同事写了个SQL,发现group by之后总数不对,不用group by查询有26条数据,使用group by查询总数只有16条数据,同事写的sql类似如下:
select t.sec_id,t.type_t,t.prod_id,t.amt_num from tmp_t t group by t.sec_id,t.type_t,t.prod_id,t.amt_num order by t.sec_id,t.type_t,t.prod_id,t.amt_num
看了之后跟同事说group by 之后,amt_num要使用sum,同事一直不相信,只好写个简单的例子,上例子:
with tmp_t as( select '0' as sec_id,'10000001' as type_t,'80008510' as prod_id,1 as amt_num from dual union all select '0','10000001','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000001','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000001','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000002','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000002','80008510',1 from dual)
with tmp_t as( select '0' as sec_id,'10000001' as type_t,'80008510' as prod_id,1 as amt_num from dual union all select '0','10000001','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000001','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000001','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000002','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000002','80008510',1 from dual) select * from tmp_t t order by t.sec_id, t.type_t, t.prod_id, t.amt_num
with tmp_t as( select '0' as sec_id,'10000001' as type_t,'80008510' as prod_id,1 as amt_num from dual union all select '0','10000001','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000001','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000001','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000002','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000002','80008510',1 from dual) select t.sec_id,t.type_t,t.prod_id,sum(t.amt_num) from tmp_t t group by t.sec_id,t.type_t,t.prod_id,t.amt_num order by t.sec_id,t.type_t,t.prod_id,t.amt_num
group by 不使用sum:
with tmp_t as( select '0' as sec_id,'10000001' as type_t,'80008510' as prod_id,1 as amt_num from dual union all select '0','10000001','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000001','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000001','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000002','80008510',1 from dual union all select '0','10000002','80008510',1 from dual) select t.sec_id,t.type_t,t.prod_id,t.amt_num from tmp_t t group by t.sec_id,t.type_t,t.prod_id,t.amt_num order by t.sec_id,t.type_t,t.prod_id,t.amt_num