[email protected]> 同学在erlang-china上post了一个问题:
一个抛出 {error,{badmatch,5}}
另一个抛出** exception error: no match of right hand side value 4
view source
01 root@ubuntu:/usr/src/otp# erl
02 Erlang R13B04 (erts-5.7.5) [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false
03 88> X=1.
04 1
05 89> try (X=5) of Val ->{normal,Val} catch error:Error -> {error,Error} end.
06 {error,{badmatch,5}}
07 90> try (X=1) of Val ->{normal,Val} catch error:Error -> {error,Error} end.
08 {normal,1}
09 91> try (X=5) of Val ->{normal,Val} catch error:Error -> {error,Error} end.
10 {error,{badmatch,5}}
11 92> try (X=4) of Val ->{normal,Val} catch error:Error -> {error,Error} end.
12 ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 4
13 93> self().
14 <0.36.0>
15 94> catch try (X=4) of Val ->{normal,Val} catch error:Error -> {error,Error} end. %%这个异常是 shell捕获到了 进一步处理后的结果
16 {'EXIT',{{badmatch,4},[{erl_eval,expr,3}]}}
17 95> try (X=4) of Val ->{normal,Val} catch error:Error -> {error,Error} end.
18 ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 4
19 96> self().
20 <0.36.0>
竟然是EXIT, 这时候shell也换了pid了, 这是怎么回事呢?
由于在shell输入的程序是公司允许的, 我们也可以从出错的stack里面看到是 erl_eval:expr函数异常了.
view source
1 282expr({match,_,Lhs,Rhs0}, Bs0, Lf, Ef, RBs) ->
2 283 {value,Rhs,Bs1} = expr(Rhs0, Bs0, Lf, Ef, none),
3 284 case match(Lhs, Rhs, Bs1) of
4 285 {match,Bs} ->
5 286 ret_expr(Rhs, Bs, RBs);
6 287 nomatch ->
7 288 io:format("expr nomatch->pid:~p~n~p~n",[self(), Rhs]), %%添加诊断
8 289 erlang:raise(error, {badmatch,Rhs}, stacktrace())
9 290 end;
view source
01 1142/**********************************************************************/
02 1143/* raise an exception of given class, value and stacktrace.
03 1144 *
04 1145 * If there is an error in the argument format,
05 1146 * return the atom 'badarg' instead.
06 1147 */
07 1148Eterm
08 1149raise_3(Process *c_p, Eterm class, Eterm value, Eterm stacktrace) {
09 ...
10 1222 erts_print(ERTS_PRINT_STDOUT, NULL, "raise->proc:%T\nclass=%T\nvalue=%T\nstacktrace=%T\n", c_p->id, class, value, c_p->ftrace); /*添加诊断*/
11 1223 BIF_ERROR(c_p, reason);
12 ...
13 }
然 后我们在运行上面的语句:
view source
01 root@ubuntu:~/otp# bin/erl
02 Erlang R13B04 (erts-5.7.5) [source] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
04 Eshell V5.7.5 (abort with ^G)
05 1> X=1.
06 1
07 2> try (X=5) of Val ->{normal,Val} catch error:Error -> {error,Error} end.
08 expr nomatch->pid:<0.32.0>
09 5
10 raise->proc:<0.32.0>
11 class=error
12 value={badmatch,5}
13 stacktrace=[[{erl_eval,expr,3}
14 {error,{badmatch,5}}
15 3> try (X=4) of Val ->{normal,Val} catch error:Error -> {error,Error} end.
16 expr nomatch->pid:<0.32.0>
17 4
18 raise->proc:<0.32.0>
19 class=error
20 value={badmatch,4}
21 stacktrace=[[{erl_eval,expr,3}]|-000000000000000016]
22 raise->proc:<0.32.0>
23 class=error
24 value={badmatch,4}
25 stacktrace=[[{erl_eval,expr,3}]|-000000000000000016]
很奇怪的是第3句raise了2次. 让我们回到程序好好看下:
view source
1 X=1. %%这行绑定了一个变量X=1
2 try (X=5) of Val ->{normal,Val} catch error:Error -> {error,Error} end. %%这行由于异常会试图绑定变量Error={badmatch,5}, 由于之前Error不存在, 绑定成功.
3 try (X=4) of Val ->{normal,Val} catch error:Error -> {error,Error} end. %%这行由于异常会绑定了变量Error={badmatch,4}, 由于Error存在, 而且值是{badmatch,5},所以这时候catch就出
4 现异常了, 往外抛出{'EXIT',{{badmatch,4},[{erl_eval,expr,3}]}}.
这 下我们明白了, 是这个catch惹的祸了.
view source
01 root@ubuntu:~# erl
02 Erlang R13B04 (erts-5.7.5) [source] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
04 Eshell V5.7.5 (abort with ^G)
05 1> X=1.
06 1
07 2> b().
08 X = 1
09 ok
10 3> try (X=5) of Val ->{normal,Val} catch error:Error -> {error,Error} end.
11 {error,{badmatch,5}}
12 4> b().
13 Error = {badmatch,5}
14 X = 1
15 ok
16 5> try (X=4) of Val ->{normal,Val} catch error:Error -> {error,Error} end.
17 ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 4
18 6> f(Error).
19 ok
20 7> b().
21 X = 1
22 ok
23 8> try (X=4) of Val ->{normal,Val} catch error:Error -> {error,Error} end.
24 {error,{badmatch,4}}
25 9>
结论: 要非常小心Erlang语法的变量绑定,在不同的路线会有不同的绑定,容易出问题.