some thing .....

root @bt :~# ntpdate  //进行一次时间同步
18 Jul 06:07:54 ntpdate[2856]: step time server offset -28778.689245 sec
root @bt :~# hwclock -r //查看BOIS时间
Wed 18 Jul 2012 02:08:14 PM CST  -0.455603 seconds
root @bt :~# hwclock -w //将当前系统时间写入 BOIS
root @bt :~# hwclock -r
Wed 18 Jul 2012 06:08:46 AM CST  -0.459801 seconds
root@bt:~# md5sum /bin/ping
85ad4f1b4b19ce87fc45d56b50b00676  /bin/ping


Intel 64 is Intel's implementation of x86-64. It is used in newer versions of Pentium 4, Celeron D, Xeon and Pentium Dual-Core processors, the Atom D510, N450, N550, N2600 and N2800 and in all versions of the Pentium Extreme Edition, Core 2, Core i7, Core i5, and Core i3 processors.


dmesg查看系统的启动信息 就是启动的时候 屏幕上打印的消息,,,,


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