Node 下 Http Streaming 的跨浏览器实现 - CNode
Node 下 Http Streaming 的跨浏览器实现
最近考虑把整个前端架构使用http streaming方式实现
楼下pengchun同学所提到的node chat使用的是longpoll的模型
和httpstreaming同属与http comet的解决方案.
long poll在数据通道每次接收到一个数据包后即关闭连接,并立即重新打开数据通道
http streaming的数据通道始终处于打开状态.
由于ie下在xhr readystate=3时无法取得responseText,
pipe.js: 主服务程序
var http = require('http'), fs = require('fs'), url = require('url'), page = null; // static files read & watch var readFile = function(files) { var buffers = {}; // sync read var fread = function(file, cb){ fs.readFile(file, 'binary', function(err, data){ if (err) { throw err; } buffers[file] = new Buffer(data, 'binary'); console.log('load', file) }); } // watch changes var watch = function watch(file) { fs.watchFile(file, {persistent: true, interval: 100}, function (curr, prev) { if (curr.mtime.getTime() != prev.mtime.getTime()) { fread(file); } }); } // run all files for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { watch(files[i]); fread(files[i]); } return buffers; } // http query var httpQuery = function(u, cb){ console.log('http begin'); // parse url var uinfo = url.parse(u); // create client var client = http.createClient(uinfo.port ? uinfo.port : 80, uinfo.hostname, false); var uri = uinfo.pathname + ( ? : ''); var req = client.request('GET', uri, {'host': uinfo.hostname}); // send request req.end(); console.log('http request sent'); var len = 4096; var pointer = 0; var extendFactor = 2; // response start req.on('response', function (res) { if (res.headers['content-length']) { len = parseInt(res.headers['content-length']); } // body init var body = new Buffer(len); // chunk recived res.on('data', function(chunk){ // extends if (pointer + chunk.length > len) { len *= extendFactor; body = body.copy(new Buffer(len), 0, 0); console.log('proxy extend to', len); } // copy chunk to buf chunk.copy(body, pointer, 0); // move pointer pointer += chunk.length; }) // response end res.on('end', function() { cb(body.length > pointer ? body.slice(0, pointer) : body); console.log('proxy end', pointer); }); }) } // main server var server = http.createServer(function (req, res){ // main page if (req.url == '/') { res.writeHeader(200); res.end(page["pipe.html"]); // time serve } else if (req.url == '/time') { res.writeHeader(200); res.end(new Date().toString()); // iframe recv } else if (req.url.match(/^\/iframe\//)) { var clientid = parseInt(req.url.substr(8)); pipeClient.add(clientid, res, pipeClient.iframe); console.log('iframe connect', clientid); // ajax recv } else if (req.url.match(/^\/ajax\//)) { var clientid = parseInt(req.url.substr(6)); pipeClient.add(clientid, res, pipeClient.ajax); console.log('ajax connect', clientid); // request listen } else if (req.url.match(/^\/req\//)) { res.writeHeader(200,{ 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, must-revalidate' }); res.end(); // url parse var clientid = parseInt(req.url.substr(5, 13)); // get page httpQuery("http://localhost:8000/time", function (data){ console.log(data.toString()); pipeClient.write(clientid, data); console.log("write", clientid, data.length); }); // error pages } else { res.writeHeader(404, {"Content-Type" : "text/html"}); res.end(); } }); var pipeClient = { timeout : 30000, client : {}, prefix : "", iframe : 'iframe', ajax : 'ajax', noise : null, noiseSize : 1024, page : null, init : function(){ this.noise = new Buffer(1024); for (var i = 0; i < this.noiseSize; i++) { this.noise[i] = 32; } = readFile(['iframe.html']); }, add : function(id, res, type) { if (type == this.ajax) { res.writeHeader(200, { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, must-revalidate' }); res.write(this.noise); } else { res.writeHeader(200, { "Content-Type" : "multipart/x-mixed-replace", 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, must-revalidate' }); res.write(['iframe.html']); res.write(this.noise); } this.client[id] = { res : res, type : type, tm : setTimeout(function(){ pipeClient.close(id); }, this.timeout) }; }, close : function (id) { console.log("client close", id) this.client[id].res.end(); this.client[id].res = null; delete this.client[id]; }, write : function (id, data) { clearTimeout(this.client[id].tm); this.client[id].tm = setTimeout(function(){ pipeClient.close(id); }, this.timeout); this.client[id].res.write(this.format(data, this.client[id].type)); }, format : function(data, type) { // with iframe if (type == this.iframe) { var buf = new Buffer(this.prefix.length + data.length + this.suffix.length); buf.write(this.prefix, 0, 'binary'); data.copy(buf, this.prefix.length, 0); buf.write(this.suffix, this.prefix.length + data.length); // with ajax } else { var buf = new Buffer(data.length + 8); // set length buf.write(data.length.toString(16), 0, 'binary'); // space padding for (var i = data.length.toString(16).length; i < 8; i++) { buf[i] = 32; } // set data data.copy(buf, 8, 0); } console.log(buf.toString()); return buf; } } pipeClient.init(); page = readFile(['pipe.html']); setTimeout(function(){ server.listen(8000); }, 500);
pipe.html: 客户端程序
Comet Pipe Demo
iframe.html: ie下iframe模式运行的输出头
qingdu 在 2011-1-21 15:28发布
qingdu 在 2012-1-19 12:10重新编辑
4 回复#1
30秒后由服务器端向客户端传输 数据的通道就关闭了?#4
suqian 在 2011-2-18 17:48回复