




Plugin Structure

 |- plugin.xml <- Plugin definition file
 |- readme.html <- Optional readme file for plugin, which will be displayed to end users 
 |- changelog.html <- Optional changelog file for plugin, which will be displayed to end users
 |- logo_small.gif <- Optional small (16x16) icon associated with the plugin (can also be a .png file)  
 |- logo_large.gif <- Optional large (32x32) icon associated with the plugin (can also be a .png file) 
 |- classes/ <- Resources your plugin needs (i.e., a properties file)
 |- database/ <- Optional database schema files that your plugin needs
 |- i18n/ <- Optional i18n files to allow for internationalization of plugins.
 |- lib/ <- Libraries (JAR files) your plugin needs
 |- web <- Resources for Admin Console integration, if any
          |- WEB-INF/
                     |- web.xml <- Generated web.xml containing compiled JSP entries
                     |- web-custom.xml <- Optional user-defined web.xml for custom servlets
          |- images/


The plugin.xml file specifies the main Plugin class. A sample file might look like the following:

Sample plugin.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
        <!-- Main plugin class --> 
                   <!-- Plugin meta-data -->
        <name>Example Plugin</name> 
        <description>This is an example plugin.</description> 
        <author>Jive Software</author>
              <!-- Admin console entries -->
                       <!-- More on this below -->

The meta-data fields that can be set in the plugin.xml file

class: 插件的入口类,在此类中,必须实现Plugin这个interface。


        - name:插件的名称。

        - description:插件的描述。

        - author:插件的作者。

        - version:插件的版本。

        - date:插件开发的日期。

        - url:插件的网络说明信息,可以说明插件的一些附信息

        - miniServerVersion: 插件需要Openfire平台的最低版本号,在插件装载过程中,平台判断插件的版本号是否匹配,如果不匹配,则不加载。

        - adminconsole: 这个标签指定了插件在Openfire平台中的web入口菜单,openfire会根据这个文件来动态的生成多级入口菜单,这个在后续会继续解释。


Sample plugin implementation

package org.example;
 import org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.Plugin;
 import org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginManager;
public class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin { 
         public void initializePlugin(PluginManager manager, File pluginDirectory) {
                       // Your code goes here 
          public void destroyPlugin() { 
             // Your code goes here 
