说到NumericRangeQuery查询,你们肯定觉得很简单,不就是数字范围查询吗?用户提供一个上限值和一个下限值,底层API里直接>min,<max,真的是这样吗?其实在Lucene里只能对字符串String建立索引,那么数字怎么转成String,你肯定又会想当然的认为toString()一下就OK啦?OK,假如真的是这样的,那字符串"3" > "26"问题怎么解决?OK,可以通过在数字前面加前导零解决,“03”<"26"是没错,可是前导零加几位没法确定,加多了浪费硬盘空间,加少了支持索引的数字位数受限。即使你解决了位数受限问题,但Lucene里的范围查询本质还是通过BooleanQuery进行条件连接起来的,term条件太多还是会出现too many boolean Clause异常的。其实Lucene内部是把数字(int,long,float,double)转成十六进制的数字来处理的。具体怎么转成的请参看NumericUtils这个工具类的源码,
/** * Converts a <code>float</code> value to a sortable signed <code>int</code>. * The value is converted by getting their IEEE 754 floating-point "float format" * bit layout and then some bits are swapped, to be able to compare the result as int. * By this the precision is not reduced, but the value can easily used as an int. * @see #sortableIntToFloat */ public static int floatToSortableInt(float val) { int f = Float.floatToRawIntBits(val); if (f<0) f ^= 0x7fffffff; return f; }
/** This helper does the splitting for both 32 and 64 bit. */ private static void splitRange( final Object builder, final int valSize, final int precisionStep, long minBound, long maxBound ) { if (precisionStep < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("precisionStep must be >=1"); if (minBound > maxBound) return; for (int shift=0; ; shift += precisionStep) { // calculate new bounds for inner precision final long diff = 1L << (shift+precisionStep), mask = ((1L<<precisionStep) - 1L) << shift; final boolean hasLower = (minBound & mask) != 0L, hasUpper = (maxBound & mask) != mask; final long nextMinBound = (hasLower ? (minBound + diff) : minBound) & ~mask, nextMaxBound = (hasUpper ? (maxBound - diff) : maxBound) & ~mask; final boolean lowerWrapped = nextMinBound < minBound, upperWrapped = nextMaxBound > maxBound; if (shift+precisionStep>=valSize || nextMinBound>nextMaxBound || lowerWrapped || upperWrapped) { // We are in the lowest precision or the next precision is not available. addRange(builder, valSize, minBound, maxBound, shift); // exit the split recursion loop break; } if (hasLower) addRange(builder, valSize, minBound, minBound | mask, shift); if (hasUpper) addRange(builder, valSize, maxBound & ~mask, maxBound, shift); // recurse to next precision minBound = nextMinBound; maxBound = nextMaxBound; } }
Query q = NumericRangeQuery.newFloatRange("weight", 0.03f, 0.10f, true, true);
不过要注意的是NumericRangeQuery只对IntField,LongField,FloatField,DoubleField等这些表示数字的Field域有效,NumericRangeQuery还有一个比较重要的设置就是Precision Step,何为Precision Step呢?翻译过来就是精度步长,还是不够直观无法理解,对不对?说通俗一点就是拿多大一个长度来截取Term,因为你的数字转成十六进制的字符串后,可能很长,需要按照一定的步长截取成多个Term进行索引的,比如“1111101111111011”,如果你的Precision Step值为16的话(不同数据类型的步长默认值不同,都定义在NumericUtils工具类里),那最终只有1个term,如果Precision Step值为8,那最终索引中就会有2个Term,这就是为什么官方API里说percisionStep值越小会越占硬盘空间但搜索速度越快了。Term多了肯定越占硬盘空间了。 NumericRangeQuery就说到这儿了,Thanks all.