yum install lua-devel
第二步,安装 luajit,http://luajit.org/download.html到这里下载最新版,解压
make make install
./configure --user=www --group=www --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_concat_module --with-http_lua_module --with-luajit-inc=/usr/local/include/luajit-2.0 --with-luajit-lib=/usr/local/lib
location ~ '/(.*)/(.*).(jpg|JPG|jpeg|png|gif|GIF)_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+).(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$' { root /home/images; set $image_root /home/images; set $thumbnail_root /home/images/thumbnail_root; # set $uri $request_filename; if (!-e $request_filename){ rewrite_by_lua_file conf/image.lua; } }
-- Nginx thumbnail module by lua -- last update: 2014/1/11 -- ver: 0.3 -- 是否记录日志 local is_log = true; -- 允许默认图片 local enable_default_img = false; -- graphicsmagick安装路径 local gm_path="/usr/local/GraphicsMagick/bin/gm"; -- 链接地址,如/goods/0007/541/001_328x328.jpg local uri = ngx.var.uri; -- 图片目录 local ngx_img_root = ngx.var.image_root -- 缩略图目录 local ngx_thumbnail_root = ngx.var.thumbnail_root -- img_width:缩略图宽度 img_width:缩略图高度 img_size:缩略图宽x高 img_crop_type:缩略图裁剪类型 local img_width,img_height,img_size,img_crop_type = 0; -- 配置项,对目录、缩略图尺寸、裁剪类型进行配置,匹配后才进行缩略图处理 local cfg = { {dir="",sizes={"76x38!","100x100!","138x77!","232x135!","640x240^","180x105!","300x242!","320x88!","180x120!"}} -- {dir="manage",sizes={"138x77!","232x135!","500x500$","800x800!"}} } -- 日志函数 -- log_level: ngx.STDERR , ngx.EMERG , ngx.ALERT , ngx.CRIT , ngx.ERR , ngx.WARN , ngx.NOTICE , ngx.INFO , ngx.DEBUG -- 默认为ngx.NOTICE function lua_log(msg,log_level) if (log_level == nil) then log_level = ngx.NOTICE end; if(is_log) then ngx.log(log_level,msg) end; end -- 判断链接是否符合规则 function table.contains(table,element) -- 遍历table for _, value in pairs(cfg) do local dir = value["dir"]; local sizes = value["sizes"]; -- 根据正则匹配缩略图宽、高 _,_,img_width,img_height = string.find(uri,""..dir.."_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)"); if(img_width ~= nil and img_height ~= nil) then -- 缩略图尺寸 img_size = img_width.."x"..img_height; for _, value in pairs(sizes) do -- 1.保持原图比例,实际尺寸可能小于请求尺寸 if (img_size == value) then img_crop_type=1; return true; -- 2.拉伸,图片有可能变形 elseif (img_size.."!" == value) then img_crop_type=2; return true; -- 3.保证大小与比例,但图有可能裁剪不完整 elseif (img_size.."^" == value) then img_crop_type=3; return true; -- 4.只限制宽度 elseif (img_size.."$" == value) then img_crop_type=4; img_size = img_width.."x"; return true; end end end end return false end -- 原图链接 local img_original_uri = string.gsub(uri, "_[0-9]+x[0-9]+.[jpg|png|gif]+",""); -- 判断原图是否存在 local img_exist=io.open(ngx_img_root .. img_original_uri); if not img_exist then if not enable_default_img then lua_log(img_original_uri.." isn't exist!",ngx.ERR); ngx.exit(404); else local default_img_original_uri = "/empty/empty.jpg"; img_exist=io.open(ngx_img_root .. default_img_original_uri); if img_exist then lua_log(img_original_uri .. "isn't exist! crop image with default image"); img_original_uri = default_img_original_uri; else lua_log(img_original_uri.." isn't exist!",ngx.ERR); ngx.exit(404); end end; end; if not table.contains(cfg, uri) then lua_log(uri.." don't match!",ngx.ERR); ngx.exit(404); else -- 开始生成缩略图 local gm_command; -- 缩略图文件路径 local img_thumbnail_path = ngx_thumbnail_root .. uri; -- 原图文件路径 local img_original_path = ngx_img_root .. img_original_uri; -- 执行gm命令 if (img_crop_type == 1) then gm_command = gm_path .. " convert " .. img_original_path .. " -thumbnail " .. img_size .. " -background white -gravity center -strip +profile '*' -quality 90 -extent " .. img_size .. " " .. img_thumbnail_path elseif (img_crop_type == 2) then gm_command = gm_path .. " convert " .. img_original_path .. " -thumbnail " .. img_size .. "! -strip +profile '*' -quality 90 -extent ".. img_size .." " .. img_thumbnail_path; elseif (img_crop_type == 3) then gm_command = gm_path .. " convert " .. img_original_path .. " -thumbnail " .. img_size .. "^ -strip +profile '*' -quality 90 -extent ".. img_size .." " ..img_thumbnail_path; elseif (img_crop_type == 4) then gm_command = gm_path .. " convert " .. img_original_path .. " -resize '" .. img_size .. ">' -strip +profile '*' -quality 90 " ..img_thumbnail_path; else lua_log("img_crop_type error:"..img_crop_type,ngx.ERR); ngx.exit(404); end -- 判断图是否存在 local new_img_exist=io.open(img_thumbnail_path); --lua_log(img_thumbnail_path .. uri); -- 执行gm命令 and not new_img_exist if (gm_command ~= nil and not new_img_exist) then -- 获取缩略图路径及文件名 _,_,img_thumbnail_dir,img__thumbnail_filename=string.find(img_thumbnail_path,'(.-)([^/]*)$') -- 先创建缩略图所在目录,避免报错 os.execute("mkdir -p "..img_thumbnail_dir); -- 执行gm命令 os.execute(gm_command); lua_log("gm_command======"..img_crop_type..gm_command); end -- 转发请求至缩略图 ngx.req.set_uri("/thumbnail_root"..uri,true); end