AndroidCharts 是一款轻量级的图表显示控件,对比起Android-Charts和AChartEngine来说简单和活泼了很多,适合数据展示不需要太过详细专业的场合,它支持简单且带动画的折线图,柱状图和饼状图。
package com.nekocode.xuedao.utils; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.nekocode.xuedao.R; /** * Created by Dacer on 11/4/13. */ public class LineView extends View { private int mViewHeight; //drawBackground private boolean autoSetDataOfGird = true; private boolean autoSetGridWidth = true; private int dataOfAGird = 10; private int bottomTextHeight = 0; private ArrayList<String> bottomTextList; private ArrayList<Integer> dataList; private ArrayList<Integer> xCoordinateList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); private ArrayList<Integer> yCoordinateList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); private ArrayList<Dot> drawDotList = new ArrayList<Dot>();; private Paint bottomTextPaint = new Paint(); private Paint ycoordTextPaint = new Paint(); private int bottomTextDescent; //popup private Paint popupTextPaint = new Paint(); private final int bottomTriangleHeight = 12; //private Dot selectedDot; private boolean mShowYCoordinate = true; private int topLineLength = MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(), 12);; // | | 鈫this //-+-+- private int sideLineLength = MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(),45)/3*2;// --+--+--+--+--+--+-- // 鈫this 鈫 private int backgroundGridWidth = MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(),45); //Constants private final int popupTopPadding = MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(),2); private final int popupBottomMargin = MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(),5); private final int bottomTextTopMargin = MyUtils.sp2px(getContext(),5); private final int bottomLineLength = MyUtils.sp2px(getContext(), 22); private final int DOT_INNER_CIR_RADIUS = MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(), 2); private final int DOT_OUTER_CIR_RADIUS = MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(),5); private final int MIN_TOP_LINE_LENGTH = MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(),12); private final int MIN_VERTICAL_GRID_NUM = 4; private final int MIN_HORIZONTAL_GRID_NUM = 1; private final int BACKGROUND_LINE_COLOR = Color.parseColor("#EEEEEE"); private final int BOTTOM_TEXT_COLOR = Color.parseColor("#9B9A9B"); private final int YCOORD_TEXT_LEFT_MARGIN = MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(), 10); class YCoordData { private int y; private int data; public int getY() { return y; } public void setY(int y) { this.y = y; } public int getData() { return data; } public void setData(int data) { = data; } } private Runnable animator = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { boolean needNewFrame = false; for(Dot dot : drawDotList){ dot.update(); if(!dot.isAtRest()){ needNewFrame = true; } } if (needNewFrame) { postDelayed(this, 0); } invalidate(); } }; public LineView(Context context){ this(context,null); } public LineView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs){ super(context, attrs); popupTextPaint.setAntiAlias(true); popupTextPaint.setColor(Color.WHITE); popupTextPaint.setTextSize(MyUtils.sp2px(getContext(), 13)); popupTextPaint.setStrokeWidth(5); popupTextPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); bottomTextPaint.setAntiAlias(true); bottomTextPaint.setTextSize(MyUtils.sp2px(getContext(),12)); bottomTextPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); bottomTextPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); bottomTextPaint.setColor(BOTTOM_TEXT_COLOR); ycoordTextPaint.setAntiAlias(true); ycoordTextPaint.setTextSize(MyUtils.sp2px(getContext(),12)); ycoordTextPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); ycoordTextPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); ycoordTextPaint.setColor(BOTTOM_TEXT_COLOR); } /** * dataList will be reset when called is method. * @param bottomTextList The String ArrayList in the bottom. */ public void setBottomTextList(ArrayList<String> bottomTextList){ this.dataList = null; this.bottomTextList = bottomTextList; Rect r = new Rect(); int longestWidth = 0; String longestStr = ""; bottomTextDescent = 0; for(String s:bottomTextList){ bottomTextPaint.getTextBounds(s,0,s.length(),r); if(bottomTextHeight<r.height()){ bottomTextHeight = r.height(); } if(autoSetGridWidth&&(longestWidth<r.width())){ longestWidth = r.width(); longestStr = s; } if(bottomTextDescent<(Math.abs(r.bottom))){ bottomTextDescent = Math.abs(r.bottom); } } if(autoSetGridWidth){ if(backgroundGridWidth<longestWidth){ backgroundGridWidth = longestWidth+(int)bottomTextPaint.measureText(longestStr,0,1); } if(sideLineLength<longestWidth/2){ sideLineLength = longestWidth/2; } } refreshXCoordinateList(getHorizontalGridNum()); } /** * * @param dataList The Integer ArrayList for showing, * dataList.size() must < bottomTextList.size() */ public void setDataList(ArrayList<Integer> dataList){ this.dataList = dataList; if(dataList.size() > bottomTextList.size()){ throw new RuntimeException("dacer.LineView error:" + " dataList.size() > bottomTextList.size() !!!"); } if(autoSetDataOfGird){ int biggestData = 0; for(Integer i:dataList){ if(biggestData<i){ biggestData = i; } } dataOfAGird = 1; while(biggestData/10 > dataOfAGird){ dataOfAGird *= 10; } } refreshAfterDataChanged(); setMinimumWidth(0); // It can help the LineView reset the Width, // I don't know the better way.. postInvalidate(); } public void setShowYCoordinate(boolean showYCoordinate) { mShowYCoordinate = showYCoordinate; } private void refreshAfterDataChanged(){ int verticalGridNum = getVerticalGridlNum(); refreshTopLineLength(verticalGridNum); refreshYCoordinateList(verticalGridNum); refreshDrawDotList(verticalGridNum); } private int getVerticalGridlNum(){ int verticalGridNum = MIN_VERTICAL_GRID_NUM; if(dataList != null && !dataList.isEmpty()){ for(Integer integer:dataList){ if(verticalGridNum<(integer+1)){ verticalGridNum = integer+1; } } } return verticalGridNum; } private int getHorizontalGridNum(){ int horizontalGridNum = bottomTextList.size()-1; if(horizontalGridNum<MIN_HORIZONTAL_GRID_NUM){ horizontalGridNum = MIN_HORIZONTAL_GRID_NUM; } return horizontalGridNum; } private void refreshXCoordinateList(int horizontalGridNum){ xCoordinateList.clear(); for(int i=0;i<(horizontalGridNum+1);i++){ xCoordinateList.add(sideLineLength + backgroundGridWidth*i); } } private void refreshYCoordinateList(int verticalGridNum){ yCoordinateList.clear(); for(int i=0;i<(verticalGridNum+1);i++){ yCoordinateList.add(topLineLength + ((mViewHeight-topLineLength-bottomTextHeight-bottomTextTopMargin- bottomLineLength-bottomTextDescent)*i/(verticalGridNum))); } } private void refreshDrawDotList(int verticalGridNum){ if(dataList != null && !dataList.isEmpty()){ int drawDotSize = drawDotList.isEmpty()? 0:drawDotList.size(); for(int i=0;i<dataList.size();i++){ int x = xCoordinateList.get(i); int y = yCoordinateList.get(verticalGridNum - dataList.get(i)); if(i>drawDotSize-1){ drawDotList.add(new Dot(x, 0, x, y, dataList.get(i))); }else{ drawDotList.set(i, drawDotList.get(i).setTargetData(x,y,dataList.get(i))); } } int temp = drawDotList.size() - dataList.size(); for(int i=0; i<temp; i++){ drawDotList.remove(drawDotList.size()-1); } } removeCallbacks(animator); post(animator); } private void refreshTopLineLength(int verticalGridNum){ // For prevent popup can't be completely showed when backgroundGridHeight is too small. // But this code not so good. if((mViewHeight-topLineLength-bottomTextHeight-bottomTextTopMargin)/ (verticalGridNum+2)<getPopupHeight()){ topLineLength = getPopupHeight()+DOT_OUTER_CIR_RADIUS+DOT_INNER_CIR_RADIUS+2; }else{ topLineLength = MIN_TOP_LINE_LENGTH; } } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { drawBackgroundLines(canvas); drawLines(canvas); drawDots(canvas); for(Dot dot : drawDotList){ drawPopup(canvas, String.valueOf(, dot.getPoint()); } /* if(showPopup && selectedDot != null){ drawPopup(canvas, String.valueOf(, selectedDot.getPoint()); }*/ } /** * * @param canvas The canvas you need to draw on. * @param point The Point consists of the x y coordinates from left bottom to right top. * Like is 3 * 2 * 1 * 0 1 2 3 4 5 */ private void drawPopup(Canvas canvas,String num, Point point){ boolean singularNum = (num.length() == 1); int sidePadding = MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(),singularNum? 8:5); int x = point.x; if(mShowYCoordinate == true) x += YCOORD_TEXT_LEFT_MARGIN; int y = point.y-MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(),5); Rect popupTextRect = new Rect(); popupTextPaint.getTextBounds(num,0,num.length(),popupTextRect); Rect r = new Rect(x-popupTextRect.width()/2-sidePadding, y - popupTextRect.height()-bottomTriangleHeight-popupTopPadding*2-popupBottomMargin, x + popupTextRect.width()/2+sidePadding, y+popupTopPadding-popupBottomMargin); Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.popup_red); byte chunk[] = bmp.getNinePatchChunk(); NinePatchDrawable popup = new NinePatchDrawable(bmp, chunk, new Rect(), null); popup.setBounds(r); popup.draw(canvas); canvas.drawText(num, x, y-bottomTriangleHeight-popupBottomMargin, popupTextPaint); } private int getPopupHeight(){ Rect popupTextRect = new Rect(); popupTextPaint.getTextBounds("9",0,1,popupTextRect); Rect r = new Rect(-popupTextRect.width()/2, - popupTextRect.height()-bottomTriangleHeight-popupTopPadding*2-popupBottomMargin, + popupTextRect.width()/2, +popupTopPadding-popupBottomMargin); return r.height(); } private void drawDots(Canvas canvas){ Paint bigCirPaint = new Paint(); bigCirPaint.setAntiAlias(true); bigCirPaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#FF0033")); Paint smallCirPaint = new Paint(bigCirPaint); smallCirPaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF")); if(drawDotList!