
今天在阅读Cocoa的开发文档《Cocoa Text Architecture Guide》时,读到一段:

Typographical Concepts Are Essential for Understanding the Text System

The Cocoa text system encodes characters as Unicode values. It
translates characters into glyphs, including ligatures and other
contextual forms, and handles typefaces, styles, fonts, and families.
The system does text layout, placing glyphs horizontally or vertically
in either direction, using font metric information, and uses kerning
when appropriate. It performs high-quality line breaking and
hyphenation to create lines of text with proper alignment or


这两个词的用法如此混乱的主要原因是:印刷技术进步了,一些老的说法不再适用。 这是历史原因,所以一定要区分不同时期的用法区别。

字典中对它们的传统意义解释得很清楚:“typeface”指“a particular design of
,而“font”是“a set of type of one particular face and size”。
换句话说,传统上,typeface 是一个抽象的总体概念(它是一款“设计”),而 font
是这个概念受到几个参数的制约而成的具象物体(它是一组具有确定大小和风格的铅字,是 typeface

于是它的意义转向某一字体设计的具体一个式样(比如 Helvetica 是一款 typeface,而 Helvetica Regular
就是一个 font
),或者字体文件(这同样是“typeface”这个抽象概念的具象子集),而 typeface 的意义基本不变。



A typeface is a set of visually related shapes for some or all of the characters in a written language. For example, Times is a
typeface, designed by Stanley Morrison in 1931 for The Times
newspaper of London. All of the letter forms in Times are related in
appearance, having consistent proportions between stems (vertical
strokes) and counters (rounded shapes in letter bodies) and other
elements. When laid out in blocks of text, the shapes in a typeface
work together to enhance readability.

A typestyle, or simply style, is a distinguishing visual characteristic of a typeface. For example, roman typestyle is
characterized by upright letters having serifs and stems thicker than
horizontal lines. In italic typestyle, the letters slant to the right
and are rounded, similar to cursive or handwritten letter shapes. A
typeface usually has several associated typestyles.

A font is a series of glyphs depicting the characters in a consistent size, typeface, and typestyle. A font is intended for use
in a specific display environment. Fonts contain glyphs for all the
contextual forms, such as ligatures, as well as the normal character

A font family is a group of fonts that share a typeface but differ in typestyle. So, for example, Times is the name of a font family (as
well as the name of its typeface). Times Roman and Times Italic are
the names of two individual fonts belonging to the Times family.
Figure 2-3 shows several of the fonts in the Times font family.

Styles, also called traits, that are available in Cocoa include
variations such as bold, italic, condensed, expanded, narrow, small
caps, poster fonts, and fixed pitch. Font descriptors in the Cocoa
text system provide a font-matching capability, so that you can
partially describe a font by creating a font descriptor with, for
example, just a family name or weight, and you can then find all the
fonts on the system that match the given trait.
