AC多模式匹配算法产生于1975年的贝尔实验室,最早使用于图书馆的书目查询程序中。该算法以有限状态自动机(FSA),以及KMP前缀算法 为基础.(有说法: ac自动机是KMP的多串形式,是一个有限自动机)
AC有限自动机 M 是1个6元组:M =(Q,∑,g,f,qo,F)其中:
首先假设模式集合{he,she his,hers}, 输入字符串"ushers":
AC自动机算法主要建立三个函数,转向函数goto,失效函数failure和输出函数output(output 构造间杂在goto 构造以及failure构造中);
a> 如果g(s,a) = s', 则自动机M 继续调用goto函数,以新状态s',以及新字符x为输入;如果状态s',匹配了某个模式,则输出;
b> 如果f(s,a) = failure, 则自动机M 调用failure状态转移f(s) = s',并以状态s',字符a 调用步骤1;
goto函数: 是一个状态在接受一个字符后转向另一个状态或者失败的函数(对应于FSA里的转移函数);
g(S,a) 其中S ∈ Q, a ∈ Σ :从当前状态S开始,沿着边上标签为a的路径所到的状态。假如状态节点(U,V)边上的标签为a,那么g(U,a)=V;如果根节点上出来的边上的标签没有a,则g(0,a)=O(失败),即如果没有匹配的字符出现,自动机停留在初态;如果不是根节点,且该节点出来的标签没有字符a,则g(U,a) = failure,称为失败;
下图(a)是用goto函数以{he,she his,hers}模式集构造的字符串模式匹配机:
状态0是初始状态,在状态0和状态1间的有向边标有字符'h',表示g(0,a) = 1;缺失的有向边表示失败,当任意字符σ != e或i,有g(1,σ) = failure;
注意: 所有字符有 g(0,σ) != failure, 状态0的这个属性确保 M 会处理输入的任意字符;任意字符σ不在以状态0开始有向边的字符,有g(0,σ) = 0;同时说明状态0的失效函数(failure) 没有意义,不用计算;
失效函数: 指的也是状态和状态之间一种转向关系,在goto失败(failure)的情况下使用的转换关系. 基本原理是KMP 算法的前缀函数;
计算方法:用于计算某个状态失效函数值的算法在概念上是非常简单的。首先,令所有深度为1的状态s的函数值为f(s) = 0。假设所有深度小于d的状态的f值都已经被算出了,那么深度为d的状态的失效函数值将根据深度小于d的状态的失效函数值来计算。
为了计算深度为d 状态的失效函数值,假设深度为d-1的状态r,执行以下步骤:
Step1: 如果对所有字符a,有g(r, a) = fail,那么什么都不做;(好像是废话,这如果成立,说明状态r节点下面没有节点了,根本不需要计算)
Step2: 否则,对每个使g(r, a) = s成立的字符a,执行以下操作:
a) 记state = f(r);
b) 执行零次或者多次令state = f(state),直到出现一个state使得g(state, a) != fail; (注意到,因为对任意字符a,g(0, a) != fail,所以这种状态一定能够找到);
c) 记f(s) = g(state, a);
注意: 这里有点拗口,不好理解,一句话来说: 就是看当前状态节点前一个状态节点(父节点)的failure节点是否有当前字符的外向变,如果有,则当前状态failure状态就是对应外向变对应的节点;如果没有,则根据对应failure状态的failure状态;
举个例子:求图(a)中状态4 的failure 状态, 已知其前一个(父节点)的f(1)= 0,且状态0(根节点)有字符'h'的外向边,该外向边对应状态1,则有f(4) = 1;类似前缀规则:求已经匹配字串"sh" 最大后缀,同时是某个模式串的前缀;
failure 函数伪代码:
#include<iostream> #include<string.h> #include<malloc.h> #include <queue> using namespace std; /* reallocation step for AC_NODE_t.outgoing array */ #define REALLOC_CHUNK_OUTGOING 2 struct ac_edge; typedef struct node{ unsigned int id; /* Node ID : just for debugging purpose */ unsigned short depth; /* depth: distance between this node and the root */ struct node *parent; /*parent node, for compute failure function*/ struct node *failure_node; /* The failure node of this node */ short int final; /* 0: no ; 1: yes, it is a final node */ int patternNo; /*Accept pattern index: just for debugging purpose */ /* Outgoing Edges */ struct ac_edge* outgoing_edge;/* Array of outgoing character edges */ unsigned short outgoing_num; /* Number of outgoing character edges */ unsigned short outgoing_max; /* Max capacity of allocated memory for outgoing character edges */ }AC_NODE_t; /* The Ougoing Edge of the Node */ struct ac_edge { char alpha; /* Edge alpha */ AC_NODE_t * next; /* Target of the edge */ }; static void node_assign_id (AC_NODE_t * thiz); static AC_NODE_t * node_find_next(AC_NODE_t * pAc_node, char ch); /****************************************************************************** * Create node ******************************************************************************/ AC_NODE_t *node_create() { AC_NODE_t* pNode = (AC_NODE_t*)malloc(sizeof(AC_NODE_t)); memset(pNode, 0, sizeof(AC_NODE_t)); pNode->failure_node = NULL; pNode->parent = NULL; pNode->final = 0; /*init outgoing character edges*/ pNode->outgoing_max = REALLOC_CHUNK_OUTGOING; pNode->outgoing_edge = (struct ac_edge *) malloc (pNode->outgoing_max*sizeof(struct ac_edge)); node_assign_id(pNode); return pNode; } /****************************************************************************** * assign a unique ID to the node (used for debugging purpose). ******************************************************************************/ static void node_assign_id (AC_NODE_t * thiz) { static int unique_id = 0; thiz->id = unique_id ++; } /****************************************************************************** * Establish an new edge between two nodes ******************************************************************************/ void node_add_outgoing (AC_NODE_t * thiz, AC_NODE_t * next, char alpha) { if(thiz->outgoing_num >= thiz->outgoing_max) { thiz->outgoing_max += REALLOC_CHUNK_OUTGOING; thiz->outgoing_edge = (struct ac_edge *)realloc(thiz->outgoing_edge, thiz->outgoing_max*sizeof(struct ac_edge)); } thiz->outgoing_edge[thiz->outgoing_num].alpha = alpha; thiz->outgoing_edge[thiz->outgoing_num++].next = next; } /****************************************************************************** * Create a next node with the given alpha. ******************************************************************************/ AC_NODE_t * node_create_next (AC_NODE_t * pCur_node, char alpha) { AC_NODE_t * pNext_node = NULL; pNext_node = node_find_next (pCur_node, alpha); if (pNext_node) { /* The (labeled alpha) edge already exists */ return NULL; } /* Otherwise add new edge (node) */ pNext_node = node_create (); node_add_outgoing(pCur_node, pNext_node, alpha); return pNext_node; } /****************************************************************************** * Find out the next node for a given Alpha to move. this function is used in * the pre-processing stage in which edge array is not sorted. so it uses linear search. ******************************************************************************/ static AC_NODE_t * node_find_next(AC_NODE_t * pAc_node, char ch) { int i = 0; if(NULL == pAc_node) { return NULL; } for (i=0; i < pAc_node->outgoing_num; i++) { if(pAc_node->outgoing_edge[i].alpha == ch) return (pAc_node->outgoing_edge[i].next); } return NULL; } /****************************************************************************** * add parent node's all leaf node(outgoing node) into queue ******************************************************************************/ int queue_add_leaf_node(AC_NODE_t *parent, queue<AC_NODE_t*> &myqueue) { int i; for (i = 0; i < parent->outgoing_num; i++) { myqueue.push (parent->outgoing_edge[i].next); } return 0; } /****************************************************************************** * Initialize automata; allocate memories and add patterns into automata ******************************************************************************/ AC_NODE_t * ac_automata_create(char pattern[][255], int patterns_num) { int iPattern_index, iChar_index; AC_NODE_t *root = node_create(); AC_NODE_t *pCur_node = NULL, *pNext_node = NULL; char alpha; for(iPattern_index=0; iPattern_index<patterns_num; iPattern_index++) { pCur_node = root; for(iChar_index=0; iChar_index<strlen(pattern[iPattern_index]); iChar_index++) ///对每个模式进行处理 { alpha = pattern[iPattern_index][iChar_index]; pNext_node = node_find_next(pCur_node, alpha); if(NULL != pNext_node) { pCur_node = pNext_node; } else { pNext_node = node_create_next(pCur_node, alpha); if(NULL != pNext_node) { pNext_node->parent = pCur_node; pNext_node->depth = pCur_node->depth + 1; pCur_node = pNext_node; } } } pCur_node->final = 1; pCur_node->patternNo = iPattern_index; } return root; } /****************************************************************************** * find failure node for all node, actually failure function maps a state into a new state. * the failure function is consulted whenever the goto function reports fail; * specificialy compute the failue node, we use it's parent node's failure node ******************************************************************************/ int ac_automata_setfailure(AC_NODE_t * root) { int i =0; queue<AC_NODE_t*> myqueue; char edge_ch = '\0'; AC_NODE_t *pCur_node = NULL, *parent = NULL, *pNext_Node = NULL; for(i= 0; i< root->outgoing_num; i++) //f(s) = 0 for all states s of depth 1 { root->outgoing_edge[i].next->failure_node = root; } queue_add_leaf_node(root, myqueue); while(!myqueue.empty()) { parent = myqueue.front(); myqueue.pop(); queue_add_leaf_node(parent, myqueue); for(i = 0; i < parent->outgoing_num; i++) { edge_ch = parent->outgoing_edge[i].alpha; pCur_node = parent->outgoing_edge[i].next; pNext_Node = node_find_next(parent->failure_node, edge_ch); if(NULL == pNext_Node) { if(parent->failure_node == root) { pCur_node->failure_node = root; } else { parent = parent->failure_node->parent; } } else { pCur_node->failure_node = pNext_Node; } } } return 0; } /****************************************************************************** * Search in the input text using the given automata. ******************************************************************************/ int ac_automata_search(AC_NODE_t * root, char* text, int txt_len, char pattern[][255]) { AC_NODE_t *pCur_node = root; AC_NODE_t *pNext_node = NULL; int position = 0; while(position < txt_len) { pNext_node = node_find_next(pCur_node, text[position]); if (NULL == pNext_node) { if(pCur_node == root) { position++; } else { pCur_node = pCur_node->failure_node; } } else { pCur_node = pNext_node; position++; } if(pCur_node->final == 1) ///some pattern matched { cout<<position-strlen(pattern[pCur_node->patternNo])<< '\t' << '\t' <<pCur_node->patternNo<< '\t' << '\t' <<pattern[pCur_node->patternNo]<<endl; } } return 0; } /****************************************************************************** * Prints the automata to output in human readable form. ******************************************************************************/ void ac_automata_display (AC_NODE_t * root) { unsigned int i; AC_NODE_t * pCur_node = root; struct ac_edge * pEdge = NULL; if(root == NULL) { return; } printf("---------------------------------\n"); queue<AC_NODE_t*> myqueue; myqueue.push( pCur_node ); while(!myqueue.empty()) { pCur_node = myqueue.front(); myqueue.pop(); printf("NODE(%3d)/----fail----> NODE(%3d)\n", pCur_node->id, (pCur_node->failure_node)?pCur_node->failure_node->id:0); for (i = 0; i < pCur_node->outgoing_num; i++) { myqueue.push (pCur_node->outgoing_edge[i].next); pEdge = &pCur_node->outgoing_edge[i]; printf(" |----("); if(isgraph(pEdge->alpha)) printf("%c)---", pEdge->alpha); else printf("0x%x)", pEdge->alpha); printf("--> NODE(%3d)\n", pEdge->next->id); } printf("---------------------------------\n"); } } /****************************************************************************** * Release all allocated memories to the automata ******************************************************************************/ int ac_automata_release(AC_NODE_t * root) { if(root == NULL) { return 0; } queue<AC_NODE_t*> myqueue; AC_NODE_t *pCur_node = NULL; myqueue.push( root ); root = NULL; while(!myqueue.empty()) { pCur_node = myqueue.front(); myqueue.pop(); for (int i = 0; i < pCur_node->outgoing_num; i++) { myqueue.push (pCur_node->outgoing_edge[i].next); } free(pCur_node); } return 0; } int main() { unsigned int i = 0; char haystack[] = "ushers"; char needle[4][255]={"he","she", "his","hers"}; /* 1. create ac finite state automata match machine, compute goto and output func*/ AC_NODE_t *root = ac_automata_create(needle, sizeof(needle)/sizeof(needle[0])); /* 2. compute failure function*/ ac_automata_setfailure( root ); /* 3. Display automata (if you are interested)*/ ac_automata_display( root ); cout << endl << "haystack : " << haystack << endl; cout << "needles : "; for(i = 0; i<sizeof(needle)/sizeof(needle[0]); i++) { cout << needle[i] << " "; } cout << endl << endl; cout << "match result : " << endl << "position\t" << "node_id\t\t" << "pattern" << endl; /* 3. seaching multi patterns use automata*/ ac_automata_search(root, haystack, strlen(haystack), needle); /* 4. Release the automata */ ac_automata_release ( root ); return 0; }
2、这里的AC_NODE 里面每个节点只对应一个匹配模式(patternNo),理论上是有多个的匹配模式的,有待完善;
3、已知g(4,e) = 5; 假设M 当前状态为4, 且下一个字符不是'e',这时候M 会调用f(4)=1,其实这时候我们已经不需要去查找状态1以'e'为外向边的状态了,因为下一个字符确定不是'e';如果没有"his"模式,我们可以直接从状态1跳到状态0;而现在代码是会去做这个多余查找动作的。这个可以用确定有限自动机来避免,下篇文章我会详细和大家讨论下.
<1>、Efficient String Matching: An Aid to Bibliographic Search.pdf(june 1975)