Specular light 计算

Specular lighting is most commonly used to give light reflection off of metallic surfaces such as mirrors and highly polished/reflective metal surfaces. It is also used on other materials such as reflecting sunlight off of water. Used well it can add a degree of photo realism to most 3D scenes.

The equation for specular lighting is the following:

	SpecularLighting = SpecularColor * (SpecularColorOfLight * ((NormalVector dot HalfWayVector) power SpecularReflectionPower) * Attentuation * Spotlight)

We will modify the equation to produce just the basic specular lighting effect as follows:

	SpecularLighting = SpecularLightColor * (ViewingDirection dot ReflectionVector) power SpecularReflectionPower

The reflection vector in this equation has to be produced by multiplying double the light intensity by the vertex normal. The direction of the light is subtracted which then gives the reflection vector between the light source and the viewing angle:

	ReflectionVector = 2 * LightIntensity * VertexNormal - LightDirection

The viewing direction in the equation is produced by subtracting the location of the camera by the position of the vertex:

	ViewingDirection = CameraPosition - VertexPosition
