select a.* ,b.week_total_Fee ,concat(a.total_Fee/b.week_total_Fee*100,'%')'每周各类目所占百分比' from (select sum((oot.current_Total_Fee)) total_Fee,opc.category_Id,opc.Category_Name,DATE_FORMAT(end_date,'%x-%v') endDate from OPEN_ORDER oo,OPEN_ORDER_ITEM oot,OPEN_PRODUCT op,OPEN_PRODUCT_CATEGORY opc where oo.order_id =oot.order_id and oot.product_Id=op.product_Id and op.category_Id=opc.category_Id and op.is_Gift!=1 and end_date is not null and end_date between '2010-08-01 00:00:00%' and '2010-09-30 23:59:59%' and oot.status='completed' group by endDate,opc.category_Id order by endDate)a, ( select sum((oot.current_Total_Fee)) week_total_Fee,DATE_FORMAT(end_date,'%x-%v') endDate from OPEN_ORDER oo,OPEN_ORDER_ITEM oot,OPEN_PRODUCT op,OPEN_PRODUCT_CATEGORY opc where oo.order_id =oot.order_id and oot.product_Id=op.product_Id and op.category_Id=opc.category_Id and op.is_Gift!=1 and end_date is not null and end_date between '2010-08-01 00:00:00%' and '2010-09-30 23:59:59%' and oot.status='completed' group by endDate )b where a.endDate = b.endDate
select LEFT(ooi.product_id,INSTR(ooi.product_id,'-')-1) '产品货号',RIGHT(ooi.product_id,LENGTH(ooi.product_id)-INSTR(ooi.product_id,'-')) '尺码',count('尺码') '数量' from open_order oo,open_order_item ooi,open_product op where oo.order_id = ooi.order_id and (oo.status != 'closed' and oo.status != 'replaced') and oo.end_date is not null and ooi.product_id = op.product_id and op.category_id = 'SHOE' group by '产品货号','尺码'
select concat(concat(ceil(total_fee/50)*50-50,'-'),ceil(total_fee/50)*50) '价格区间' , count(ceil(total_fee/50)*50) count from open_order where total_fee != 0 group by '价格区间' order by total_fee
select avg(n) '平均每日发货数' from( select count(order_id) n,DATE_FORMAT(end_date,'%y-%m-%d') from open_order where end_date is not null and status <> 'closed' and status <> 'canceled' and status <> 'replaced' group by DATE_FORMAT(end_date,'%y-%m-%d') )m