=null && !drawDotList.isEmpty()){ for(Dot dot : drawDotList){ int x = dot.x; if(mShowYCoordinate == true) x += YCOORD_TEXT_LEFT_MARGIN; canvas.drawCircle(x,dot.y,DOT_OUTER_CIR_RADIUS,bigCirPaint); canvas.drawCircle(x,dot.y,DOT_INNER_CIR_RADIUS,smallCirPaint); } } } private void drawLines(Canvas canvas){ Paint linePaint = new Paint(); linePaint.setAntiAlias(true); linePaint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#FF0033")); linePaint.setStrokeWidth(MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(), 2)); for(int i=0; i<drawDotList.size()-1; i++){ int x1 = drawDotList.get(i).x; int x2 = drawDotList.get(i+1).x; if(mShowYCoordinate == true) { x1 += YCOORD_TEXT_LEFT_MARGIN; x2 += YCOORD_TEXT_LEFT_MARGIN; } canvas.drawLine(x1, drawDotList.get(i).y, x2, drawDotList.get(i+1).y, linePaint); } } private void drawBackgroundLines(Canvas canvas){ Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setStrokeWidth(MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(),1f)); paint.setColor(BACKGROUND_LINE_COLOR); //draw vertical lines for(int i=0;i<xCoordinateList.size();i++){ int x = xCoordinateList.get(i); if(mShowYCoordinate == true) x += YCOORD_TEXT_LEFT_MARGIN; canvas.drawLine(x, 0, x, mViewHeight - bottomTextTopMargin - bottomTextHeight-bottomTextDescent, paint); } for(int i=0;i<yCoordinateList.size();i++){ if((yCoordinateList.size()-1-i)%dataOfAGird == 0){ int y = yCoordinateList.get(i); canvas.drawLine(0, y, getWidth(), y, paint); if(mShowYCoordinate == true) canvas.drawText(String.valueOf(yCoordinateList.size()-i-1), 0, y, ycoordTextPaint); } } //draw bottom text if(bottomTextList != null){ for(int i=0;i<bottomTextList.size();i++){ int x = sideLineLength+backgroundGridWidth*i; if(mShowYCoordinate == true) x += YCOORD_TEXT_LEFT_MARGIN; canvas.drawText(bottomTextList.get(i), x, mViewHeight-bottomTextDescent, bottomTextPaint); } } } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { int mViewWidth = measureWidth(widthMeasureSpec); mViewHeight = measureHeight(heightMeasureSpec); refreshAfterDataChanged(); setMeasuredDimension(mViewWidth,mViewHeight); } private int measureWidth(int measureSpec){ int horizontalGridNum = getHorizontalGridNum(); int preferred = backgroundGridWidth*horizontalGridNum+sideLineLength*2; return getMeasurement(measureSpec, preferred); } private int measureHeight(int measureSpec){ int preferred = 0; return getMeasurement(measureSpec, preferred); } private int getMeasurement(int measureSpec, int preferred){ int specSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(measureSpec); int measurement; switch(MeasureSpec.getMode(measureSpec)){ case MeasureSpec.EXACTLY: measurement = specSize; break; case MeasureSpec.AT_MOST: measurement = Math.min(preferred, specSize); break; default: measurement = preferred; break; } return measurement; } /* @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { Point point = new Point(); point.x = (int) event.getX(); point.y = (int) event.getY(); Region r = new Region(); int width = backgroundGridWidth/2; if(drawDotList != null || !drawDotList.isEmpty()){ for(Dot dot : drawDotList){ r.set(dot.x-width,dot.y-width,dot.x+width,dot.y+width); if (r.contains(point.x,point.y) && event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN){ selectedDot = dot; }else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP){ if (r.contains(point.x,point.y)){ showPopup = true; } } } } if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN || event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP){ postInvalidate(); } return true; } //*/ private int updateSelf(int origin, int target, int velocity){ if (origin < target) { origin += velocity; } else if (origin > target){ origin-= velocity; } if(Math.abs(target-origin)<velocity){ origin = target; } return origin; } class Dot{ int x; int y; int data; int targetX; int targetY; int velocity = MyUtils.dip2px(getContext(),20); Dot(int x,int y,int targetX,int targetY,Integer data){ this.x = x; this.y = y; setTargetData(targetX, targetY,data); } Point getPoint(){ return new Point(x,y); } Dot setTargetData(int targetX,int targetY,Integer data){ this.targetX = targetX; this.targetY = targetY; = data; return this; } boolean isAtRest(){ return (x==targetX)&&(y==targetY); } void update(){ x = updateSelf(x, targetX, velocity); y = updateSelf(y, targetY, velocity); } } }