在eclipse激活maven profile配置

How to activate maven profile inside eclipse

Normally maven is use for project dependency management and lifecycle, so there are several developers working on it. Each has its own development environment either in windows, linux or mac. To do this we create several profiles for each developer in pom.xml. 


And then invoke mvn with the -P argument. Example: 

mvn install -Pwindows
mvn install -Plinux

How could we do the same inside eclipse. There are 2 ways: 1.) Right click on the project->click properties->select maven menu

在eclipse激活maven profile配置

If in case maven is not present, right click on project->Maven->Enable Maven Dependency 2.) Right click on project->Run As->Run Configurations->Maven Build->Add a new build (set profile and goal) 

在eclipse激活maven profile配置
