import groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder import static groovyx.net.http.Method.GET import static groovyx.net.http.ContentType.TEXT def http = new HTTPBuilder( 'http://www.google.com/search' ) http.request(GET,TEXT) { req -> uri.path = '/mail/help/tasks/' headers.'User-Agent' = 'Mozilla/5.0' //请求成功 response.success = { resp, reader -> assert resp.statusLine.statusCode == 200 println "My response handler got response: ${resp.statusLine}" println "Response length: ${resp.headers.'Content-Length'}" System.out << reader // print response stream } //404 response.'404' = { resp -> println 'Not found' } // 401 http.handler.'401' = { resp -> println "Access denied" } //其他错误,不实现则采用缺省的:抛出异常。 http.handler.failure = { resp -> println "Unexpected failure: ${resp.statusLine}" } }
import au.com.bytecode.opencsv.CSVReader import groovyx.net.http.ParserRegistry //注册自己的内容类型和解析器 http.parser.'text/csv' = { resp -> return new CSVReader( new InputStreamReader( resp.entity.content , ParserRegistry.getCharset( resp ) ) ) } //验证使用 http.get( uri : 'http://somehost.com/contacts.csv' , contentType : 'text/csv' ) { resp, csv -> assert csv instanceof CSVReader // parse the csv stream here. }
import groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder def http = new HTTPBuilder('http://twitter.com/statuses/') http.request( POST ) { uri.path = 'update.xml' body = [ status : 'update!' , source : 'httpbuilder' ] requestContentType = ContentType.URLENC response.success = { resp -> println "Tweet response status: ${resp.statusLine}" assert resp.statusLine.statusCode == 200 } }
http.request( POST, XML ) { body = { auth { user 'Bob' password 'pass' } } }
http.request( POST, JSON ) { req -> body = [ first : 'Bob', last : 'Builder', address : [ street : '123 Some St', town : 'Boston', state : 'MA', zip : 12345 ] ] response.success = { resp, json ->...} }
REST是如今Web的宠儿,许多Web 2.0 API都宣称自己是RESTful的。且不论其中的真伪,作为给HTTP操作提供DSL的工具,HTTPBuilder自然没有错过这个潮流。RESTClient便是它对于这种趋势的回应,其本身是HTTPBuilder的子类,虽然损失了部分灵活性,但简化了为GET、PUT、POST、DELETE和HEAD操作:
twitter = new RESTClient( 'https://twitter.com/statuses/' ) //HEAD twitter.head( path : 'public_timeline.json' ).status == 200 //GET def resp = twitter.get( path : 'friends_timeline.json' ) //POST def msg = "I'm using HTTPBuilder's RESTClient on ${new Date()}" resp = twitter.post( path : 'update.xml', body : [ status:msg, source:'httpbuilder' ] , requestContentType : URLENC ) //DELETE resp = twitter.delete( path : "destroy/${postID}.json" )
想找台免费的机器吗?现在已完全不是天方夜谭,Google GAE就是你要找的目标。虽然说它是免费的并不完全对,它在一定配额内免费,但这个配额对于个人实验或小规模的应用,应该够用了。开发GAE应用对于Grails来讲并非难事,但如果你想在应用里使用HTTPBuilder去发起请求,那么就不会那么顺利。由于GAE的安全限制,你不能直接去打开Socket,这正是HTTPBuilder底层(HttpClient)的机制。这时,就需要使用HTTPURLConnection完成这一任务。以它为基础,HTTPBuilder工具包内提供了另一个兼容GAE的“HTTPBuilder”:HttpURLClient。使用其他并不复杂:
import groovyx.net.http.* def http = new HttpURLClient( url: 'http://twitter.com/statuses/' ) def resp = http.request( path: 'user_timeline.json' , query: [id:'httpbuilder', count:5] ) println "JSON response: ${resp.status}" resp.data.each { println it.created_at println ' ' + it.text }
import groovyx.net.http.URIBuilder def uri = new URIBuilder( 'http://www.google.com/one/two?a=1#frag' ) uri.scheme = 'https' assert uri.toString() == 'https://www.google.com:80/one/two?a=1#frag' uri.host = 'localhost' assert uri.toString() == 'https://localhost:80/one/two?a=1#frag' uri.port = 8080 assert uri.toString() == 'https://localhost:8080/one/two?a=1#frag' uri.fragment = 'asdf2' assert uri.toString() == 'https://localhost:8080/one/two?a=1#asdf2' // relative paths: uri.path = 'three/four.html' assert uri.toString() == 'https://localhost:8080/one/three/four.html?a=1#asdf2' uri.path = '../four/five' assert uri.toString() == 'https://localhost:8080/one/four/five?a=1#asdf2' // control the entire path with leading '/' : uri.path = '/six' assert uri.toString() == 'https://localhost:8080/six?a=1#asdf2'
def uri = new groovyx.net.http.URIBuilder( 'http://localhost?a=1&b=2' ) assert uri.query instanceof Map assert uri.query.a == '1' assert uri.query.b == '2' uri.addQueryParam 'd', '4' uri.removeQueryParam 'b' assert uri.toString() == 'http://localhost?d=4&a=1' uri.query = [z:0,y:9,x:8] assert uri.toString() == 'http://localhost?z=0&y=9&x=8' uri.query = null assert uri.toString() == 'http://localhost' // parameters are also properly escaped as well: uri.query = [q:'a:b',z:'war & peace'] assert uri.toString() == 'http://localhost?q=a%3Ab&z=war+%26+peace'