in sulley

import sys
import struct
import socket
import cPickle

class client:
    def __init__ (self, host, port):
        self.__host           = host
        self.__port           = port
        self.__dbg_flag       = False
        self.__server_sock    = None
        self.NOLINGER         = struct.pack('HH', 1, 0)

    def __getattr__ (self, method_name):
        This routine is called by default when a requested attribute (or method) is accessed that has no definition.
        Unfortunately __getattr__ only passes the requested method name and not the arguments. So we extend the
        functionality with a little lambda magic to the routine method_missing(). Which is actually how Ruby handles
        missing methods by default ... with arguments. Now we are just as cool as Ruby.

        @type  method_name: String
        @param method_name: The name of the requested and undefined attribute (or method in our case).

        @rtype:  Lambda
        @return: Lambda magic passing control (and in turn the arguments we want) to self.method_missing().

        return lambda *args, **kwargs: self.__method_missing(method_name, *args, **kwargs)

    def __connect (self):
        Connect to the PED-RPC server.

        # if we have a pre-existing server socket, ensure it's closed.

        # connect to the server, timeout on failure.
            self.__server_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            self.__server_sock.connect((self.__host, self.__port))
            sys.stderr.write("PED-RPC> unable to connect to server %s:%d\n" % (self.__host, self.__port))
            raise Exception

        # disable timeouts and lingering.
        self.__server_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_LINGER, self.NOLINGER)

    def __disconnect (self):
        Ensure the socket is torn down.

        if self.__server_sock != None:
            self.__debug("closing server socket")
            self.__server_sock = None

    def __debug (self, msg):
        if self.__dbg_flag:
            print "PED-RPC> %s" % msg

    def __method_missing (self, method_name, *args, **kwargs):
        See the notes for __getattr__ for related notes. This method is called, in the Ruby fashion, with the method
        name and arguments for any requested but undefined class method.

        @type  method_name: String
        @param method_name: The name of the requested and undefined attribute (or method in our case).
        @type  *args:       Tuple
        @param *args:       Tuple of arguments.
        @type  **kwargs     Dictionary
        @param **kwargs:    Dictioanry of arguments.

        @rtype:  Mixed
        @return: Return value of the mirrored method.

        # return a value so lines of code like the following work:
        #     x = pedrpc.client(host, port)
        #     if x:
        #         x.do_something()
        if method_name == "__nonzero__":  #????????????
            return 1

        # ignore all other attempts to access a private member.
        if method_name.startswith("__"):       #忽略对私有成员的访问

        # connect to the PED-RPC server.

        # transmit the method name and arguments.
        while 1:			#循环直至发送成功
                self.__pickle_send((method_name, (args, kwargs)))  #发送函数名及参数到PyDbg服务器
                # re-connect to the PED-RPC server if the sock died.

        # snag the return value.
        ret = self.__pickle_recv()		#接受服务器返回的结果

        # close the sock and return.
        self.__disconnect()				#断开连接__server_sock的连接
        return ret

    def __pickle_recv (self):
        This routine is used for marshaling arbitrary data from the PyDbg server. We can send pretty much anything here.
        For example a tuple containing integers, strings, arbitrary objects and structures. Our "protocol" is a simple
        length-value protocol where each datagram is prefixed by a 4-byte length of the data to be received.

        @raise pdx: An exception is raised if the connection was severed.
        @rtype:     Mixed
        @return:    Whatever is received over the socket.

            # XXX - this should NEVER fail, but alas, it does and for the time being i can't figure out why.
            #       it gets worse. you would think that simply returning here would break things, but it doesn't.
            #       gotta track this down at some point.
            length = struct.unpack("<L", self.__server_sock.recv(4))[0]   

            received = ""

            while length:
                chunk     = self.__server_sock.recv(length)
                received += chunk
                length   -= len(chunk)
            sys.stderr.write("PED-RPC> connection to server severed during recv()\n")
            raise Exception

        return cPickle.loads(received)		#读取序列化的object

    def __pickle_send (self, data):
        This routine is used for marshaling arbitrary data to the PyDbg server. We can send pretty much anything here.
        For example a tuple containing integers, strings, arbitrary objects and structures. Our "protocol" is a simple
        length-value protocol where each datagram is prefixed by a 4-byte length of the data to be received.

