String> group; public GroupBy() { group = new ArrayList<String>(); } public List<String> getGroup() { return group; } /** * 转化为字符串 */ public String toString() { if (EmptyUtils.notEmpty(group)) { String groupStr = ListUtils.list2String(group); return GROUP_BY_WITH_BLANK + groupStr; } return EMPTY; } public void addGroup(String g) { this.group.add(g); } }