

需要安装kitchen包支持 sudo pip install kitchen 



#_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
#sudo pip install kitchen
import itertools
import unicodedata

from kitchen import b_
from kitchen.text.converters import to_unicode, to_bytes
from kitchen.text.exceptions import ControlCharError
from kitchen.text.display import *

def _ucp_width(ucs, control_chars='guess'):
    if ucs < 32 or (ucs < 0xa0 and ucs >= 0x7f):
        if control_chars == 'strict':
            raise ControlCharError(b_('_ucp_width does not understand how to'
                ' assign a width value to control characters.'))
        if ucs in (0x08, 0x07F, 0x94):
            return -1
        if ucs == 0x1b:
            return -1
        return 0

    if _interval_bisearch(ucs, _COMBINING):
        return 0

    return (1 +
      (ucs >= 0x1100 and
       (ucs <= 0x115f or                     # Hangul Jamo init. consonants
        ucs == 0x2329 or ucs == 0x232a or
        (ucs >= 0x2e80 and ucs <= 0xa4cf and
         ucs != 0x303f) or                   # CJK ... Yi
        (ucs >= 0xac00 and ucs <= 0xd7a3) or # Hangul Syllables
        (ucs >= 0xf900 and ucs <= 0xfaff) or # CJK Compatibility Ideographs
        (ucs >= 0xfe10 and ucs <= 0xfe19) or # Vertical forms
        (ucs >= 0xfe30 and ucs <= 0xfe6f) or # CJK Compatibility Forms
        (ucs >= 0xff00 and ucs <= 0xff60) or # Fullwidth Forms
        (ucs >= 0xffe0 and ucs <= 0xffe6) or
        (ucs >= 0x20000 and ucs <= 0x2fffd) or
        (ucs >= 0x30000 and ucs <= 0x3fffd))))

def _interval_bisearch(value, table):
    minimum = 0
    maximum = len(table) - 1
    if value < table[minimum][0] or value > table[maximum][1]:
        return False

    while maximum >= minimum:
        mid = (minimum + maximum) / 2
        if value > table[mid][1]:
            minimum = mid + 1
        elif value < table[mid][0]:
            maximum = mid - 1
            return True

