Linux 配置 unixODBC 访问 Oracle 说明

Linux 配置 unixODBC 访问 Oracle 说明
一.安装 unixODBC

[root@rac1 mnt]# yum installunixODBC    

[root@rac1 mnt]# yum installunixODBC-devel

确认unixODBC的安装,使用 isql命令,其是unixODBC自带的命令。可以使用这个命令验证unixODBC的配置。

[root@rac1 /]# isql --version

unixODBC 2.2.14

[root@rac1 /]# which isql


[root@rac1 /]# isql


* unixODBC - isql                            *


* Syntax                                     *

*                                            *

*     isql DSN [UID [PWD]] [options]       *

*                                            *

* Options                                    *

*                                            *

* -b        batch.(no prompting etc)        *

* -dx       delimit columns with x          *

* -x0xXX    delimit columns with XX, where  *

*           x is in hex, ie 0x09 is tab     *

* -w        wrap results in an HTML table   *

* -c        column names on first row.      *

*           (only used when -d)             *

* -mn       limit column display width to n *

* -v        verbose.                        *

* -lx       set locale to x                 *

* -q        wrap char fields in dquotes     *

* -3        Use ODBC 3 calls                *

* -n        Use new line processing         *

* --version version                         *

*                                            *

* Commands                                   *

*                                            *

* help - list tables                         *

* help table - list columns in table         *

* help help - list all help options          *

*                                            *

* Examples                                   *

*                                            *

*     isql WebDB MyID MyPWD -w < My.sql    *

*                                            *

*     Each line in My.sql must contain     *

*     exactly 1 SQL command except for the *

*     last line which must be blank (unless *

*     -n option specified).                *

*                                            *

* Please visit;                              *

*                                            *

*              *

*             *

*                    *


[root@rac1 /]#