        @type  data: Mixed
        @param data: Data to marshal and transmit. Data can *pretty much* contain anything you throw at it.

        @raise pdx: An exception is raised if the connection was severed.

        data = cPickle.dumps(data, protocol=2)					   #序列化,本程序中data为元组(method,argvs)
        self.__debug("sending %d bytes" % len(data))

            self.__server_sock.send(struct.pack("<L", len(data)))  #发送长度,为什么转换为小端发送??
            self.__server_sock.send(data)						   #发送数据
            sys.stderr.write("PED-RPC> connection to server severed during send()\n")
            raise Exception

class server:
    def __init__ (self, host, port):
        self.__host           = host
        self.__port           = port
        self.__dbg_flag       = False
        self.__client_sock    = None
        self.__client_address = None

            # create a socket and bind to the specified port.
            self.__server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            self.__server.bind((host, port))
            self.__server.listen(1)				#监听一个
            sys.stderr.write("unable to bind to %s:%d\n" % (host, port))

    def __disconnect (self):
        Ensure the socket is torn down.

        if self.__client_sock != None:
            self.__debug("closing client socket")
            self.__client_sock = None

    def __debug (self, msg):
        if self.__dbg_flag:
            print "PED-RPC> %s" % msg

    def __pickle_recv (self):
        This routine is used for marshaling arbitrary data from the PyDbg server. We can send pretty much anything here.
        For example a tuple containing integers, strings, arbitrary objects and structures. Our "protocol" is a simple
        length-value protocol where each datagram is prefixed by a 4-byte length of the data to be received.

        @raise pdx: An exception is raised if the connection was severed.
        @rtype:     Mixed
        @return:    Whatever is received over the socket.

            length   = struct.unpack("<L", self.__client_sock.recv(4))[0]
            received = ""

            while length:
                chunk     = self.__client_sock.recv(length)
                received += chunk
                length   -= len(chunk)
            sys.stderr.write("PED-RPC> connection client severed during recv()\n")
            raise Exception

        return cPickle.loads(received)

    def __pickle_send (self, data):
        This routine is used for marshaling arbitrary data to the PyDbg server. We can send pretty much anything here.
        For example a tuple containing integers, strings, arbitrary objects and structures. Our "protocol" is a simple
        length-value protocol where each datagram is prefixed by a 4-byte length of the data to be received.

        @type  data: Mixed
        @param data: Data to marshal and transmit. Data can *pretty much* contain anything you throw at it.

        @raise pdx: An exception is raised if the connection was severed.

        data = cPickle.dumps(data, protocol=2)
        self.__debug("sending %d bytes" % len(data))

            self.__client_sock.send(struct.pack("<L", len(data)))
            sys.stderr.write("PED-RPC> connection to client severed during send()\n")
            raise Exception

    def serve_forever (self):
        self.__debug("serving up a storm")

        while 1:
            # close any pre-existing socket.

            # accept a client connection.
            (self.__client_sock, self.__client_address) = self.__server.accept()

            self.__debug("accepted connection from %s:%d" % (self.__client_address[0], self.__client_address[1]))

            # recieve the method name and arguments, continue on socket disconnect.
                (method_name, (args, kwargs)) = self.__pickle_recv()
                self.__debug("%s(args=%s, kwargs=%s)" % (method_name, args, kwargs))

                # resolve a pointer to the requested method and call it.
                exec("method_pointer = self.%s" % method_name)
                ret = method_pointer(*args, **kwargs)
            except AttributeError:
                # if the method can't be found notify the user and raise an error
                sys.stderr.write("PED-RPC> remote method %s cannot be found\n" % method_name)

            # transmit the return value to the client, continue on socket disconnect.
