[+原创]opensuse 11.4 networkmanager网络管理前端


在opensuse11.3中, 如果选择了使用networkmanager进行网络管理的话, 默认的前端是plasmoid-networkmanagement 这个包提供的管理工具, 会在托盘里显示一个图标进行网络的管理, 但是到了11.4, 默认的前端换成了networkmanager-kde4, 这个管理器功能很有限, 只能进行简单的连接和状态的查看, 这就需要我们更换前端。

11.4里的plasmoid-networkmanagement有时候会不能启动, 这可能也是opensuse放弃这个前端的原因, 推荐是换成gnome的前端, 方法如下:


转载自: http://mschlander.wordpress.com/2011/03/17/gnome-networkmanager-applet-in-kde-in-opensuse-11-4/



GNOME NetworkManager Applet in KDE in openSUSE 11.4


The KDE NetworkManager plasmoid used in openSUSE 11.4 has some issues and rough edges. Some of those will be fixed in an online update expected to be out soon. If you want to help make the NetworkManager plasmoid better you can read about filing good bug reports against it here.

If the plasmoid is not working for your needs you can easily and safely use the GNOME NetwokManager applet (nm-applet) in KDE instead. Just follow the steps below (# means run as root, $ means run as normal user):

1) Upgrade oxygen-gtk – otherwise nm-applet will fail to start:


# zypper addrepo -f http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/UpdatedApps/openSUSE_11.4 kua
# zypper install 'oxygen-gtk>=1.0.3'

2) Install nm-applet:

# zypper install NetworkManager-gnome

3) Remove the KDE applet:

# zypper remove NetworkManager-kde4-libs

4) Make nm-applet autostart on login:

$ ln -s /usr/bin/nm-applet ~/.kde4/Autostart/nm-applet-link

5) Reboot

Thanks to oxygen-gtk nm-applet will even integrate quite well in the look and feel of KDE.

[+原创]opensuse 11.4 networkmanager网络管理前端


EDIT: An updated version of the KDE NetworkManager plasmoid is now available in the KDE:UpdatedApps repository. You may want to try this before moving to the GNOME applet. Install it as follows:

Add the repository:

zypper addrepo -f http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/UpdatedApps/openSUSE_11.4/ kua

Upgrade the packages:

zypper in 'plasmoid-networkmanagement>=0.9.1git20110503' 'NetworkManager-kde4-libs>=0.9.1git20110503'

You will be asked to allow vendor change for some packages. And you might be asked to remove NetworkManager-kde4. Allow both.




