Let's Try and Break the Vicious Circle with Sport

    Resently, the feeling of lacking energy and of lacking interest about everything  made me upset. But the key point is not about the feeling, it's about the origin of the feeling that I have no idea anout where it comes from. I have try to analyzed and figured it out.  But my brain just like be jamed and the answer just doesn't come out.  A a little bit oweful,  isn't it ?

    But this morning when I wake up, I found that maybe it's about the problem of  distribution of my own time. I think like the way list belowed.

  1. As a colleage student, I have heavy studies to work on. It costs about 70% of my time. 

  2. Social time is necessary. But I always spend about 30% much more time on it. God! And participating social commucation needs lots of ennergy.

  3. Because of the limited time, I have be seldom to do some sports to make me stronger. And the resault is that I become much more weaker and it cost me more time to figure out one thing cause' of lacking energy. At last, it effects my effeciency of study. Then , the problems become much more and more.

... ...

    Hold on a second!  That's the problem, isn't it ?!  There is a vicious circle in my daily life time. (maybe many people have it).  And the vicious circle runs like this:

Let's Try and Break the Vicious Circle with Sport

    And now the solution is obvious -- to break the circle. 

    It's obvious and easily to find out that the key dot is about the sport. If I do some exercises to raise up my energy with a balanced life style, the circle can be changed opositely.

    So, just let me try this solution and check it out to see how it will become.

    And if the reader, oh, of couse, you, who is reading this blog, have some better solution, please tell and sharing that with me. I'll be glad to hear from you.
