一开始我们用的是JMagick+ ImageMagick处理用户上传的图片,但是存在一个非常严重的问题,Tomcat在跑了大概10天左右后会crash掉,异常内容为:
magick.MagickException: Unable to retrieve handle
magick.MagickImage.destroyImages() Called by finalize to deallocate the image handle.
The "JNI hazard" here is that if something you use (f.ex libtiff for reading TIFF files) has a memory bug then it can make your whole JVM crash. Thats of course frustrating and therefore its great to have im4java around, which starts IM as an external process, so JVM crashes are avoided. * * Coolest thing would be if JMagick and im4java could have the same API so it was easy to switch depending on luckyness. Ive asked the author of im4java to attemt to be as compatible as possible, but as im4java is very much different internally its limited how much can be done in that direction. If you don't like the risk, stick to im4java. If your want optimal performance give JMagick a try. And, its not JMagick that is buggy, its what it depends on (hereunder IM) that is not always (memory) bug free on long running processes. I also have never seen a mismatch between JMagick binary and ImageMagick binaries leading to crashes.
IM4Java的官网 http://im4java.sourceforge.net/index.html 。
在 Developer's Guide 中提到im4java支持ImageMagick和GraphicsMagick。GraphicsMagick是ImageMagick的一个分支,相对于ImageMagick而言,TA处理速度更快,消耗资源更少,并且大的图片处理网站,如 Flickr and Etsy 已经在使用TA了。
> I've got question about IM Q16 & Q8. What's a difference between that two versions? I know, that Q16 version takes 2 times more memory than Q8. But is that so great precision in algorithm is needed in converting jpegs, gif or pngs (I need IM for converting that types of formats) & JPEG and GIF only have 8-bit versions, so there will almost certainly be no benefit to using Q16. It is possible to have 16-bit PNGs, but if you have to ask, you probably don't have to worry about it
/** * 先缩放,后居中切割图片 * @param srcPath 源图路径 * @param desPath 目标图保存路径 * @param rectw 待切割在宽度 * @param recth 待切割在高度 * @throws IM4JavaException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException */ public static void cropImageCenter(String srcPath, String desPath, int rectw, int recth) throws IOException, InterruptedException, IM4JavaException { IMOperation op = new IMOperation(); op.addImage(); op.resize(rectw, recth, '^').gravity("center").extent(rectw, recth); op.addImage(); ConvertCmd convert = new ConvertCmd(true); //convert.createScript("e:\\test\\myscript.sh",op); convert.run(op, srcPath, desPath); }
原始尺寸为578*800,大小为68.8KB,处理后为180*180,大小为 6.15KB
Inter(R) Pentium(R) D CPU2.80GHz, 2.00GB 内存,迈拓 6V160E0 7200rpm
操作系统为 Windows server2003 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 2