打算使用jquery和jquery UI库开发,一步步开始做弹窗,1)确认取消弹窗,2)输入信息弹窗prompt,3) 弹出窗口可嵌入任何内容。这次先把简单的弹窗做出来,然后再一步步完善。so,开始吧。
一个窗口主要分2个部分:标题header和内容,先整个layout html
<div class="dialog"> <div class="header"> <!-- header --> <span class="caption">Caption</span> <!-- close button --> <div class="button close"> <img src="images/close.gif"> </div> </div> <div class="content"> </div> </div>
其中,一般字体大小使用em即相对单位,这样做的好处是用户可能会放大或者缩小页面以方便使用。使用px即像素单位,这种缺点是在ie浏览器上像素单位的字体是不会相对放大或者缩小的,而使用em就不会,放大页面字体也会相对放大。浏览器默认1em的大小为16px,为了方便计算一般都设置font-size: 62.5%;表示默认的字体em相对大小为16*62.5%=10px。
body, div, span{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } body{ font-family: Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 62.5%; } .dialog{ border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #c6c6c6 #a6a6a6 #a6a6a6 #c6c6c6; position: absolute; padding: 2px; /*z-index make sure the dialog is on the top*/ z-index: 2000; background-color: rgb(232, 232, 245); } .dialog .header{ background: url("../images/v.png") rgb(170, 170, 203) top left; border: 1px solid rgb(152, 152, 165); overflow: hidden; height: 20px; /*close button is absolute so set the position of header relative*/ position: relative; } .dialog .header .caption{ font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 4px; margin-top: 4px; display: inline-block; } .dialog .header .button{ position: absolute; height: 16px; width: 16px; cursor: pointer; padding: 3px 4px 3px 3px; } .close{ right: 0; top: 0; } /*maybe uncompatible hover*/ .dialog .header .button:hover{ background: url("../images/over.gif"); border-right: 1px solid rgb(128, 128, 128); } .dialog .content{ overflow: auto; }
/** * Dialog class */ var Dialog = function(){ //default options this.defaults = { //set default size height: "auto", width: "auto", //set min size and max size when dialog is resizable minWidth: 100, minHeight: 30, maxWidth: null, maxHeight: null, //whether show the close button closable: true, resizable: true, draggable: true, //whether is modal or not modal: false, //dialog content content: "", //dialog caption caption: "", id: null, //the context of dialog context: "body", //location info, refer to jquery ui position x: "center", y: "center" }; //the hmtl template this._tml = "<div class=\"dialog\" role=\"dialog\" {if(id){} id=\"{-id}\"{}}>" + "<div class=\"header\">" + "<span class=\"caption\">{-caption}</span>" + "{if(closable){}" + "<div class=\"button close\"><img src=\"images/close.gif\"/></div>" + "{}}</div>" + "<div class=\"content\"></div>" + "</div>"; }这里用到了一个模版工具,之前有用到backbone做相关的东西,暂时用underscore.js解析字符串模版,介绍链接,如下:
/** * underscore template settings */ _.templateSettings = { evaluate : /{([\s\S]+?)}/g, interpolate : /{=([\s\S]+?)}/g, escape : /{-([\s\S]+?)}/g };接下来,为Dialog类增加相应的方法,其中drag,resize,position都用到了jquery ui的方法,具体细节可参考jquery ui。要注意的是resize,position还有drag都需要设置正确的父容器 containment。
//define methods of dialog Dialog.prototype = { init: function(setting){ this.options = $.extend(this.defaults, setting); this.context = $(this.options.context); //underscore template var tml = _.template(this._tml, this.options); //set the jquery dom object as a property of dialog object this.target = $(tml).appendTo(this.context); //set the content and the header div as properties of dialog object this.content = this.target.find(".content"); this.header = this.target.find(".header"); //init dialog id. uniqueId refers to jquery ui this.target.uniqueId(); this.id = this.target.attr("id"); //set dialog size this.target.width(this.options.width); this.target.height(this.options.height); //caculate and set the content height this.content.height(this.target.height() - this.header.outerHeight(true)); this._initDraggable(); this._initResizable(); this._initPosition(); }, _initDraggable: function(){ //draggable refers to jquery ui draggable //only when mouse is over the header, the dialog is draggable. if(this.options.draggable){ var dragging = false; this.header.css({cursor: "move"}); this.header.bind("mouseover", {object: this}, function(e){ if(e.data.object){ e.data.object.target.draggable({ start: function(e){ dragging = true; }, stop: function(e){ dragging = false; }, containment: e.data.object.context }); } } ); this.header.bind("mouseout", {object: this}, function(e){ if(!dragging) e.data.object.target.draggable("destroy"); }); } }, _initResizable: function(){ //resizable refers to jquery ui resizable if(this.options.resizable){ this.target.resizable({maxHeight: this.options.maxHeight, maxWidth: this.options.maxWidth, minHeight: this.options.minHeight, minWidth: this.options.minWidth, containment: this.context}); } }, _initPosition: function(){ //init position refers to jquery ui position this.target.position({ at: this.options.x+ " " + this.options.y, my: "center center", of: this.context, within: this.context, collision: "fit" }); } }
<body> <div id="container" style="position:relative;height:500px;width:800px;border:1px solid red; margin: 0 auto"> </div> <script> var dialog = new Dialog(); dialog.init({"context": "#container"}); </script> </body>
_initClose: function(){ this.target.find(".close").bind("click", {object:this}, function(e){ if(e.data.object){ //TODO trigger the close event e.data.object.target.remove(); } }); }
(function($){ //dialog class code ... //regist window entry window.ui = {dialog:{}}; ui.dialog.create = function(context, options){ options = options ? options : {}; if(options){ options.context = context; } return new Dialog(options); } })(jQuery)