    return False

        (0x300, 0x36f), (0x483, 0x489), (0x591, 0x5bd),
        (0x5bf, 0x5bf), (0x5c1, 0x5c2), (0x5c4, 0x5c5),
        (0x5c7, 0x5c7), (0x600, 0x603), (0x610, 0x61a),
        (0x64b, 0x65e), (0x670, 0x670), (0x6d6, 0x6e4),
        (0x6e7, 0x6e8), (0x6ea, 0x6ed), (0x70f, 0x70f),
        (0x711, 0x711), (0x730, 0x74a), (0x7a6, 0x7b0),
        (0x7eb, 0x7f3), (0x816, 0x819), (0x81b, 0x823),
        (0x825, 0x827), (0x829, 0x82d), (0x901, 0x902),
        (0x93c, 0x93c), (0x941, 0x948), (0x94d, 0x94d),
        (0x951, 0x954), (0x962, 0x963), (0x981, 0x981),
        (0x9bc, 0x9bc), (0x9c1, 0x9c4), (0x9cd, 0x9cd),
        (0x9e2, 0x9e3), (0xa01, 0xa02), (0xa3c, 0xa3c),
        (0xa41, 0xa42), (0xa47, 0xa48), (0xa4b, 0xa4d),
        (0xa70, 0xa71), (0xa81, 0xa82), (0xabc, 0xabc),
        (0xac1, 0xac5), (0xac7, 0xac8), (0xacd, 0xacd),
        (0xae2, 0xae3), (0xb01, 0xb01), (0xb3c, 0xb3c),
        (0xb3f, 0xb3f), (0xb41, 0xb43), (0xb4d, 0xb4d),
        (0xb56, 0xb56), (0xb82, 0xb82), (0xbc0, 0xbc0),
        (0xbcd, 0xbcd), (0xc3e, 0xc40), (0xc46, 0xc48),
        (0xc4a, 0xc4d), (0xc55, 0xc56), (0xcbc, 0xcbc),
        (0xcbf, 0xcbf), (0xcc6, 0xcc6), (0xccc, 0xccd),
        (0xce2, 0xce3), (0xd41, 0xd43), (0xd4d, 0xd4d),
        (0xdca, 0xdca), (0xdd2, 0xdd4), (0xdd6, 0xdd6),
        (0xe31, 0xe31), (0xe34, 0xe3a), (0xe47, 0xe4e),
        (0xeb1, 0xeb1), (0xeb4, 0xeb9), (0xebb, 0xebc),
        (0xec8, 0xecd), (0xf18, 0xf19), (0xf35, 0xf35),
        (0xf37, 0xf37), (0xf39, 0xf39), (0xf71, 0xf7e),
        (0xf80, 0xf84), (0xf86, 0xf87), (0xf90, 0xf97),
        (0xf99, 0xfbc), (0xfc6, 0xfc6), (0x102d, 0x1030),
        (0x1032, 0x1032), (0x1036, 0x1037), (0x1039, 0x103a),
        (0x1058, 0x1059), (0x108d, 0x108d), (0x1160, 0x11ff),
        (0x135f, 0x135f), (0x1712, 0x1714), (0x1732, 0x1734),
        (0x1752, 0x1753), (0x1772, 0x1773), (0x17b4, 0x17b5),
        (0x17b7, 0x17bd), (0x17c6, 0x17c6), (0x17c9, 0x17d3),
        (0x17dd, 0x17dd), (0x180b, 0x180d), (0x18a9, 0x18a9),
        (0x1920, 0x1922), (0x1927, 0x1928), (0x1932, 0x1932),
        (0x1939, 0x193b), (0x1a17, 0x1a18), (0x1a60, 0x1a60),
        (0x1a75, 0x1a7c), (0x1a7f, 0x1a7f), (0x1b00, 0x1b03),
        (0x1b34, 0x1b34), (0x1b36, 0x1b3a), (0x1b3c, 0x1b3c),
        (0x1b42, 0x1b42), (0x1b44, 0x1b44), (0x1b6b, 0x1b73),
        (0x1baa, 0x1baa), (0x1c37, 0x1c37), (0x1cd0, 0x1cd2),
        (0x1cd4, 0x1ce0), (0x1ce2, 0x1ce8), (0x1ced, 0x1ced),
        (0x1dc0, 0x1de6), (0x1dfd, 0x1dff), (0x200b, 0x200f),
        (0x202a, 0x202e), (0x2060, 0x2063), (0x206a, 0x206f),
        (0x20d0, 0x20f0), (0x2cef, 0x2cf1), (0x2de0, 0x2dff),
        (0x302a, 0x302f), (0x3099, 0x309a), (0xa66f, 0xa66f),
        (0xa67c, 0xa67d), (0xa6f0, 0xa6f1), (0xa806, 0xa806),
        (0xa80b, 0xa80b), (0xa825, 0xa826), (0xa8c4, 0xa8c4),
        (0xa8e0, 0xa8f1), (0xa92b, 0xa92d), (0xa953, 0xa953),
        (0xa9b3, 0xa9b3), (0xa9c0, 0xa9c0), (0xaab0, 0xaab0),
        (0xaab2, 0xaab4), (0xaab7, 0xaab8), (0xaabe, 0xaabf),
        (0xaac1, 0xaac1), (0xabed, 0xabed), (0xfb1e, 0xfb1e),
        (0xfe00, 0xfe0f), (0xfe20, 0xfe26), (0xfeff, 0xfeff),
        (0xfff9, 0xfffb), (0x101fd, 0x101fd), (0x10a01, 0x10a03),
        (0x10a05, 0x10a06), (0x10a0c, 0x10a0f), (0x10a38, 0x10a3a),
        (0x10a3f, 0x10a3f), (0x110b9, 0x110ba), (0x1d165, 0x1d169),
        (0x1d16d, 0x1d182), (0x1d185, 0x1d18b), (0x1d1aa, 0x1d1ad),
        (0x1d242, 0x1d244), (0xe0001, 0xe0001), (0xe0020, 0xe007f),
        (0xe0100, 0xe01ef), )

def textual_width_list(msg, control_chars="guess", encoding='utf-8', errors='replace'):
    msg = to_unicode(msg, encoding, errors=errors)
    return list(itertools.starmap(_ucp_width, itertools.izip(itertools.imap(ord, msg), itertools.repeat(control_chars))))

def textual_list(msg, width=10, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace'):
    msg = to_unicode(msg, encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
    width_list = textual_width_list(msg)
    length = len(msg)
    star, end, step, value = 0, 0, 0, 0
    l = []
    for w in width_list:
        step += 1
        value += w
        if value >= width:
            star = end
            end = step
            value = 0
        elif step >= length:
            star = end
            end = step
    return l

if __name__ == '__main__':
    msg = u"妨碍降低而且恶魔,打大幅打。1,f2dad1lprj/.,21=-=めはせぃなぬそぃぇぃねfae2eaa.;e2eadawd"
    l =  textual_list(msg, 25)
    print "raw_string:", msg
    print '-------------------------'
    for i in l:
        print i









